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[CLOSED] cdj 2000 total freeze!! need to be restarted...!

Last night in the middle of a set 1 of my cdj 2000 freezes and couldn't play the song that was ready to play.

no button was working, tried to switch to other player but nothing...

Had to restart the player with the power button.

I have the cdj2000's for 1 year now, and this is the 6th time this happened!


And yes it happens random, and not with the same track.


It was the player with the sd card in it.

I use 32g sd card class 10

and a netgear gs105 5port switch

Everything is linked, 2 cdj2000 and a djm900

got the newest firmware 4.10 and rekordbox is also up to date.


Please help!!!!




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Happens to me too bud same setup 2 cdj 2000 & djm 900 mine freeze when linked huh rekordbox and eventually have a error on them, the setup works perfectly without rekordbox I've tried changing my network switch cables now lost what else to try? Still waiting for resolution on my case too

gareth whyte 0 votos
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I have also problems with rekordbox in link mode. All players updated (4.10), same with rekordbox.

First it freez, then wait symobol comes up and then nothing happens, i have to reboot it. And then it works again..

The lan cables are good.

This is very bad stuff for the "premimum top models". Software like Serato and Traktor are MUCH more stable.

Bjoervik 0 votos
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I don't use recordbox in my setup, only for preparing my dj sets on my apple

michel 0 votos
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Something in the LAN connection could be wrong. I know, If I'm using recordbox sometimes there is a "wait" sign and nothing happens for 2 minutes.

But with USB or SD I never have any problems with freezing, because I use the DJM 2000 internal hub.

I knew from 900 nexus users that there is sometimes a problem with the "router" because of data transfere rate...

Have you tried it with another switch?

Xador 0 votos
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Notthing wrong with the link ore router/switch, because it happened in the player with the sd card in it!

michel 0 votos
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This is a huge problem for me as well. I have been posting on the forum about this for weeks! I use Rekordbox and a DJM 2000 and two CDJ 2000's. This really became a problem for me after I upgraded the CDJ's to 4.10 firmware version. This is the first i have heard of it happening with an SD card it is usually the Rekordbox users that are having this problem. Michel make sure the engineers know that it is happening to you with an SD card that may shed some light on the answer for them, or at least help them to rule out network connections or errors? Who knows, this is a real pain! It happens to me every weekend at gigs! 

dustin cook 0 votos
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Has anybody here ever frozen on a WAV file, or AIFF?

Please be honest.  I have my suspicions that the freezing might be isolated to MP3 files.  This would be good information to have for the engineers to help solve the issue.

John Kiser 0 votos
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I don't think its a corrupts mp3, it freezing on the same music i'm playing for weeks now. and I check all of my mp3 before I use them.

Got a few wav's on my sd card, and no problem there. But if its the mp3's than we have to use wav's on the sd's and usb's but then we have

a problem with the space on our sd's and usb's!



michel 0 votos
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Where are the pioneer engineers in this???



michel 0 votos
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@ Michel    Thanks for the reply.  I must say that I am VERY suspicious that MP3 files are responsible for these freezes.  I have only had one freeze on my CDJ-2000s in nearly 3 years of ownership, and that one freeze happened on the first MP3 file ever loaded on them.  I will NEVER use MP3, personally.  Uncompressed audio ONLY for me.

John Kiser 0 votos
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@ Fuse Promote. These players are sold and marketed as MP3 players as well as other uncompressed audio file types. I have 2500 solid MP3 files that I use to DJ. The thought of playing only AIFF or WAV is not a reality for me and I'm sure many CDJ owners. I understand the sonic difference between the formats but when your library is that large it really is better for me to have MP3s. If the you indeed are correct and the MP3s are the reason for the freezing then Pioneer Engineers NEED TO FIX IT, we do not need to start replacing our libraries with uncompressed audio files, at that point I sell my CDJ's and go back to Serato and my 1200 5G's and deal with the skipping. That is just silly don't you think? 

dustin cook 0 votos
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@Fuse Promote: I've recently had problems with freeze / crash on my CDJ900's with WAV files. Solved the problem by converting them to AIFF's but the question is how this could happen, if the file is corrupt you should only get defect audio output since it's uncompressed raw data.

Here's the thread: http://pioneerdj.zendesk.com/entries/21059951-corrupt-wav-files-causing-freeze-crash

The Henrik Maneuver 0 votos
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Recordbox is not reliable for this kind of use. I am going to say it right then and there. It can be if everything else is working properly perhaps but it has to go without saying that when you have an actual network connecting several CDJ's and a computer with Recordbox and you are switching between possibly a song library on the computer and an SD card. Something isn't gonna work right at some point. Something is going to time out or a hard drive is going to take too long to seek data and the CDJ is going to be waiting for that data too long and just have a panic attack!  I haven't used this kind of setup at all only a usb stick, in fact if I was using multiple CDJ-2000 players I would at best plug in a single or maybe a second redundant hard drive to the units USB connection and mix off that. No recordbox, and if I can help it no router. - Blah.

I can't see using record box as an option to use for a live performance.  With my experience using USB devices and relying on a router at the same time. I don't think I would trust that to all be seamless.   My first thought is to NOT use a SD card.  I think a good USB stick is going to be much more reliable.

It could be as simple as the CDJ-2000 timing out waiting for data to come from the hard drive to record box and over the network to the player. I mean how can THAT be reliable. It is hard to believe that Pioneer would market the CDJ-2000/Recordbox combo to work the way it is intended as long as everything is working properly.  

I would never use record box through a USB unless  I was fully confident everything I was using was indeed 'working properly'.

