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XDJ Aero - Initial Comments and Feedback

Firstly, hello everyone first post from me here...I'm a long time Pioneer DJ gear user but have never joined the forum before.

I got my Aero at the weekend and unfortunately have had a mixed experience. As this is my first post on the forum I didn't want to be overly negative so I have listed out below the good and the bad from my perspective...I'm a CDJ2000 user but bought the Aero to have as a portable device for parties or friend's get togethers. The main reason I bought it is the rekordbox integration as it means I can use the same tracks on my 2000s as on the Aero and don't have to fuss around with multiple software programmes.


  • Quality mixer with sound colour effect filters - almost like having a 2 channel DJM800 (not bad for the price)
  • Responsive jog wheels
  • Compact size without being too small and lightweight
  • Wireless integration with rekordbox is awesome and makes DJ switch overs so easy
  • The ability to control a USB stick plugged into the unit via the iPhone app is also a quality feature which means you don't have to use the screen on the unit

Cons and constructive feedback on feature improvements:

  • No ability recall stored cue points - using the shift button together with the four sample buttons could easily achieve this. Or perhaps shift and sample/jog drum buttons to go back and forward
  • No CDJ stutter mode - without the ability to recall cue points I find it this really frustrating. This is how I normally cue up my tracks on my 2000s if I haven't already prepped them in rekordbox...
  • No waveforms - I obviously realised this when I bought the unit but as a feature suggestion could waveforms be shown via the iOS app for the master track playing? I imagine the software development would be intensive and may also cannibalise some of the more pro focused Pioneer models but that would be awesome!

Overall, I have to say that whilst I think the Aero is a great piece of kit, and you get lots for the money, Im really disappointed you cannot load up stored cue points. I should have checked this before I bought it but after watching the promo video, and given that it heavily plugged the rekordbox 'prepare and play' principle, I had sort of assumed that this would be basic and standard functionality...I was wrong and have to admit to being more than a bit annoyed.

If I could get cue point recall I would be a happy customer but without it and without a CDJ stutter mode I sort of wish I had not purchased one...the promo vid is misleading in my opinion...

Nick L

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I think they will put cue points on there next firmware update. I can't see them leaving that out,to many people are asking for that. I got a feeling they working on it,and I hear you about the waveform but who know they might have an update on the rekordbox app that you can use waveform on the fly. I see a lot of good things happening with this unit just be patient and positive. Am getting mines soon can't wait

Steven V 0 votos
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@Nick > Thanks for the feedback!  Updates certainly are able to address certain requests / complaints, but whether or not they will be implemented (or in a timely manner) is unknown.

Pulse 0 votos
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Thanks pulse. The waveform feedback is I know a bit of a stretch as that is not what the unit is supposed to do but cue points is a fundamental requirement for me. Otherwise it pushes people away from rekordbox and onto traktor etc. I would hope that is a good reason for Pioneer to implement this to encourage the use of rekordbox. Overall don't get me wrong though it is a very nice unit.

Nick L 0 votos
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The display on the aero has enough pixels to put a low res waveform on the player it's self. Only gotta look at the reckordbox logo when you switch the aero on & the amount of lines the time bar takes up. Now that would be an update for this flagship player.

Gary Loosley 0 votos
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Nick what do you mean by stutter mode?

paulo1976 0 votos
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i think he is referring to that little loop the cdj players make while you are setting the cue point,

if gary is right and the current display allowed for some (even crude) waveform view that would bring a lot of perceived value to the product (as it is something that was never advertised or could be expected from the product, just a welcome and sightly obvious add on)

regarding cue points recall (and why not setting up as well ? the aero should allow us to prepare our tracks directly from the controller but recall is absolute minimum) this is indeed a more serious omission, personally when i first found out about the product and started reading its features and specs there was nothing that led me to believe cue points recall was not provided out of the box so i tend to find the product somewhat "incomplete" without it (i know it sounds a little unfair but i cant avoid that feeling)

finger crossed :P

Nonnus 0 votos
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yeah thats true, so what exactly are you preparing on your phone for the Aero if you cant recall hot starts and cues? 

