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how does the ddj-t1 actually FEEL to mix with?

love the look and features of the ddj t1.....going to buy it when im paid next week but the only thing that puts me off a bit is the smaller jogwheel (cdj 400 size is that right?)

the only ever cdjs ive used are 800s and 1000s which took some getting used to from vinyl but now i can use them better than i ever could vinyl.  however ive never used a cdj 400 and am abit worried i will not like the smaller jogwheels? ive used a cdj100 and hated it still cant use it properly to this day.  the music i play requires fast pitching and bringing tunes straight in this is no probs on cdj800 or 1210s but how good are the 400 size jogwheels for stuff like this?  i know the ddj has a sync button but that is of no interest of me i need to keep my skills sharp for when i play out on cdj/technics.

really i just want someone whos used the ddj (i cant get a demo anywhere) to tell me how they feel and if the size of the jogwheel is a hindrance at all?




Scott Davies

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From my point of view, if i had the Chance to Buy a Pair of CDJ1000 / 2000 i would defenetly switch to that.

The reason is not the sice, just mor the feel of the Jogs, of course u can play with that, you can mix, bend and a little bit of your scratching skills are negotiable but i guess if u ever work with CDJs 1000 ore 2000 you will feel negotiable on the DDJ, your hole setup will looks smaller and you will never be satisfied whit that.



roBRoy 0 votos
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Here in the Uk we have a couple of high profile (in their own scene) Dj's that have moved to these and i have not seen them leave home without them.

Slipmatt & Billy Bunter are converted vinyl purists.

These guys cant be wrong :)

i watched him and he was mint ...........  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0PXkRxddms

Nick Hilton 0 votos
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sure your right Pionix but i think at the point you are messin with a CDJ1000 ore 2000 you feel a little bit smaler at the DDJ.

I like my DDJ-T1 n i will never give up this small piece of the maried Traktor & pioneer hardware but if i got the chance, i will switch :)



roBRoy 0 votos
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thanks for the comments guys i think im gonna go ahead and get the ddjt1 and save the other 700-800 i save on speakers and a new midi keyboard :)

Scott Davies 0 votos
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