I wonder how fast the updates would roll out if the engineers were actual dj's too that used the gear, lol
Awful quiet it became on the new firmware .. Come on Pioneer fix this. this is not directly cheap stuff we talk about here .. you're supposed to be PRO and address PRO users so we expect PRO Service.. 3 weeks now.... not ok i have 4*2000 nexus that is usless with this 1.11 fimeware
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I wonder how fast the updates would roll out if the engineers were actual dj's too that used the gear, lol
I think if we look back over the last couple of years, the word 'engineer' may be a bit overstated for Pioneer staff :-D
LOL Nice point BriChi
And yet again the moderators have gone quiet, its abit embarrassing ........ Pioneer Engineers seem to have taken 1 step forward 3 back with 1.11 ................
@DJ ccccc. What I have come to learn about this forum and the moderators is that, the moderators are just her to pass along the info to the higher ups at Pioneer. And of course run the forum and make sure we are not getting out of hand with what we talk about and how we speak here on the forum. They are not skilled troubleshooters, and are not here to help us fix H/W or S/W issues. Just to collect info and pass it along. Or to point us to the nearest Pioneer repair station if needed. Basic questions they do help out with, and have made video's for us as well on how to perform updates and go over certain functions. But they are not here to give us answers on faults and glitches etc.
We get frustrated and need someone to take it out on because we have invested so much money in these products. And the closest people we have is the moderators. What we need, and Pioneer needs is to hire a online Technical Engineer/Support who know's these products inside and out. There are other forums that have this. And we need this as well. Then this person can at least tell us that the issues we are having are either a s/w or h/w problem and that Pioneer is at work on a fix, and to please be patient.
It is the lack of info that I think makes us all go nuts here. We have to assume that they are working on a fix for our issues instead of being updated. It would be nice to have a Troubleshooting section on the forum where we can see if things are "IN Work" or not? So for instance..
Error code 1234- In work
Error code 3425- In work
Master sync wont switch- evaluating
loop drift- complete and awaiting next f/w update.
I think if we had something like this, it would drastically change the "TONE" of this forum to a more positive place to hangout and talk about our gear. What we love about it. Talking about tricks and networking with each other. Cause right now it is more about complaining about stuff. And although other forums do discuss issues and problems, the "TONE" of the forum is greatly different from this one. We seem to be GLASS HALF EMPTY instead of GLASS HALF FULL on this forum.
they need to give free gear to people willing to strongly beta test the updates and products before they hit the public. I have said I would put 100% into testing for them if I get the gear but they don't do this, Instead they give all the free gear just to users that will promote the product for them. I have a friend in Queens, NY that gets free stuff all the time, has about 6 2000 nexus' , mixers, the RMX1000, anything new that comes out thats at the pro level, they send to him to use and promote yet they can't give a deck or 2 out to people that will keep the FW strong and tested and keep them from embarrassing themselves. They need to put more thought into where the priority should be because these decks are giving them a really bad rep as go from place to place to work. People are surprised I use the Nexus' because of all the issues, but I know all the workarounds for now which we shouldn't have to do on decks that are this pricey and "industry standards"
I agree BriChi. Seems that they are a bit miss guided on who gets free gear... But they are a huge company, so maybe they know something we don't? From our point of view it does seem like they don't know what they are doing sometimes.
You guys are funny, bunch of kids out of topic :-)
No philosophy, free gear, or rocket science is requested here.... They have a stable firmware, happy days... Let's release the next one as BETA version.
All the people happy to test (for free) for them will dive into it, the only thing you need is just A SIMPLE MEAN TO REVERSE TO THE PREVIOUS FIRMWARE IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE BETA.
