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[CLOSED] XDJ-AERO, questions

I am surprised Pioneer has done this being the fact that we were all told how much of a bad idea it was to stream RB to your cdj's via wireless :)  I am sure the AERO though was built with this in mind to make it more stable, we hope


quick question, I LOVE this idea of finally have a small all in on controller that allows me to use RB with my laptop, is it possible thast the AERO or a near future controller do exactly this but with an ethernet port so I dont HAVE to use wireless. Me personally, I am not a huge fan of doing a 4 hour party relying on a wireless connection between my macbook and the AERO, If it had an ethernet port also as a secondary option, I would buy it on the day its released so some of the clubs that don't have the 2000's, I am not forced to use serato or carry my personal 2000's there, I can just bring in this controller and play


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I think it is interesting that Pioneer's engineers have enough time to write software for toys like this but can't seem to sort out Rekordbox. You know, the piece of software that is essential to their flagship products.

RyanTV 0 votos
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Does this have a waveform display? I've become quite accustomed to them on my 900's..

K1 0 votos
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@RyanTV > They're not really as this integrates with rekordbox... all they did was hire some new engineers to design the apps for mobile devices.  If anything, we'll see more improvements as more products rely on rekordbox.

Pulse 0 votos
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It shows three tracks when searching. There is one USB port on top that sends to both sides soi you play off one drive for both. 

Jay 0 votos
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are they thinking of making one similar to the AERO that does have so we are not stuck with wireless on what could be a great controller for some?

BriChi 0 votos
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Speculating on future gear release is just that.  We can mention to the right people that this is a requested feature for the future!  And I still want a GODZILLA Button!!!

Jay 0 votos
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My thoughts are about the app for iPad/iPhone. If i can sync my rekordbox database with my iPad, can Pioneer make it so i can then connect my iPad to my CDJ 2000 via USB and use my iPad to browse and send my music over the PRO DJ link??????????

Marsano 0 votos
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I dont know, I think they shouldve done the same deal but let us plug in the usb cable from the ipad to communicate between the ipad app for RB and the controller. Reading around no one is going to trust streaming music over wifi at this state, to unreliable. Plus I would have to plug in the iPad or phone to know charge anyway so again, just allow it to be plugged right into the controller to play and charge. Wireless just makes no sense in a club/mobile situation, you still have to plug in power and rca's, the rca outs alone clearly show this is really geared towards a bedroom dj anyway IMO

BriChi 0 votos
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@Marsano > Anything is possible, it's just whether or not they're able to do it with the current hardware / firmware / software or an update.

Pulse 0 votos
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When playing on the Aero, will the smartphone or tablet be able to display the waveform of the played tune?

Mc_lark 0 votos
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Yes, but not the position in realtime (from what I understand).

Pulse 0 votos
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It's a good start, hopefully future releases will be able to show realtime, think this will be a much better option than using other DJ software/laptop.

Really excited about the rekordbox mobile apps and beat grading on the go, what a way to reply to Denons Engine!!!

Mc_lark 0 votos
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Pioneer really shock me with this one ;)  I think this is a great product.

I see only one usb port on the top, will it be able to read a usb drive and record to it at the same time?

Also the selections of effects are nice but too bad they can't be passed over to the mixer portion :(

The sampler function seems very interesting, can't wait to read more about it. 

Wyley 0 votos
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As a mobile guy always carrying small instruments near campfires beach camping... I was very happy to finally see a complete professional looking controller able to work with only a smartphone, no need to carry a big laptop anymore. But cant this run on batteries? It would have been logical to have like a built in lithium Ion battery pack just like a laptop battery with a battery gauge indicator included within the lcd screen. 

Will this controller still be able to operate via usb power if I plug a usb portable battery pack in the rear usb plug? If not, is there a safe way to provide portable power into the 12v DC socket without the need to carry a car booster pack or a big battery with an AC-DC current inverter?

50n1c-L1nk 0 votos
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I hope this is the start of something good, a wireless setup is something ive been wishing for a long time now, my personal setup consists of no less than 25 cables :O  it horrifies me every time i look at the back of it lol, the XDJ is a little basic for me, but i think it will sell well,  hopefully in the coming years pioneers flagship  mixer and decks incorporate an evolved version of this wireless technology :)

Any clues on the price of the XDJ yet?

aaron elliott 0 votos
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$1400 or £870. Well over priced if you ask me. If you have a laptop I think the ERGO is the way to go

Marsano 0 votos
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I like it!

I can't see the point of it, but it *looks* ace!

Cheeba 0 votos
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The XDJ looks like a great product, specially for DJs playing in clubs on setups consisting of CDJS 2000+DJM 800 mixer. This seems like a relatively cheap option to emulate that setup at home, to test out new songs prepared on rekordbox. 

Im only missing the option to use HOTCUES though, is this possible with the a shift option? And will the XDJ load al the HOTCUES and CUES that have been set in Rekordbox?

Cruzito 0 votos
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DjWorks had a piece of XDJ into their hands and confirm about hotcue, I don't remember but it's a stuff like "shift+sample" or something else.
It was the only fing I wanted to know before buy it myself !
Pulse or Djjay will confirm that probably ! Will you great guys ?

DJSTUFF 0 votos
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Yeah I saw the preview at DjWorx, however they weren't sure about the CUES/HOTCUES functionality.... Pulse?

Cruzito 0 votos
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They say in the article "And to clarify one popular misconception – there are cue points. The multi-purpose sample/FX buttons are also shift button enabled cue buttons" and they answer to my question "cue or hotcue?" - "probably hotcue" .... So....

DJSTUFF 0 votos
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Yeah but that was just an assumption by the guy of DJworx... I would preferr to get the official info regarding the functionality and compability of the hotcues with rekordbox.

Lets hope that Pulse can shed some light on this feature!

Cruzito 0 votos
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Sorry, haven't had my hands on one yet so I can't answer the questions yet - I'll be in Atlantic City for DJ Expo next week where we'll be showing them off and I should have a chance to put it through its paces and give you some detailed answers.

Pulse 0 votos
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Looking at the manual it says that you can hook up your recordbox analyzed usb hard drive to the unit and browse the drive and load tracks wirelessly :)   No need to wifi stream tracks.  I would like to see this in action cause this a great +1

Wyley 0 votos
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what are you using to browse wirelessly though? You think you can plug in a usb drive and browse that drive wirelessy off lets say an iPad? that would be cool and its a big home run feature on the other brands new deck

BriChi 0 votos
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so about the app.. could you use it for making a playlist on RB and play it on other devices or something?

F!RMWAR3 0 votos
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im sure, if the other device supports it. I have a bunch of questions too but I will wait till Monday for the DJExpo where I am sure there will be videos and questions all over about 

BriChi 0 votos
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