BriChi 0 votos
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I agree cue recall MUST be added. I feel as though I have been duped by Pioneer on this one, watching the official intro video to the Aero clearly shows a guy preparing a track cue/loop on his mobile and the suggestion is that the Aero will be able to use these.

DJ101 0 votos
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ha, you read my mind!

since my last post i kept seeing that mental image of our dear friend, the skateboy, 

getting out of his board, spin it like a proper dj,

and then start doing something that did look like setting cue / loop points so he could use them later on with his aero

(i might be wrong, of course, but that seemed to be the implicit concept of the video, and why he keep skating around and stop once in a while to use the mobile app)

Nonnus 0 votos
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as a proper compulsive forum user i had to check the video again (after posting, figure that) and i was wrong, the video does indeed show him setting a cue point but not storing in memory and all the listed features are:

prepare your set, download, import, prepare beatgrids (this is where he nudges back and forth and sets a cue point, why ? have no idea, but that seemed to be what lead me to assume cue points storing was part of the package)

last but not least, he ONLY spins the board (like a proper dj) AFTER he uses the mobile app, not before, sorry about that, my bad 

Nonnus 0 votos
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Have they added cue recall yet? I'm thinking about getting one?

Gavin crawford 0 votos
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Give me waveforms on the iPad please it would be amazing if this could be done. 

EPiCDiNGO 0 votos
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Hi, I am a long time Pioneer owner coming all the way from CDJ-100 -> 800 -> 800mk2:s and a 707 mixer too.

I sold today my pair of 800mk2:s, and I am lookin for a new dj system so, few questions.

  1.     About USB. Is it possible to chance a USB-stick/drive to new on the fly while I have songs still cued/playing from the released one?

        I know it has a 10minutes buffer for WIFI, but does this same buffer logic apply for USB-sticks? This is important to have for me.

        WIFI would rock on home, but anywhere else -especially when playing B2B- this is essential to have. 

  2.     Waveform display, is it possible to have it on the product via firmware update? I feel that this is essential feature in any new dj player.


    This XDJ-AERO unit has (to me) a slightly toyish look, with all the samples, automix etc, busy design.

     Are Pioneer going to make a more professional version with bigger screens, waveform display and (much asked) multi cue points.

     And if they are, would it be possible to have some good features from my loved DJM 707, mostly the sturdy build, non busy button placement,

     cue crossfader, fader curves and mostly effect loop input outputs  (for my Korg KP3 or Pioneer's substitutes), and those multiple USB-slots?


Thank You in advance! :)

br: remotion 

remotion 0 votos
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So finally I had some time to mess around with my XDJ AERO yesterday, recorded a House Mix in it and here are my impressions:

  • The connectivity and practicality this unit have is defo shine on! Be able to mix and record it without the need of any computer and additional cables or devices is outstanding. As this will be my main use for it, it turns perfectly for what I need. I can confirm that there are NO similar devices in the market where it is so straight forward to do this. In addition to this, having the options to play as stand alone, with traktor or with wifi (though laptop or tablet or even cell phone) if I want, is the future for sure!

  • Jog wheel: in my first impression I felt it was too soft, but after spinning a couple more tracks, I must say it is a good one. It could be a bit bigger, but the size is just right for a "controller".

  • Effects and filter: very good, works perfectly. I felt like home with the Echo, Flanger and the low/high pass filter, almost like I do on a DJM 800. The XDJ AERO does have the effects I use most. So I can't complain or request for more.

What it could be improved:

  • "Lock" the selected configuration for a certain Effect: if I am not mistaken, it is like this in the DJM. And I truly miss it. For example: I can set 1/2 for Echo and 16 for Flanger. So when I change the effect, it goes straight for the last setup I did for that FX. But in AERO, the setup is unique: if I set to 1/2 in Echo and change to Flanger, it will stay at 1/2, even if I setup the Flanger before to 16. I must all the time do the setup again for what I want when changing effect...

