Yes but they will not admit it.
What is wrong with the cdj2000? I just bought them today and try to sell my 1000MK3 but I think I will sell the 2000. The pitch is going everywhere. Tracks are from beatport, analysed by rekordbox 1.4.1., firmware on the cdj's is latest. This is realy frustrating....... I was so happy this morning and I am not anymore. Is this a general problem?
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Yes but they will not admit it.
analysed in normal or dynamic?
MT on or off?
i dont have drifting problems personally...
I tried several options, normal, dynamic, MT on MT off.
What do you think is the best way? I mean the less worst way? I read different statements on normal and dynamic. Sometimes I think it drifts less with MT on and sometimes it is the opposite.
Analyze in normal mode and MT off
yeah I have just purchased some 2000's and updated to 4.04 and I get drifting on my tracks even though they are at the same tempo after around 30 sec or more. It happens on +6 & +10 pitch and I have it on master Tempo, its so frustrating and Pioneer need to address this issue
All quiet from Pioneer mods ?
I'm asking this honestly because I played for 10 hours on four CDJ-2000's using 4.04 this week and never had any issues, even with several decks in combination of MT on/off ...
How far from 0% are you guys playing?
Typically I'm under +/- 4% and I'm able to ride four minute mixes with zero effort or correction.
About the same mate, no more than +/-3% on 6/10% pitch. I have only just got these decks and it is already annoying more as this shouldn't be happening. I got them and update straight from 3.0 to 4.04 so I can't state what the older firmware before this new one was like.
@Pulse: I am even not that far as you describe. After 15 seconds I already need to make corrections. The BPM counter is also changing a lot.
This is so announing, I already connected my 1000MK3 again. I am really curious what Pioneer will go do about it.
Is it possible to install older firmware? I guess this problem didnot occur in older versions of the firmware. If it is possible it ill give an answer if it is about the firmware or something else in the player.
Already posted this comment at another post
"I totally agree with you guys! I also noticed some problems with MT. That should be a red flag priority to Pioneer now since the problem is not brand new. About the 4.04 problem... I really don't know if it gets worse. Im still using 4.01 and from what I've red here I'll keep it for now!
In my oppinion Pioneer engineers must have the tools to test all we are talking about... and everything said here should be seriously considered since its not a problem related by just one person. I never used mk3's before since I'm brand new in digital music world and till around one year ago a total vinyl freak. But its really sad to have such equipment now and see guys talking better stuff about mk3's... I thought I bought the top ones!
but now I'll say even more! In a short period of time people will be affraid to change firmwares. I had pitch problems before 4.01 and since it got a lot better I stick with it not wanting to upgrade before tests on newer ones. And no way Ill up to 4.04 and fix a mix 4 times each round! Doing downgrades should be possible due to this sort of things!!!!! Bought the top Pioneer CDJs and now I feel like a lab rat with all those messy firmware releases...
I thought I bought the top ones!
yeah I had the exact same feeling fella. The firmware 4.01 does it have the same issues with the master tempo ?
More of a response from pioneer would be good !
People are incorrectly associating the MT issues with 'drift'. If tracks drift then corrections to the platter will sort this out. Our ability as DJs allows us to do this without a problem.
Corrections to the platter do not help in the case of MT because the tracks are not drifting - they *sound* as if they are. So any 'corrections' actually make what sounds bad, even worse.
@Marc Balvers. Analyse in Normal mode and turn MT off.
I am just talking about the drift problems, ofcourse I can make corrections but this is too much and it is not what Pioneer promisses!!
I can do the mix with MT off and the tracks sit tight for the whole mix, I turn MT on and they go all over the place on exactly the same mix I did previously with it turned off. So I know its a problem with the MT and paying all this money the functions on the deck should work as they are stated, otherwise whats the point in them being there.
