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8302 error with CD

so this is a first for me.

the music stopped dead in the middle of a song while playing an MP3 CD.


what causes this?

very disturbing !!!! party will be ruined by faulty players!


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oh, and this was a regular, unanalized MP3, not one that was tainted  up by RB software.

DubLN 0 votos
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Well RB has nothing to do with CDs. Has it ever happened with commercially pressed CDs or just ones you have bunt your self? It may be a bad cd or a bad mp3 file have you checked them for errors?

Morgo 0 votos
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ok, enough of the pioneer kool aid. - i'm not drinkin it

nothing wrong with mp3 file.

this BS never once happened in 10+ years with cdj1000 !!!!

i've played mp3 cds on the mk3 since it came out 5-6 yrs ago and never once ever ever

did this happen to me or anyone else. thousands and thousands of hours of use and

NEVER did a song stop midway in the middle of the night (or any other time for that matter!!!)

This total BS excuse that it is our fault for playing a "faulty" file is utter rubbish.

these players are a total mess.

DubLN 0 votos
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hmmm, that was written in 2008. not sure how relevant it is to cdj 2000.

if your point is that errors DID happen on the 1000's then I for one never saw anyone

have one (MANY hours spinning and watching/listening to others spin) bought the first

gen 1000's when they came out back in '01. and for 10+yrs played on them as well as MK2 and 3's

NEVER heard the music stop dead in the middle of a track. sure sometimes a disc wouldn't play

cause it was F'd up (scratched, dirty etc..) but that's fine and to be expected. but to have it stop in the

middle of a song is just UNACCEPTABLE.  If there IS something wrong with a file, wether on a disc or

on a drive, then the player NEEDS to be able to recognize the problem BEFORE it starts playing the song

not halfway through. Just common freakin sense pioneer!!!!!


DubLN 0 votos
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I see what your getting at, except for 2 things:

The MK1's were not capable of playing MP3 files.  So those don't count ;)

File checking on the player itself would require more horsepower than these things have.

If you're running windows, try scanning the file for errors.  I've had files that were fresh from Beatport that had repairable errors.


ThatGuyWill 0 votos
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i DO use mp3val on all my files already. every once in a while it will find and repair an error but

no correlation between these files and players stopping.

DubLN 0 votos
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i don't understand why file checking requires more horsepower than these players have?

obviously the players need more horsepower then...

1000s seemed to have enough horsepower to be able to tell if a disc is bad BEFORE it started to

play it.

not sure if it's a "horsepwer" issue as much as an overall build quality. pioneer is giving us a machine

that can pretty much do 10 times what the 1000's could do but is only a couple hundred $$ more.

musta skimped somewhere. right?

when the players are working flawlessly they're AMAZING but when they fail in the middle of a club night at 1AM they're

far from  it....doesn't matter how many bells, whistles, flashy screens and loop functions it has, when there is silence

in the club. next time I'll just hold up the cdj and scream to the crowd  "I know there is no more music But look they're SOOO pretty"...

DubLN 0 votos
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I found when i got my new players after my old mk3's that my really old cd's that that were a bit scratched and were burnt in windows media play at the highest speed and on crappy cheap cd's  would not play properly on the new ones. I don't know if its different hard ware of soft ware or why this is happening.

Off topic a bit I've found the same thing with Blue ray players the cheaper ones will play scratched disc and the expensive players are a bit finicky and the disc have to be really clean.    

But ever since I've been using nero and burnt on a slower speed I've never had any problems.

Morgo 0 votos
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I always burn with nero and lowest speed . I also never had any problems even on my cdj 2000 I played scratched CD's

Dide you tried to clean your CD ?

DJ Meks 0 votos
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i got 8302 is a file error i got this when i got song sent to me from friends, it seems that if you do illegal downloading the files are often such bad quality and bit rate the players give an error message, which i think is a good thing because i dont want to be playing a track at a club or party and it being crap quality, i download my music from itunes, which i have never had this problem apart from with tracks that have been sent to me

DJ-Ric 0 votos
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just to add to my comment because you cant edit now if you make an mp3 disc then the player is not reading the file ahead of being played so it will not pick up the fault til it kicks in, when i got the error on mine i have run through rekord box and the player did pick it up straight away and did not play at all, and before you come back with i am not drinking this pioneer kool aid, i dont work for pioneer, and i have recieved this error message and it is corrupt or low quality files

DJ-Ric 0 votos
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@DubLN > My guess is the quality of the burn or the quality of the blank.  Try a different burning app, a different blank, at a lower speed.

Pulse 0 votos
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