nearly 5 months and that's it, sounds like a joke to me, sad
SeguirCDJ2000NXS firmware 1.22
It's out as of today (no it's not an April's fool)
The only difference from 1.21 seems to be the kuvo support [Sarchasm ON] wow!!!! the most amazing upgrade ever, OMG I'm so happy now!!!1!!1 [Sarchasm OFF]
Ver.1.21 -> Ver.1.22 (1 April, 2014 Update)
- Add a new function (analyzing a part of MP3/AIFF Tags) to support KUVO service.
This update is only for using KUVO.
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KUVO? Who cares, really. LOL
I do not update it;) afraid of new bugs:)
I see.thats how pioneer celebrate the fools day...
Really don't know what to say - haven't heard back from Pio regarding the latest bug I posted here a while ago - It's just sad.
it is ridicolous indeed.
Message for Pioneer: do you know what is the result of your way of dealing with the firmware of the Nexus and rekordbox? Well, my old mixer had some problems and I decided to buy a new one. I ended up buying an A&H but I was undecided until the last minute between A&H and Denon. Guess which brand I didn' even consider buying?
even their website is a mess, you go to get FW for the 2000mk1's and it says it's like 1.21 but when you get to the final download it's 1.32, its a mess all over lately
Shem's like Pio is a 10 man company... (?)
I don't even bother to update, not the mk1's or even the nexus's.. Who cares about kuvo.. If a serious update comes, the i update.
I also will not update obviously.
It's been months since my thread regarding better service has been deleted and still no update regarding the issues with the firmware.
No update, no change; just deleted posts that make Pioneer look bad.
This thread will also go to la la land with mine where they get special attention.
Walter, if you are in a bad mood about your CDJs I can suggest you to read this:
and don't forget to spread the smiles!
thats actually a good read, hopefully this is why it is quiet right now, some restructuring, out with the old in with the new and so on, we shall see
Yes interesting but I have no faith for 'em anymore...
So I guess the out of time loops and broken Quantize Hot Cue's are never getting fixed then.
Guess Ill buy the DDJ-SZ... oh hang on, one of the jog wheels doesnt work.
DDJ-SX then... oh cant use a mic on it because of the distortion and the pads have stopped working.
DDJ-S1... nope, the speeds drift on Itch and the platters dont work on DJ, and has no booth output... and half the knobs have fallen off it.
Look on Ebay for some 2nd hand 2000's then... oh... there is none, everybody is selling their Nexus'
what's up with the loops and the hot cue's tom?
Hi Phil,
The quantized loops are not accurate, they are usually slightly to short, meaning constant nudge backs are required to keep in time, this becomes very noticeable when using short loops. (Anyone still remember this issue on the early firmware versions of the 2000's?!)
Using the IN>OUT buttons on the fly slightly knocks the track out of time.
Quantize Hot Cues dont work when a loop is saved to them.
For some reason you have to fire the loop 2 or 3 times before it even gets close to coming in on time.
Adjusting loop length using the CALL buttons is dangerous because if you shorten the loop past where the playhead is, the track is thrown completely out of time.
Slip mode doesnt work when in a loop.
This happens on all tracks, including the 100's I have manually set the BPM and beatgrid to in Rekordbox.
I hate to come here and trash the product, but these issues have been brought to Pioneers attention and they are doing NOTHING about it!
I have a DDJ-S1 which I dont like to use because the temoo drift's and half the knobs no longer function properly.
I cant use the SX because I need to use a mic.
Its simply not acceptable in these price brackets.
hi tom
half the problem i think is these issues get hidden in other threads and the mods just aren't around as they once were to read through long threads where the conversation jumps around to different problems.
i've not had the issue with the hot cue loops before but i have experienced the in/out loop bug. it doesn't happen every time, maybe 1 time in 10 or 15 and i just learned to live with it but it should be fixed. i'll open a new thread and maybe you (and others who've noticed it) can join in and see if the mods can report it.
maybe also open a specific thread for your hot cue loops issue too, i think we stand a better chance of a fix by having specific threads focussed on each bug as i don't think the mods have as much time to patrol these boards as they once did.
The club I work at just updated from the 2000 to the Nexus. I updated the firmware at the beginning of my set. I was expecting big things, having the Aero at home and knowing what to expect from sync and quantized loops I ended up having a difficult night dealing with not a single track syncing properly and every loop drifting. Nothing about the new display proved helpfull. Pioneer, this unit has now been out for 2 years and for a first time user with 24 years experience I was nervous like I have never been with any previous equipment. None of the new features behave like your marketing alludes to. I would hate to have spent my money on a Nexus and now understand why so many are frustrated.
