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E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (3611) - When will it be fixed?

I'd like to express my anger and frustration...I posted a lengthy explanation about the "E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (3611)



Musicstore Salesman

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@Musicstore Salesman > What did you type that might have caused it to cut off?

As for the errors, they're still being investigated.  The majority of the time, they are due to a user's device or files.  If you can provide more information we can try to assist you further.

What is the configuration of equipment you're using and how is it all connected?

What is the source media (drive) of the music and how was it formatted when you started?

What is the music filetypes and have you checked them for errors?

Etc... anything you can provide as details will help!

Pulse 0 votos
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Hello? Can you hear me? This forums-software is not working properly...I can not paste in my prepared text into this window

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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So...what do I do now? I do not like to write my sermon for the forth time...just to see it eaten up by this forum. Is there any email-adress that you can provide for support?

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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So....the forum does not like Opera 11.11 ...with Chrome it seems to work

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (3611)

Ok....now for the third time...(will make a private copy...just in case the forums get deleted again):

I have two CDJ-2000 linked together, both accessing a 320GB Freecom-Toughdrive with tracks brought from Beatport in 320bps mp3 format. All tracks still play flawless when played out of the folders, so I can rule out any damage of harddrive, filesystem or wrong coded mp3s. The problem came up at a gig some weeks ago (I suppose after a forced Recordbox-Software update) when I suddenly couldn'd play from my playlists...I couldn't access any cuepoints...couldn't browse for BPM...BIG DISAPOINTMENT! When I later at home checked with the Recordbox-Software, I found all tracks where marked with a yellow exclamation mark "media is missing". I manually relocated a good bunch of them (asking myself why the heck can't the software find the proper file-locations by itself), set new cuepoints...and those tracks now play well again from the software. But when I try to access this (manually fixed) playlisted files through the CDJ-000 I get this undocumented "E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (3611)". I talked to a german Pioneer-representative who gave me hope for the next firmware-update, but unfortunately the 4.04 didn't change anything in this regard. Somehow the Recordbox-Database seems to be corrupt and I would appreciate any tip or advice how to fix it. I put in a lot of time and effort into compiling my playlists and setting cuepoints for about 500 tracks and get kind of mad thinking I have lost all that work. Further I have to say, that Without playlists and cuepoint-storage the 3,6 k€ investment in this players is just not justified and I'd better working with software and a controller!

In my opinion RB is buggy (sometimes it shuts down right after starting), it's unable to memory the last folder you've been in, is unable to relocate files automatically, somehow it seems half baked. Is there anything Pioneer has to say about that?

PS: Just found out...imported the played tracks history from my last gig onto RB...there also all tracks have this "media is missing" mark...the tracks definitely where not moved since last weekend!

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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@Musicstore Salesman > Am I correct in saying you have the harddrive connected to one CDJ and then using LINK to access the media on the other CDJ?

Have you the system formatted to FAT (rather than NTFS)?

If the media was missing, did you relocate the data somewhere else (perhaps move it to another folder)? Are you sure you imported / exported the tracks correctly from Rekordbox?

Gavin 0 votos
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You are right...the two players are linked wit a CAT5 cable....both players show the same error message. The drive ist formated in FAT32 (anything else wouldn't work anyway...right?). I didn't move the data.

Please explain: What is the right way to import/export tracks in Recordbox...or other way around...what would be an in-correct way to do so? As i said...the relocated playlists/tracks work well in RB...but on the players I get the "E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (3611)".

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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Any news on this? Had the same error at 2 different gigs. When I fly back home i'll check with my own CDJ2000

What I did was make a playlist and save it onto a USB stick in RB (USB stick is fine, used it before on CDJ2000 without a problem).

When I plug it in the CDJ2000's and link the players I can see the titles, artists, ... but when I hit the button to load a track I get the error E-8302:Player Error (3611).

Sad to have a product that costs so much but can't rely on ...

Martín Corlazzoli 0 votos
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I've said it before and I'll say it again - the NUMBER ONE source of these issues is the drive you're using and the music on it.  I'm not making this up - you can tell me until you're blue in the face that it plays in other software or players or computers, but the bottom line is the CDJ is having a problem with that drive or song or connection to the drive.  Please check your source media and audio files first.

Pulse 0 votos
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I think Pulse its the other way around. Since we are paying to buy these decks, Pioneer should check why cdj is having a problem with that drive or song or connection to the drive. 

Dream Treez 0 votos
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Dear Pulse...I have used the same harddrive before and can access all data on it like before from my computer and from the recordbox-software...but not from the CDJ-2000. How do you think it's the medias fault...what has changed and how do I fix it? One thing came to my mind...when I connected the harddrive to my computer it might have had another alphabetic character assigned, but that should not corrupt the whole database...does it?

And one more thing I just found out...I imported the played tracks history from my last gig onto RB...there also all tracks have this "media is missing" mark...the tracks definitely where not moved since last weekend!! What's wrong here?

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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One more thing...it is as I my forums-account-name suggests...I work for one of Europe biggest musicshops...and sell Dj-Equipment for a living. I thing Pioneers response to my questions is unworthy for a "premium" brand and I will not recommend this equipment to my customers anymore, as soon as I get no help on this issue! I wait since one month for an answer now...thats ridicules! I have send another inquiry to UK Pioneer-representative  Nik  Parkinson...how he can help...

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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But if you are a salesguy from Germany, what's happened to your local Pioneer contact than ?