  • Waveform display: yes, I miss this, too! I do have conscience that know well the music you are playing is almost a must for a DJ, but sometimes I do enjoy dropping some new tracks that I even didn't played before or that I've played it just once or twice and I don't know exactly where a break can enter, for example. Having a simple waveform display like the ones we have in the 1000s directly into the AERO display or a more complete one into rekordbox mobile into the "play view" would fulfill this request for me.

    From what I see, there are a good bunch of people requesting this, so... Let's do it, Pioneer! ;) 

In general, I really enjoyed the XDJ AERO! In my opinion, it is one of the most easy to use devices for DJ and it's perfect for use at home and small bars or venues. I am happy with it for now!

Jeff Char 0 votos
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Thank you for the feedback, I will pass your thoughts to the engineers.

Jay 0 votos
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Thanks, djjay! Really looking forward to know if these suggestions can/cannot be implemented.

Jeff Char 0 votos
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Guys don't know if you have noticed but you can use 1 Cuepoint now.

Set up 1 Cuepoint in Rekordbox and save it in Memory.

Setup AutoCue in the Aero to Memory. It will then use the Cuepoint which you stored in Memory as it's first autocue point.

Ronn Sastro 0 votos
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I don't get the way pioneer are running there business at this time, it is like they don't listen to what we all wish for. I can not understand the hard work in programming those damn hotcues!!!
Come one Pioneer you have to live up to your good name.

Daniel raahauge 0 votos
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I'm also missing the CDJ-Stutter Mode. Setting Cue points is to damn hard now... I've seen the little "grid" thing that helps you set the cue point, but that only works if all your grids are properly made in Rekordbox

And also a vote for Waveform display. And actually I would be more than happy if the waveform just displays in my Rekordbox next to the icon of the Deck 1 and 2 (deck one has wavform left, deck to on the right). 

kevenlefonque 0 votos
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sad to say that pioneer could not care less for your / our votes, suggestions or opinions

for quite some time they have all the info and tech they needed to make THE killer rekorbox player but for some reason (*cough* *cdj sales* *cough* *djm sales*) they keep their decision not to, hopefully that will change someday, in the meanwhile i have voted with my wallet: no xdj aero, no cdj, no djm (i did get a rmx 1000 though but cant say i was too impressed with it, so far)

Nonnus 0 votos
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It's cool for what it is. Have been using one for two weeks now.

Pros: No wires - lightweight - feels familiar right away

Cons: It doesn't accept a usb hub, so back to back with two usb flashdrives is not possible - no waveform

The sound output is a bit hollow/metal

Suggestions for a next model:

Make it accept usb hubs or just simply 1 usb slot per player to make back to back sessions possible.

Put a waveform on the displays


Mista Tee 0 votos
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Hi Mista,

It IS possible to use 2 USB flashdrives, if you do have a tablet or Android device that have an USB port! That's how I am playing with it: with 1 USB flash drive plugged in an Android tablet and another plugged into the XDJ itself.

You would just need to change the setting to where the files should be read into the rekordbox mobile to read from where your USB is mounted instead of the default /storage/sdcard path.

Jeff Char 0 votos
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1 USB per player would definately be very usefull for b2b playing, however I think Pioneer put the main focus on the Wifi connectivity and connection with mobile devices and Rekordbox app.

Probably just wanting people to start using their mobile devices more..

Ronn Sastro 0 votos
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Throwing in my votes:

1) upgraded display to show waveform profile, rekordbox cue points and hot cue points (even if the hot cue feature is not active)

-> even a crude profile on the existing display with cue and hot cue markers is very useful! cue points could even be a line or pixel in place of the normal profile or progress bar, as long as there was some easy way to differentiate between the four different cue types, e.g.: | = cue, . = hotcue A, : = hotcue B, ' = hot cue C, etc.

2) cue point selection

3) hot cues of current track of the player load up the sample banks of that player

4) Back-cue time-relative into silence (as described in the Rekordbox and CDJ2000 threads) to enable accurate scratching and cueing at the beginning of a track.

5) two usb ports would be handy, especially for bigger thumb-drive libraries (I use only AIF,) switching up sets, and performer swaps

pope 0 votos
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Love my XDJ  Just wish for the hot cues and maybe a Slip mode

xDallas Brownx 0 votos
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