@ Mark90 - If drifting is normal to you, well for me its not. The time I spend correcting and being worried about the tracks being locked or not (and fixing that) I generally used to spend bringing out a great mix full of creativity. If you sync, lock tracks then shoot it on there should be at least a reasonable time for you to do so. Im not here talking about the tests ppl here in the forum did lasting 6 mins. There are lots of djs complaining about that and i sign under all of those complainings too! I know my pitch skills and never had such problems with tts so... something is wrong and its not fair ppl from Pioneer just ignore it!
Silence from pioneer......
Does anybody know if this pitch problem did not occur in previous firmware and if it is possible to upload older firmware again? Pioneer says on her offical site that it is not possible but I dont understand why.
by the way, living without mastertempo would be normal for me since i never had that before. But if it doesnt work they should just take the buttom off and release a new version of it!
@plasticman - yes bro same issue I guess. I dont know how deep it goes cause Im deffinitly not jumping to 4.04 and probably will wait for a newer one to make the jump.
@Pioneer Engineers - Having the option of changing firmware of your hardware (even if its a downgrade) should be a choice of the buyer!!! A lot of ppl here are professionals that earn their living from djing and sometimes with their own equipment! If something goes wrong with a new firmware release we get stuck with it till a new one comes out! I can't really understand why they lock the option of going back on firmware version!
In earlyer firmware versions I had problems with drifting while using the auto loop too (either 4 or 8 b). The feeling was like "hell did i accidentally hit the pitch or something?". That one seems to be gone so... just a lil bit of good will of Pioneer Engineers about getting on this and everything would be fixed (I hope)!!!!!!!!!!
While they do nothing about it and also dont do serius tests about the problem I keep hammering my mind with the following "should I just quit and go to timecoded?" That would be a hit on my pocket two times: one for selling new but used cdjs and another one to buy tts again... So all I need to know now is: """ is Pioneer going to seriously investigate the issue or are we going to bla bla bla here forever...?????"
I have only just got the decks so I don't know what previous versions where like. I have called Pioneer about this and they say its new to them and they will investigate it as they have had no other complants about this issue from anyone else (I am in the UK). As stated above a response from Pioneer would be good !
Plasticman: "I have called Pioneer about this and they say its new to them and they will investigate it as they have had no other complants about this issue from anyone else
Utterly speechless. I'd say there are some severe communication issues within Pioneer. That or we really are totally out of luck. I have too much to say on this issue, I'm just going to keep quiet. As you were.
Well I don't know what else to say or do either fella, pioneer over the phone are new to this and on this forum we get no real response, so I guess we are out of luck on this one. Really dissapointed about this pioneer, you need to sort this problem out as you are quick enough to take our money so we are entitled to some help with this matter.
Mark, I really think we should try making some noise at Pioneer support about the issue. After reading Plasticman's post I also opened a support request over here. I think this is the only way we can call their attention over the problem cause its clear they dont give a damn about what is said on this forum.
But if everybody officially notificate them about the problem and they say again "...no other complants about this issue..." then they really dont give a damn about the problems too.
Btw I also sent them the posts links so they know theres not just one person having the issue...
now waiting for their feedback.
yeah I called pioneer UK today and yesterday and am waiting for there engineers to respond. I was told by the support person they have had no other complants about this issue on there system and its new to them. So I will give it a day or so and call back again, I will keep bugging them til I get a response to this situation.
I ve got my cdj 2000s for a year here is clearly a problem to the pitch function with the new firmware. I tried older firmwares and I think the best one was ver 4.01. With ver 4.04 clearly the tracks dodnt lock. You wave to make corrections to the jog wheel if you mix for long time. Even if you play at 0% pitch, MT off and normal mode. I dont mind cause its ok to mix but with previous version (4.01) and that was just a few weeks ago.. tracks responded differently when mixed and BETTER ( I think ).
People here in forum have many good points. Clearly we, the costomers should be able to load an older firmware if we want to and you, pionneer should make sure your new updates are better than the previous versions. Whats the point to update our players if not better??
After some testing I did notice a difference.. it seems like it requires more work to get two tracks matched together..
Also the MT could use some extra tweaking..
Please Pioneer release something we can rely on and soon!
Closing this thread as it's very repetitive to this thread where it's already been elevated to a support ticket.