Nicolas Schmitz, i here you... off topic on the free gear and shit.. but 1 the firmware is miles away from stable. And for some reason post on this forum is missing on that topic.. why i dont know, the only thing i know is that it shold not take 3 and counting weeks to fix this. its a real smack in the face to the consumers that have this gear.. remember everyones shine of glory eventually pass over... two types of companys everyone hate is, 1, A company with the attitude that its never something wrong with their products. 2, poor service to its customers.. Just saying..
jeeeez, I didn't think giving the engineers a good idea to beta their FW was so off topic when discussing a new FW update. You guys are strict, lol
I'm trying to push thru a recording a 'live' demo at the moment - interesting to see what's being output when recording multitrack mixes. Needless to say, I'm having to make tons of edits in the DAW. Sync is a complete mess - transients switch b/t being ahead and behind seemingly at random. There's also a ton of what I'll call 'sync lag' when starting a track from a paused position with sync engaged - it takes several bars for sync to get its act together. Have to apply echo in the software instead of using the effect on the 900nxs - it's nearly impossible to grab the right phrase of the track with the mixer effect and managing levels with it is a complete nightmare. The list goes on and on - I'm on the verge of giving up at this point. If my alternative is to go back to more basic mixing and not use all these features, then I just burned a whole bunch of cash for nothing. I'm beyond discouraged right now.
Defo Bri Fox and many other points here
I think if some of the industry papers review this forum, there might be more written word of the issues Nexus users are facing.
Pioneer ......... When you are been challenged, policy seems to be to shut up shop & say nothing
My CDJ 2000 Nexus cost me £3000, I Spent another £100 on a HD and £100 on 2 SD Cards, on top of my Flight Cases, My outlay on your flagship products is over £3300. I also purchases 2 x CDJ 2000s in Sept 2009.
At this point, I feel betrayed by the lack of support with the firmware, technically, the Nexus are fantastic, the build quality is awesome & they feel great to use.
The Current Firmware though is a disgrace.
Despite all the issues and work arounds I have to go though during my 5 hrs of DJing i have to do to get past the faulty Firmware, thy are awesome units. But ill keep beating on about ...
The current FIRMWARE is destroying your reputation as industry standard. Its not reliable ... it could also cost you your job, if a situation goes that badly wrong. My Job is to DJ, i work 5 - 6 nights a week, I purchased the nexus as I didn't want to use Traktor or Serato, i wanted a reliable solution with all the advances of Serato or a Mac without the laptop
My old CDJ 2000S were spot on, they worked with Serato, the Firmware was constancy updated and the Pio research engineers got it right.
The Nexus has been completely the opposite - its like - compared to 3 years ago, you just dont care. I respect the forum moderators trying to help, its not their fault the firmware is not upto standard & its not their responsibly to sort the issues out with the Nexus.
There is a fundermental flaw ... if your company with all its tech people cant get to grips with these players.
Please pass this comment onto your engineers, i would like them to know how frustrated Nexus users are ... today EIGHT Months after the release, they are still not stable.
We need this to be sorted out : - (
I completely agree.
Pioneer is doing a great disregard for consumers of their equipment.
A company of this size can not leave these types of bugs in the firmware occur. Complaints with CDJ 2000 Nexus are already causing the loss of prestige of the Pioneer as the company stronger in the area of entertainment for dj.
I agree with DJ Pete. There should be a sticky with bugs\problems and their status.
Also the option to downgrade the FW would help so much people here.
We will see what the Pioneer Mods have to say about this, when they give their reaction.
Most likely it will be this: Told the engineers about the problem, topic closed for comments....
The downgrade option is their only cheap way to calm down this fury. Especially it does already exist!
Would you imagine Tiesto out of work for 4 weeks because he cannot reverse back to the previous firmware??
Pioneer mods are just silent because they know about it but are not allowed to share. It must make them extremely uncomfortable reading all this...
I haven't updated yet and still running on the firmware before..
I don't think i will after reading all of this..
At this point I would just love a full refund. A class action lawsuit might get Pioneer moving?
May well be ... Such disappointing news Pioneer.
Sorry guys, if you're going to get legal you would be well advised not to discuss it on Pioneer's forums and I'm left with no option but to close this thread.
All issues have been reported.