it's the app, not you
Loving the software: it may be my app of the year, except for one very glaring glitch (that hopefully I just haven't figured out).
When playing tracks from a playlist on my iphone, I can't play through the tracks continuously. It stops after each track, and I have to hit play again.
This is very annoying if I'm playing the playlist for others, as I have to keep going back to the phone to push it to the next song.
Please advise how to fix this!!!
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it's the app, not you
It cripples my workflow, which is to load my recently purchased tracks in a playlist. Then play through them all on my phone. Again it's very annoying to have to hit play each time (e.g. if I'm out for a jog or something and auditioning the tracks)
Is there a work-around?
no workaround, the app in general has a lot of annoying issues, it needs a good update, not just an update to fix 1 minor bug, it needs an overhaul
i feel embarrassed to ask this, but is continuous playback possible on rekordbox (on pc)? I thought it was but now the sound stops after one song and i don't know how to solve this problem...
I have the same problem as Decoster. I need tracks to auto repeat sometimes as they are only 30 seconds long. Can anyone help with this?
It seems continuous play was left out of 3.0. I'll ask about getting that added back.
As for looping / auto-repeat - you're honestly the first request I can recall, I don't believe that would end up being a feature. If you need it to repeat, simply loop the track.
Yea I tried looping the whole track but my XDJ-R1 freaks out if I try to loop any more than 32 beats. It's pretty annoying.
What do you mean "freaks out"? How are you trying to loop it?
Well if you put a 16 beat or 32 beat loop into your hot cues on rekordbox then the XDJ-R1 reads them and it works fine but if you make a loop over 32 beats and save it as a hot cue then the XDJ-R1 wont even read the song. I have checked with 2 other people who own the XDJ as well. This is the problem i'm having. I can't loop any more than 32 beats.
@Samaan > Good to know that it won't read stored loops over 32 beats, but if you create one manually it works fine, right?
And I was referring back to rekordbox, not playback on the R1 for looping an entire track. That works, doesn't it?
I'm not sure what you mean by create one manually? Can you create a loop longer than 32 beats in the R1 manually?
Yes, longer than 32 beat loops work fine in rekordbox. But if I try to play that long loop in the R1, then the R1 freaks out and doesn't read the song.
@Samaan > I'll ask the engineers about that, not sure why it wouldn't read longer loops.
I honestly had to just go and look at a photo of the R1 because I forgot it didn't have the manual in/out loops (it's just the one knob to create them), I haven't honestly had as much time with an R1 as I'd like. So no, there is no manual looping.
Thanks that would be very helpful if you could find out why it doesn't work.
Okay, so it DOES work, but it's not what you might expect...
The player layout has to be in SIMPLE PLAYER mode for continuous preview. If there are enough requests for having a continuous play mode, engineers will see about adding it.
Fingers faster than brain - on the iPhone, no, there is no way to auto-play. This is not the function of the rekordbox app.
@Samaan > To answer YOUR question, the track should still load those tracks (with loops longer than 32 beats stored in rekordbox). They would like to get a sample of a track as they believe the track is corrupted rather than simply not able to load because it has a loop longer than 32 beats.
Just to make this clear: I am not having any troubles with rekordbox or remotebox. when I make a longer than 32 beat loop in rekordbox it works fine but when save this as a hot cue point and load it into my XDJ R1 then the dj unit wont even recognize the song. I have done this with many songs and also these songs work fine with 32 beats or less. My 2 friends who own separate xdj r1's also have the same problem. It really is an issue.
@Samaan > The engineers say that it should load without issue and believe the problem to be the track itself. Can you post a link to one of the problematic tracks?
It's every single track known to man. Did they try to do this with some tracks?
I don't know, I'm not an engineer and don't have an R1 to test myself, I'm just passing along their info request.
Well maybe you could ask them to try loop a song for longer than 32 beats and see if the XDJ-R1 reads the loop? It really doesnt' matter what song it is as it doesn't work on any songs.
They did try -- they would like you to please write out the exact steps you take from start to error so they can try and reproduce it or figure out what might be going on.
OK that's a good idea.
So when I have a song in Rekorbox and I want to loop it for longer than 32 beats then I set an in point and then normally it's 64 beats later I set an out point. This song will then loop perfectly in rekordbox. I then save this 64 beat loop as a "hot cue" and then export this to my USB. I then plug the USB into my XDJ-R1 and connect it by wireless to remotebox on my Ipad. The song normally loads into my XDJ but it doesnt' always. Once the song is loaded into the XDJ then I push the 64 beat "hot cue" and it will play for a bit but it normally always stalls after it has looped once. It changes for different songs but it always does something weird.
It remotebox the 64 beat loop shows up as a 32 beat loop so maybe the problem is in remotebox and not the XDJ. I am not really sure.
Any advice would be much appreciated as I really need to play 64 beat loops on my XDJ.
Ahhh - you're saving it as a hot-loop, that explains it. I'll see what the engineers have to say.
@Samaan > The engineers have determined this bug occurs when the loop length is longer than 50s. They will be investigating this issue to determine if it's possible to resolve it however at this time they can not guarantee that it will be fixed, nor can they provide a timeline of a possible update. Their work-around for now is to recommend that you only use loops shorter than 50s in length.
Ok thanks a lot. Is there any other way you can suggest I do it differently in the XDJ? Hot cue is the only way to do this right?
Right now I'm just putting a cue point and pressing the cue point every 64 beats.
The limit of the auto-loop on the R1 is 32 beats, this limit can be bypassed by using a hot-loop through rekordbox, but as the engineers note, if that loop length is longer than 50s, an error may occur.
Your work-around of re-pressing the hot-cue to jump back is the best bet for now.