He should be your first level support and should help you in these cases... A dealer should have better connections to it's suppliers than a forum...

If you import tracks, where do you import  them from ? If it's a USB key then you might inserted it into another port. If those files are missing and you reloacte them using the functuion in Rekordbox, does RB then remembers these tracks or are they gone again next time you boot ?

Lead 0 votos
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As I wrote...I talked to two Pioneer-Guys from Germany who couldn't help and have (today) written to some guy in the UK who according to the German-Representatives is better informed about the technical partys. If I receive an answer or explanation I will post it here. 

Regarding your other question...I use a Freecom USB-Harddrive...when I relocate, everything in RB is normal...but on the decks I get the "E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (3611)" which meaning can't be explained by Pioneer so far.



Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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Could it be that some security software is still present on the USB device you've tried ? Some of those stuff can cause troubles.

Are you sure that there is only 1 partition on that device ?

Lead 0 votos
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No software one a single partition-harddrive. As i wrote...everything is unchanged since it was working before...only a recordbox and corresponding firmware update of the decks..and probably windows has changed the alphabetic character for the medium. But...what has influenced the played tracks history? Something is fishy here...

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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Maybe top name DJ's will choose not to play on pioneer products.....I don't think so

In this digital era how many times have we found some products or combinations of technology are simply not compatible or don't work as intended.  The thing is once you find a good working combination of products you normally stick to it.  Sounds like to me something in your setup needs changing until you find the right stability you are searching for.  I have been lucky enough to not have one single error since my purchase, in saying that when i have replaced usb drives or components i have always stuck to the same brand or model.  Having said that all my files are legally downloaded, run thru mp3val and drives checked for errors monthly.  Having worked in the DVD industry we have found that some players be it hardware or software do not like certain cd or DVD discs and have more issues than others in certain combinations.  Its not a perfect world its a digital world.

Thats my two cents worth

thedom 0 votos
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If the drive gets another letter for any piece of software the tracks have a different location, which means you need to reloate them. Alway store tracks on a fixed harddrive or map the drive letter so it doesn't change.

A playlist also keeps tracks of a sequence of tracks of which RB only knows the location that they have when imported. Its also for your playlists that the tracks need to be at the same place. And the same goes for the history listing. Bottom line: when the drive letter changes, it effectively changes the file location.

Best tip: put the tracks on a fixed drive, I've been doing that since the early days and don;t have any issues with history of playlists.

Lead 0 votos
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@ Lead - i think your spot on ! Im using a Mapped drive which doesnt change

thedom 0 votos
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You will get an error if you have a changed a file name, but not re-analyzed or relocated in RB.

If you stay on top of your files, RB with Link and your CDJ 2000s is awesome for performances.

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Do I explain myself so bad? The error is displayed AFTER I relocated the tracks!!!

Musicstore Salesman 0 votos
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I have the same problem, Player Error E-8302 - (C611) on the CDJ2000 with windows 7 and RB 1.5.0. It worked great with RB 1.4.1 and with a USB stick but not with the new RB update. It´s the same mp3´s I use . Where can I download RB 1.4.1 again??

DJ Sitar 0 votos
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Where do you get your MP3s from?

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@Lead How do you map a hard drive? Thanks in advance! ;)

Bricey 0 votos
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imo, it has something to do with RB software or libraries. I completely reanalyzed, relocated and analyzed my files - formated my USB drive, exported the playlists and get the same error again and again. especially after the last RB update. pioneer really needs to put more effort into improving RB ... it's realy frustrating at the moment. i dont like the handling and its far away from beeing user friendly (I would volunteer to give give my ideas to that...) - it's the software that crashes the most under Mac OS X :(

Rave Dave 0 votos
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Can someone tell me if its possible to copy playlists from one device to another? Ive tried the obvious highlight the tracks in the playlist i want to copy to another device and drop them into the playlist i desire but that does not seem to work? 

Any other way?

If its not possible it should be made possible in the next update. I guess i should consider myself lucky to even have rekordbox open as its been crashing on startup for the last 2 days.

Ideas for furture updates would be:

1.Program opens

  1. Can transfer songs/playlists between devices

  2. A message that say track all-ready exists - to avoid multiple duplications 

  3. Look at the display on the cdj2000 - big screen not being used to its full potential - change the layout get more info on there. We dont need to see half a cd - I want the full name of the track instantly rather than waiting for it to scroll 

@Pulse you defend pioneer very well and we appreciate  corrupt files will cause problem - is there no way the cdjs can spot a dodgy file before it plays it leading to a error  ? The points i have made for future updates would certainly keep me a happy customer. People are getting very frustrated with RB mainly due to the time issues its causing by not working as it should. We know its new software and will take some ironing out however i feel as if your updates are taking the product backwards rather than forwards.


Andy Moy 0 votos
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I am getting a similar error when trying to play song via the tracklisting.

I manually copied a folder of mp3s to a usb, plug usb in songs play fine exploring via the folder, but tracks none are playing.

DJ Crazy Legs 0 votos
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@Tony, you shouldn't just copy directly your music files to USB stick.

You should analyse first in RekordBox and after export them in USB stick. 

Dream Treez 0 votos
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How is one supposed to adhere to a folder hierarchy then? In RB its just a flat structure right? How do all DJs around the world who use DJ2000s manage then? If they do not have RB?

Seems very strange.

DJ Crazy Legs 0 votos
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