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Why I feel cheated with the purchase of 2 CDJ 2000's

While it's beyond me why the forum topic "cdj 2000 vs cdj 2000 nexus hardware difference" thread was closed in the middle and answers were not given, I feel Gavin asked a valid question.

As quoted by Gavin: @Shahar > Again, why do you feel cheated on something you chose to buy because it fitted your needs? If I bought a new MacBook Pro today, and then a new model was announced tomorrow, should I expect Apple to give me the new model MBP for free? That doesn't make sense. The software is dependent on the hardware within the unit so new features can't be added to older units.

At the time of purchase it didn't exactly "fit my needs." but it looked promising. It was from a very reputable corporation that make high end products and takes care of their product purchasers. And the product itself was able to read dvd's, read just about any type of media out there..or so i though. it is the new and very expensive of several prior units beforehand. cdj 400's 800's, 900's, for all i know there more more in between.. and now it's cdj 2000.. and it also has a huge color screen.. it's all very PROMISING.. but not filling.

I figured, at some point, this very reputable corporation would get creative with the abilities of this unit and would blow my mind away with thier firmware update. Instead, they came out with a new unit.. and it is that specific unit with that spicific software upgrade that "fits my needs." and to really burn my biscuit, it's introduced a short while after i purchased the previous unit. long enough so i cannot return the old one, but early enough so i feel cheated.

Additionally, I looked up Wolfman DAC's. that's all audio output.

  • Upgrading to the Looping fx software has nothing to do with that.
  • Upgrading to the 'traffic light' software has nothing to do with that.
  • Upgrading to a useful wave form has nothing to do with that.
  • enabling the cdj to play music from itunes has nothing to do with that.

..it has absolutely nothing to do with limiting the software design on all aspects of the unit.

Lastly, comparing Apple and Pioneer DJ. I have purchased an iPad 2 when it came out.. to this day, all software upgrades (and belive me.. they made several) added to the new ipad are available for the ipad2, and the original ipad as well. I have also purchased the iphone 4s when it came out.. AGAIN..to this day, all software upgrades added to the new iphone 5 are available for my iphone 4s. so, i do not feel cheated. sure there are a few hardware changes that i won't get. but that's understandable. it's the software i care about.. it's the software every owner of the cdj 2000 (mk1) cares about. not the hardware

I have been pushing away from purchasing pioneer dj products for over 10 years because i thought they were just hyped up. when i finally decided that pioneer dj is indeed a solid company built on trust and reliability, i see a slightly new unit with hardware difference i could not care less about .. but with software that indeed "fits my needs." ..

I feel that "the software presented with the cdj 2000 nexus was STOLEN from the cdj 2000 (mk1). That's why i feel cheated!

and please do not close nor delete this topic as we are clearly in the middle of a very heavy topic that's not silly in the least.

you asked, i answerd, i await eagerly for your reply.

dj shahar

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Not only you feel cheated... all the improvements suggestions for 2000s were not directed to a new firmware but to a new product. I agree that not all of them would be possible to implement on mk1. But the very most of them. Maybe not the sync one lol. 

And now all of us have a "not so top product" in our hands with the only sure thing in mind. And write down what i will say now! -> next firmware will come just to make possible to link new units with old ones. Nothing but that. No fixes no improvements. 

They deleted your post Shahar and they will delete again. They did delete posts from people complaining about master tempo some time ago. They did shout loud there were no problems with it but its so sure there were that Pioneer came up with this new HIGH QUALITY MASTER TEMPO leaving all of us mark ones on low quality one. 

This post wont last long... Im sure of it... but more and more people are starting to notice how Pioneer deals with the problems. Too much speed and focus on new products instead of making old ones work properly first. 

All the djs over here bla bla blaing and throwing confetti on all whats happening are just hoping for a P letter on their logos and some goodies and free stuff with it. New units probably... Thats human being for you my friend. 

Stroboscope 0 votos
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You are seeing this wrong , even i as a 15 year old understand this.

You obbviously lack economic insight.

If the firmware update costed money (ALOT of money) it would be good for pioneer.