It could even be that the CDJ was waiting for data from Recordbox and timed out. But then - what caused it to time out?

This includes:

Music files that are not corrupt

Hard drive that is also not corrupt

Reliable router, most routers start to die after 5 years of continuous use and need to be reset them constantly.

If Pioneer markets and stands behind this functionality to be useful then hopefully they can throw out some suggestions and fixes and some fool-proof ways to make certain to eliminate possible problems like I listed above.

movingzachb 0 votos
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That was mainly my opinion guys - by the way. I had to rant a bit because I hate seeing people have this issue.

movingzachb 0 votos
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So just to update this posting we found the problem!!! (Myself + Pulse + Pioneer Engineers)  It is the track artwork loading onto the CDJ's that is causing this annoying problem! In order to fix this issue using Rekordbox we renamed the "Artwork" folder in the Pioneer folder to "Artwork-temp" and that has fixed the issue. Now the issue is I have no artwork but hopefully we will soon have a solution? If you are using another media device and you are having this "Freeze" issue I would recommend removing the track artwork however possible. I know for a fact that this is the issue when using Rekordbox as for as another device this is just my hypothesis. If your decks are freezing I would try it, where there is smoke there is usually fire! 

dustin cook 0 votos
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Okay going to try this! hope there will be a solution soon for the artwork.


michel 0 votos
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Artwork has always been problematic in my opinion, hence why I never use it. I realise some find it beneficial for searching but, personally, I think its just habit from the days of vinyl and CDs.

Gavin 0 votos
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Gavin, why haven't you mention this? 

From day one i have had trouble with the players. Very unstable, freezing at random times. 

I'm now really considering switching to Traktor over rekordbox, its depressing that this expensive gear is so unstable, and cheep Traktor i stable.

Only thing stopping me is that i will loose the LINK futures with my mixer. Red light when playing and quantized effects on my DJM900. 

Also i like the idea to be free to not use a laptop if i want.

Bjoervik 0 votos
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Forgot to thank you dustin cook for helping them finding this error! Many thanks.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon, but seeing the track record of rekordbox updates (and with the new version not having fixed this) im sure it will take a lot of time. 

I have to say im not pleased with the development speed of rekordbox. Its been over 3 years, and i one cant even backup the work one have done. 

I hope pioneer will consider using more resources on their software if not they will fast lose a lot of customers. 

Bjoervik 0 votos
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Okay did the rename of the folder and put artwork off in the cdj 2000 menu.

But still see artwork on my cdj 2000's! 

In rekordbox its not visible now.

michel 0 votos
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You must load tracks directly from rekordbox to the cdj's in order for this to work. If you are still ilusing a flash card or memory stick then you must delete any old files from the memory device and re-add the files to the device using recordbox with the renamed artwork folder. That way you are certain that the "artwork" is missing from the file when you add it to your memory device. Does that make sence? Did you already do it that way.

dustin cook 0 votos
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"using" Typo sorry
To clarify I believe you can still use a USB or flash card device but you have to delete the old files with the artwork from it and then add them again from rekordbox once you have changed the folder name for the artwork making sure it is not associated with the file.

dustin cook 0 votos
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Okay started with a fresh sd card, and updated the folders. no artwork anymore, so this is good. 

Did a few gigs with it and seems okay, but last saturday I got a frees on my cdj 2000 again...!

So there is still a problem

michel 0 votos
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I've got the same problem. Rekordbox and my cdj-2000 have the latest firmware/software version.

The last 2 gigs I had the problem. Is it possible that it is a software problem?

The players are 2 years old, en they never had any error.


Albert Verwater 0 votos
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same here, ever since RB 2.0.1, my cdj's lock up and sit at a waiting screen, especially when switching between devices.  

BriChi 0 votos
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I didn't remove the older version of rekordbox so I'm gonna try it.

I also used new cat6 stp cable and a new macbook pro,

Never had the problem with my windows laptop (but i changed software and laptop @ the same time).

Albert Verwater 0 votos
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I have updated my Mac OS to 10.8.2 and I updated my Rekordbox to 2.0.1 I still need to update my firmware on the CDJ's I'm currently using 4.10 and will be updating this week to 4.11. Several months ago when I posted that there was a temporary solution to this problem I whole heartedly stood behind this claim due to multiple nights of testing. The amount of freeze issues I had before renaming the artwork folder were at least two per night (4hr set per night) once I renamed and essentially dropped the artwork from the program and the players I had NO ISSUES AT ALL! Hence I thought we were onto a good thing. 

So now fast forward to my recent updates that I mentioned. I went thru great lengths to make sure after I did my updates with my OS and Rekordbox to keep the artwork folder name "Artwork-temp" in order to keep the artwork form interfering with playback during my gig's. The freeze problem has now returned! During Friday and Saturday night the players started to stop and start in the middle of several songs! The issue is not as fatal as before but it is still a horrible situation. I was able to load another song onto the player that was "stuttering" if you will but the new track did the same thing and then caused the player to FREEZE just like before! I was able to power cycle the wonky player and it dropped out of  the RB link and then came back up without crashing RB (thank you to the engineers if you made that possible) being able to power cycle a player and not crash RB is at least a huge improvement to this annoying problem. 

So now what? Like I said I will update my CDJ 2000 firmware but I have serious doubts that that will fix it. I NEED MY PLAYERS TO WORK WITH RB! I NEED MY PLAYERS TO WORK WITH THE ARTWORK! I NEED MY PLAYERS TO FUNCTION 99.9% ( I know it's not a perfect world so I understand some little bugs) Point is whenever I update I should not have to go thru this. What now? 

dustin cook 0 votos
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