To be fair Phillip, you need to spend a bit of down time with the nexus to really get the hang of them. if you use sync, your beat grids need to be bang on otherwise you'll be in trouble. all the new features do work, you probably need to invest a bit of time to figure out how they work properly.
i think generally people on here are pretty happy with the nexus now, the frustrations have been with a couple of earlier firmware's not being up to scratch and the support on here being a bit quiet.
As Phil states, if using the Sync your beatgrids need to be spot on.
I would however forget about using Sync, its exponentially more work to manually check every track in your library than it is just to mix the usual way.
But im not sure people are that happy, I know maybe 1 DJ out of 20 who is happy with them, and he plays house all night doing a simple mix every 5-6 minutes. Plenty of free software apps do that job well!
I think people just cant be bothered reporting bugs anymore. A quick search of the forum shows they have all been reported before, and nothing gets done.
I for one am sick of doing all of Pioneers testing for them, testing which should have been done before they put the products on sale!
Its only a matter of time before another company comes out with an amazing system which ticks all the boxes (and more importantly works!)
Then Pioneer will evaporate from clubs, like Denon did after the CDJ1000's were released.
At least we still have the music to keep us sane while we wait ;-)
"I think people just cant be bothered reporting bugs anymore. A quick search of the forum shows they have all been reported before, and nothing gets done.
I for one am sick of doing all of Pioneers testing for them, testing which should have been done before they put the products on sale!
Its only a matter of time before another company comes out with an amazing system which ticks all the boxes (and more importantly works!)
Then Pioneer will evaporate from clubs, like Denon did after the CDJ1000's were released.
At least we still have the music to keep us sane while we wait ;-)"
couldn't have said it any better Tom! Amen!
I know this is off topic but for the past year (after purchasing the Aero) I have gone through my tracks and manually aligned the grid to each beat. Some tracks it was hard work but some didn't require any adjustment. I was disappointed last Saturday night as I was working with two tracks I know didn't require any beat grid adjustment, didn't give me any trouble on the vanilla 2000 previously, they had perfect timing yet I needed to continually pitch bend the in coming track to keep the beats aligned. Active loops set in Rekordbox were completely unreliable, either at the beginning of the track or at a mid point that would auto activate.
This is because Sync was on. If it were off I would speed the track up to compensate for a loop that is a little slow thus avoiding constant pitch bending.
I don't wan't to forget about sync, it is prominent new feature I want to use to spend more time being creative, less time beat matching.
The Aero also has an issue with drifting loops so this is definitely a Pioneer thing. They simply haven't implemented this feature as one would expect. What if Pioneer made watches that synchronized with online atomic clocks? What then when we find out they didn't and drifted. Would I still be told to forget about it and manually adjust my watch? How can you promote a feature of a product that doesn't entirely deliver?
I am happy to jump through as many loops as required to have this particular feature work.
I love that 'If Pioneer made clocks'
I can see that catching on haha
Alguien podría ayudarme.
eh intentado conectar SERATO DJ a las CDJ 2000nxs y no me dice desconectado. algunos mencionan que necesito tarjeta externa de audio. entonces investigando me encuentro con CROSS 3 MIXVIBES ... el cual se supone que al conectar con pura USB me detecta los CDJ Player. el cual me sigue ocasionando error.
Investigo de esos programas porque Uso a veces VIDEO.
Quiero pensar que es problema de la actualización?
CDJ 2000nxs Firmware 1.22
OS X 10.9.3
I think they will come with a Big update with the new Rekordbox:)
But its only what I hope for..
Let's hope Serato are taking control of beat detection and griding this time.....why mix vibes had the job in the first place leaves me confused......
With all the Pioneer Serato collaboration heres hoping!
Until now we have had a premium product paired with a not so premium software!
Just my opinion ;)
walter_white Apr 27
"I think people just cant be bothered reporting bugs anymore. A quick search of the forum shows they have all been reported before, and nothing gets done.
I for one am sick of doing all of Pioneers testing for them, testing which should have been done before they put the products on sale!
Its only a matter of time before another company comes out with an amazing system which ticks all the boxes (and more importantly works!)
Then Pioneer will evaporate from clubs, like Denon did after the CDJ1000's were released.
At least we still have the music to keep us sane while we wait ;-)"
couldn't have said it any better Tom! Amen!
Let's hope pioneer get what they deserve...
A few years ago, this site was a helpful resource full of knowledgeable members and moderators. Sadly most have been so pissed off by pioneers poor relations they rarely post these days.
Times have changed and certainly not for the better. Everyone is fed up shelling out for fairly untested beta gear that costs a ridiculous amount, especially when you see other dj companies excelling, native instruments etc.
The farce that is rekordbox has gone on for 5 years mostly continuously broken, certainly never 100% and updates are sparce addressing one issue and causing another, much like the firmware.
Time to move on it seems...
bring on 1.23, its been over 2 months, :)