I couldnt agree with you more !!
I have got to be totally honest with you guys, and the truth may hurt. I was raised on 4 Technic turntables spinning vinyl, and purchased an ns7 for mobile gigs to make the transaction to digital gear. I recently purchased 2 cdj2000 nexus' and a djm900 nexus (with the plan on having 4 cdj2000 nexus to come). While the mixer I find to be great, I must say that the 2000 nexus' are the biggest pieces of crap I have ever bought for the money! I have had problems with them since day one. Freezing, not loading, emergency looping, etc. I almost feel stupid to have bought them in the first place. With their hefty price tag, I can honestly say I'd rather use my ns7 then these pieces of garbage. I can't make it through a single set without rebooting the units, and still encountering problems. For a company that is supposed to be the "industry standard", I am embarrassed for you... to release a product without testing it first. I am at the point, if this software upgrade does not fix the problems I am encountering, I will be returning the products. It is pitiful to say the least.
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I couldnt agree with you more !!
And if your in the UK ... please use the Sales of Goods act 1973 and 1979, also the Distance selling act if brought by post.
oops another satisfied customer,
All i would like to see from all of these posts is pioneer redeem themselves,
man am i glad i didn't sell my 2ks and buy the nxs
if pio dont do something soon they are going to loose the industry standard reputation to a competitor!
1, 4.5 hour event, 3 issues in one night,
1 the cue froze while trying to quickly go back to a cue and restart a mix, totally screwed me up
Pressed a "B" hot start and again, it hesitated and through the beat completely off
used my laptop all night, RB linked to the Nexus', then 3 hours later played a track I just downloaded from my phones RB app connected via usb to the nexus, went back on the deck, loaded a RB that was on the laptop and the song played for 10 seconds, froze, I got a E-83xx erro and the deck disconnected from RB and needed a reboot
awesome night for me!!!
I really feel for anyone who upgraded to the nexus decks but I could not see the reason as only the slipmode seems to be an upgrade so I keep the MK1's which I absolutely caned last night so it is not all bad Pioneer but also it is far from ok , It seems like devine intervention ,you make a deck with cheesey sync mode that does not work !!! Break out the 1210's which came so long ago I can't remember. This is a good case for vinyl come back LOL !
yup the problem here is people that would normally go out and buy the latest and greatest wont be doing that again as they will not get bitten twice.
This is very damaging for pio in my humble opinion.
i was going to buy the new decks but after seeing all this panning out i have decided not to bother.
yup the problem here is people that would normally go out and buy the latest and greatest wont be doing that again as they will not get bitten twice.
This is very damaging for pio in my humble opinion.
@Pionix, you hit this right on the head, Some of you that know me from around the forums know I like to jump on the latest and greatest and be the first to have the latest gear, Not anymore with Pioneer gear, i really am getting burned here. I havent been able to use them on pretty much any gigs, have a friends 2000mk1's for now which have to be returned soon, Tried the Nexus again last night and had 3-4 issues just doing normal stuff, nothing crazy like mashing hot starts or crazy loops. I am done buying Pio gear out on release dates, if at all at this point! I am giving them one more update, If I cant use the decks after this fw update, they are going back and I am looking elsewhere, and this coming from a very loyal customer who always purchased pro line gear from pion since the 1000mk1's were available. the nexus decks are the furthest thing from Pro gear right now, Like kidquest said, i would rather take a $1000 NS7 Numark all in one to party right now then $4500 Nexus decks, And pioneer, HURRY UP, this is taking way too long!
I again 100% echo Pionix & BriChi's sentiment and thoughts. Bang on ... yes this is not Gavin's and Pulse's fault ... but we are stuck with CDJS that are not fit for purpose with the current firmware and issues.
As much as it pains me to say it, if we rush them for a fw update its possible that it won't fix all the faults again. However they shouldn't of been on general sale until stable and fit for purpose :(
I sold my CDJ-2000s. Was planning to buy the Nexi soon. Now I'm a bit hesitant.
