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[SOLVED] Problems powering up CDJ-850

Hi, initially I had problems getting my Cdj-850 to power up at all power points in the house, only some points would it power up from. Weird! Now after a month or so of no use, I tried it again and it doesn't power up anywhere anymore. I had a close listen and can hear a very faint clicking sound even when the power cord is detached from the unit. Eventually this sound would slow down til it stopped clicking. Has anyone ever came across this fault?


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The clicking noise is the switched-mode power supply 'tripping', presumably due to a fault, if the unit is under warranty I suggest you contact your retailer for replacement/repair. If it's outside of warranty, contact one of the authorised service centres in your region.

djman86 0 votos
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Hi, initially I had problems getting my Cdj-850 to power up at all power points in the house, only some points would it power up from. Weird! Now after a month or so of no use, I tried it again and it doesn't power up anywhere anymore. I had a close listen and can hear a very faint clicking sound even when the power cord is detached from the unit. Eventually this sound would slow down til it stopped clicking. Has anyone ever came across this fault?

Djsumit Khan 0 votos
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The sound is the same thing as above, it will continue for a period even with the mains cable disconnected because the mains smoothing capacitor (aka reservoir capacitor) will hold a charge. Same thing will happen with the red standby LED on a working unit.

Unless you have problems with the wiring or sockets in certain parts of your house, I'd say this is a red herring. If the unit is now permanently dead, then it will need to go off for repair. Links for this are to the right.

djman86 0 votos
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i have the same issue, did u manage to solve this djman86?


Durell Taylor 0 votos
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