(Now you could say for the price of the unit they could support blabla , simply it doesn't feed their pocket).

So they bring out a new unit with "ALOT OF NEW FEATURES" which actually is only software dependent.

(Yeah there's about five more buttons on the unit that cost about 100 bucks each compared to the CDJ-2000 (Mk1)).

Sammy 0 votos
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adding to that, i have the iphone 4, when they brought out the 4s yes the software was availible for me to download, however i was still stuck with the 5mp camera instead of the 8mp isight camera, and i also dont have siri, so should i feel cheated as siri is exactly what my needs are


that is rubbish and gavin is right, when you bought the unit it fitted your needs other wise you would not of bought the unit or units, and you now cant complain that they are no longer the latest model, cdj 2000 are still getting alot on ebay, so i would sugest you sell them and put the extra to the new nexus

Richard Flowers 0 votos
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First of all, "ALOT" isn't a word. It's "a lot".

Secondly, while all your points may be valid, the reality is that Pioneer isn't going to give you a CDJ 2000 Nexus because you complained about it. They aren't going to add those features to the MK1. If you don't like that, sell your current set and move on to the Nexus.

DJNR 0 votos
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I have to say that since cdj2000 came out there were huge problems which the most important was MT. Many people here including myself were screaming about it and pioneer mods have been saying that the MT is working properly. It was only when @fuse used ableton and filmed a video that mods finally admited

Dream Treez 0 votos
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that MT was not working. Also there were other problems that had been reported here and mods would not admit it. This is what I don't like. Mods here have deleted many posts from me and never really give me any answers. If you don't believe me you can search the forum, read some threads and you will be convinced.

Now concerning the question if you feel cheated, I can understand ppl saying that. Imagine you bought your cdj2000s mid August and after a month new model comes out with almost same amount of money. Ask yourself, would you buy an iPhone 4S now that you know iPhone 5 is on the way? At the end of the day apple has been saying for a year now that a new model is coming. Pioneer didn't say anything. They kept it a secret and that is the problem

Dream Treez 0 votos
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rubbish apple are so secrective about their products, they dont even tell people they are opening a new shop, they cover the front of the shop and normally tell people a couple of weeks in advance, the only reason people know about the new iphone is because they bring one out every year, the iphone 5 was only annouced about 3 weeks before the release date

Richard Flowers 0 votos
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Friends and fellow dj's,

Please refrain from bashing on one another, and from bashing on pioneer before the mods are forced to close this topic.

The CDJ 2000 mk1 has all the hardware that fits my needs. However, it does not have have all the software that fits my needs. And yet it I know it can. So again, the reason I feel cheated is not because of the hardware, it's nit because of the price, it's because my expectations of pioneer DJ to produce software upgrade for the CDJ 2000mk1 was not made and it's beginning to look as if it never will.

And by the way, iOS 6 does have Siri for iPhone and even iPad, so get your facts straight.

And .. Please. STAY ON TOPIC. This topic is not about apple it's about CDJ 2000.

dj shahar 0 votos
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And I do feel for you if the master tempo doesn't work as it should. That's why I use virtual DJ. Easy midi config, and all the buttons are customizable.

However, rekordbox is the only software that allows the CDJ family product to be used at its full potential, and that is why I need that wave form. Just the wave form. Not traffic light, not hardware buttons, or better sound device. Just the wave form and I cab start using rekordbox..

dj shahar 0 votos
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@dj-ric, don't get me wrong but I think you see the tree and not the forest. The