I would advise you to wait for now, it is one big mess at the moment with the freezing, unlinking, many bugs in the nexus players, unstable rekordbox and poor software/firmware support overall..
Can I ask an honest question.... are the issues happening with WAV or AIFF files?
In my previous experience with the original CDJ-2000, most problems people had were the result of MP3 files.
@ will..
I would advise you to wait for now, it is one big mess at the moment with the freezing, unlinking, many bugs in the nexus players, unstable rekordbox and poor software/firmware support overall..
All due respect but we have been waiting for years for decent results and customer service.
@Fuse Promote I'm using AIFF files and I haven't had any issues the way I mix tracks. I have a couple of memory points on each track (I Auto Cue to Memory point) and I've also been using Active loops without any problems.
I don't scratch or jump between parts in a track with the HotCue buttons.
Can I ask an honest question.... are the issues happening with WAV or AIFF files?
Most of the issues are happening with mp3 files, but thats no excuse of course, All my files are clean and have played with no hiccup for 3 years on the 2000mk1, this is clearly an issue with the way the Nexus handles mp3's, especially with MT on. some of the issues though were with AAC and AIFF files also like the cue freeze, last night again on some tracks I would cue up a track in the headphone, set the bpm and hit cue to go back and start the mix but the decks freezes for 2-3 seconds and then cues back totally throwing you off.
Strange, just played for two hours... Have not had a issue whatsoever... Not now, not yesterday, never! Mp3 with ceus, syncing or non syncing.
consider yourself lucky, lol
I have done 4 hours parties and it's completely locked in the 3rd hour with the first 3 hours being perfect so there is no rhyme or reason behind this, it's in the engineers hands now.
Well, i must admiit that you feel the product is not finished, but since a lot is SW based it shoulb be resolved soon ;-).
I exchanged the denon sc2900 for 2 pioneer 2000 nexus, I can only say that there is, for me, more pleasure in playing tunes with the Nexus.
Is the pio support based in the UK?
I agree Wilbert, I am confident they will fix this via fw and hopefully soon, they certainly are a lot more fun to play on on the 2900, though at this point I may have to do the reverse of what you did and trade in the Nexus for a 2900 if this update doesnt come out very soon :(
Following is more a remark to Pioneer then:
If you read all threads, you can only draw one conclusion "it is all about communication" !! And maybe slap some Japanese FW/SW programmers in the face!!
Thats what I do when our guys do not deliver!!
@BriChi do not exchange to the Denon's it wont make you happier!
I hear, ya! Only time will tell
how long u gonna give it?
we have all been here before .... need i say djm 2000? lol
how long u gonna give it?
we have all been here before .... need i say djm 2000? lol
im waiting a couple of weeks for a new fw update, if it comes and fixes, great, if it takes too long or the update still has a lot of bugs then I have to return
I've had a few hiccups and I'm definitely looking forward to the firmware update soon to come in a couple months. I think it's overall stable enough for me so far using rekordbox and a mix of mp3 and wav files. I'm assuming these things will work out and hope the players will reign supreme in 2013 and for a long time. :)
Months?!?! I am hoping days!! I was forced to use them this weekend and my heart was racing both jobs I had to deal with them, Of course i had issues the whole weekend but was able to cover them up so the crowd didnt know
Well done BriChi for atleased "covering up" the faults ... but why should you have too ... surely you should goto work, knowing you have spend £3000 or how many Dollars ... and know your going to use a reliable system, for that money ... there is no excuse !!!
I did a radio show last week with them, no searching through songs, just straight up mixing. I had to restart both decks twice during a two hour set because of songs not loading. Also had songs "thankfully while cueing" play for two seconds, then just stop for no reason.
Hi guys
Just a quick one as I'm considering leaving my numark 4trak with Traktor to come back over to pioneer with the 2000 nexus player but I am getting a bit worried by all the negativity around the players.
I will be looking to purchase in the next 4-6 weeks and would just like some thoughts into should I or shouldn't I come back to pioneer.
I have already bought a LaCie Rugged hard drive and analysed my collection in Rekord box(latest version) which kept crashing.