Dream Treez 0 votos
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Only reason that pioneer kept it a secret was because they wanted to sell as many cdj2000s as they could. Nobody would go buy a unit if they knew that nexus was on the way. As for apple there were leaks since last Easter about the new iPhone. Anyway our conversation is cdj2000 so I will stick to that. Personally I upgraded to cdj2000 from cdj1000 cause of the USB and nothing else. The nexus cdj doesn't give me anything that will make me upgrade apart from saying to my friends "look I have the latest pioneer cdj". The truth is that both cdj2000, the nexus and the mk1, are firmware related. I have my cdj2000s for 2,5 years. I used most of the firmwares and for sure I can say that pioneer fixed some serious issues with firm 4.10 and that was less than a year ago. After that the chaos. There are other bags as well but that is another discussion. The thing is that by releasing new firmware no money comes for pioneer that's why they change the hardware. So that clubs and ppl will spend money to buy it. But my problem is that service is crap and I feel that they don't respect me, the consumer. Since the release of cdj2000 mk1 I lost faith to pioneer and I wanna ask one question. Who says to me with confidence that cdj2000nxs is gonna work excellent with no problems?? The answer is no one. We will just have to wait and see. PS. Also I wanna mention something else. Ask around about djm2000 which also is firmware related. Ask how much support it got the last year. I don't know personally cause I own an xone92 but from what I hear is crap.

Dream Treez 0 votos
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@dj shahar, I don't use laptop with cdjs. I stick to USB exported by RB. If I wanna play with traktor I use my x1 and mixer. I don't use virtual dj so I don't know. But to be honest I prefer my cdjs than a computer program. It feels better for me. At the end of the day I didn't buy cdjs to use it as a controller. I can't understand why MT for example didn't work until firm 4.1. The bottom was there and it should work. But the worst is that pioneer wouldn't admit that MT was crap until here in this forum was proved with video, pics, ableton track analyzation. Search the forum and you will understand. PS. This thread is gonna be deleted for sure.

Dream Treez 0 votos
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@dream treez. stop bashing pioneer dj. this topic is not about bashing them and getting this topic closed. it's about the software update which i feel pioneer cheated me out of. this is not about master tempo. it's about software from cdj 2000 nexus that should have been available for cdj 2000 users to download.

dj shahar 0 votos
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This thread is really funny. There's a serious case of buyers remorse and a lack of economic insight in here.

DJNR 0 votos
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I feel sorry for saying this but don't expect pioneer to release a firmware that will include nexus features. The only thing they will release is a firmware to be able to connect cdj2000 and cdj2000nxs.

Dream Treez 0 votos
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And I don't see the reason why pioneer should give new features for free via firmware. Then pioneer will loose money cause some ppl won't upgrade to new model as their current cdj will have the same features. For me it's the support they provided to us these 3 years that cdj2000 is out that concerns me. Anyway, I don't care that much. As I said above the new features to me is no worth to upgrade. If you think you want zoom waveform or wireless network or sync or any other firmware development pioneer will give you then sell your cdjs and upgrade to nexus.

Dream Treez 0 votos
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Mods said that mk1's and old users are not forgotten... but I agree with Dream Treez. 

I think sometimes we talk and forget to be straight to the point. DJNR, of course I agree with you that its a $ matter and nobody here wants a firmware that will make mk1 do the same stuff nexus does. 

So let's go straight to the point and be objective so this can be a productive and hopefully a topic Pioneer will put its eyes on it in a good way:

I think, for example, that is pretty much possible to implement something like auto hot cue load on mk1 (mods can correct me if I am wrong and if it would be impossible with mk1 hardware). I am sure it's something that would make mk1's users really happy. On the other hand I think the wave form thing (which I really don't care for - but other people here do) would be impossible on mk1's screen. I dont know if that sort of display is just programable like some people here think it is. 

It would be better to us to put this thread on some direction like: ok old users are not forgotten so here is a list of what we think could be implemented on a new firmware for 2000s. And of course it would have to be a resonable list. DJNR is right but we can make our point too.

I'd be happy with:

  • A fix for being able to set loops at the very beggining of the track (cause we all know this still doesnt work)

  • Auto loading for hot cues

  • Maybe checking if the mk1 hardware supports the new MT algorithm. (here I really think there would be a lack on processing power)

If Pioneer could check the 4 beat loop behaviour too would be a good thing to me. And that's it! I don't think this is asking too much! I am sure people could add a few more things to this list and I don't see why not a lil list of reasonable things could be not taken by mods to Pioneer. 

Stroboscope 0 votos
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hi all,

I agree with all of you !

I'm very disappointed that Pioneer released a new CDJ2000 Nexus ... All of you are like me, just afraid if Pioneer just do this to earn money.

And, like DJ Shahar says and compare to Apple devices : "all software upgrades added to the new iphone 5 are available for my iphone 4s" ! Why not the CDJ2000 ????

Before having CDJ2000, i've had the 1000mk3 and upgrade to 2000 only for LAN port and bannish the CD use :) . But i'm sure, i will never buy the Nexus for "another only" 3800€ just to add the sync button and the waveform ! It's too expensive for us !!!

If Pionner doesn't support and make sofware upgrade by adding new features in 2013 for the CDJ 2000, i feel cheated too ....

But, maybe we can wait 2015 to have cdj2000mk3 because Pioneer will say that the 2000Nexus hardware doesn't support updates and Deejays will have to buy the new CDJ Hardware to put theire money to the Pioneer Cash Machine ...

So Pioneer could give us a VOUCHER to buy CDJ2000Nexus to replace our CDJ2000 ???

Sorry for English, my native language is French ...


Maximilien DUVAL 0 votos
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The last thread was closed for a valid reason, all questions were answered.

@Shahar > It looks strongly like a case of buyers remorse. We encourage everyone to test out the gear before they buy where possible. You bought the units based on what you thought might or might not happen - no word was ever given by Pioneer about future updates. It is inherently obvious that there are some features which simply can't, due to software / hardware limitations, be incorporated into the MK1. Should the buyers of the CDJ1000MK1 feel cheated by the MK2? Should the MK2 users feel cheated by the MK3?

As for the Apple comparison, that is entirely justified. Sure there have been sweeping changes right across the product line. However, despite the fact I own a 3GS I can't have Siri. Surely that is just another software based thing? Its all data transfer into 'the cloud'. And where thee is a discernible difference is how fast my 3GS now runs. Its slow. iOS6 is for newer phones - you can see the 3GS is now gone from the line up. Do I feel cheated? No.

Again, its clearly not just a software update that has been implemented - its software + hardware.

@Stroboscope > No, his posted wasn't deleted, I answered his questions and I closed the thread. No posts were ever deleted about Master Tempo problems. Like we said at the time, we couldn't replicate the issue on our end. We passed all the information along to the engineers as we always do and they worked on it to make better. In all honesty, I can say it never affected me.

Again with the Apple comparison... You can pretty much know exactly when Apple are going to release new products. But they never mention anything implicitly. Why? Because by announcing something could damage sales of current units and given their competitors an advantage. Its been three years since Pioneer unveiled the CDJ2000, based on that alone you could kind of assume a new may have been on the way. Indeed you can be sure, ideas are been formulated for the next level CDJ.

@shahar > incorrect. Siri is, naturally, available on all newer devices. It was never rolled out for older generation units.

@DJNR > Thank YOU!

@Stroboscope > As we have mentioned earlier, we will continue to present your issues to Pioneer and they will attempt to implement or rectify any issues where possible.

@Duval > Not true - software updates between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S are still vastly different - and functions are dependent on the hardware which drives said units, which, just like the CDJ2000s differs from the older unit to the newer one. I don't have Siri on my 3GS, surely this is just a software thing too, right? If you don't feel you need the extra features that are offered by the Nexus then who says you have to buy it? Again, you are basing your assumptions on things you thought may have been possible but were never mentioned by Pioneer.

The Nexus will, of course, support updates but there are only so many updates you can do to a model within the confines of the hardware limitations. The hardware available 3 years from now will be vastly superior to what is currently on the market.

Pioneer bring out new products for the same reason every other company in the world bring out new products - revenue. If it wasn't for continuously innovating and striving to bring new improved products to the market then Pioneer would have introduced the CDJ2000MK1 with firmware 1.0 and that would have been it. No firmware updates.

Just to address some final points, it doesn't matter how many products Pioneer release in a year - different teams are assigned to different products so its not like the CDJ2000 engineers are pulled away to work on the DDJ-S1. 

In summary, I've answered all your questions. This is only a topic that is going to keep going around and round in circles with no one getting anywhere. And for that reason, I'm closing this thread and I'm expecting you all to respect that decision.

Gavin 0 votos
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