Totally agree!
Pioneer .....please give me a direct answer about this! Are you or are you not going to make a firmware update for this machine??? I need hotcues! I need ipad app. Is this going to happen, or do i need to find another brand?
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Totally agree!
App would be nice with wave form on please
Admittedly, a hot cue update would be much appreciated (the buttons are there, the shift button is there ... just need firmware).
As the new XDJ-R1 can be controlled from the IOS devices, is Pioneer going to upgrade the firmware on the XDJ-Aero so that it can also be controlled from any of these IOS devices. Would definitely like to see this upgrade.
Wishful thinking! Aero with hotcues? I can't see it happening..
@Daniel > We very much aim to meet our customers expectations and ensure the units perform as best they can but I'm also here to manage expectations. If you absolutely need hot cues, why did you buy the XDJ-Aero? What, in your opinion, is the problem with the app?
Hey Gavin
I bought the XDJ-Aero when it just came out and hoped for some updates, there are 4 effect buttons and by a simple push on the shift, i don't se the problem in making hot cue. the info is stored in the tracks from Rekordbox.
My problem also are the rekordbox app.
ipad version!
more info when browsing the playlists, BPM, time. etc.
to slow browsing in big playlists (i'm using USB, so it is "only" the info.)
I just think you are using to much energy on making new products instead of making the "old" ones work 100%
Now my option is to sell the Aero and loss alot of money and then buy the R1 to get the updates i need.
Well, I'm not a hardware engineer but I would imagine it would take a substantial amount of coding work for the unit to be able to mark and call up hot cues.
I also understand that the app on the iPad isn't the most aesthetically pleasing as a made-for-iPad app could be but again I don't understand how you could expect these 'updates' when there was never such announcements made about possible features or such updates.
I think everybody got a very high expectation with the XDJ Aero when it just came out (including myself) of having more frequent updates over the apps and the firmware as the hardware, theoretically, looked like to have potential. But unfortunately now I feel and guess that the hardware have it's limitations too, not only the software.
But I still have faith that there is enough room to a couple of improvements. The XDJ Aero display IMHO it's still under used. For exampIe, I think there space into the display to take off that "4 beats view" and place in there one "simple waveform view", just like the one we have in the CDJ 1000 line. All the waveform information is stored into the rekordbox database file, so it would be needed to get this info and project it into the display. But again... I have no idea if the XDJ Aero have enough processing power to do this.
If that's not possible directly in the hardware, the Rekordbox mobile app could have a view for at least show the live progress in a simple bar and above it, show the whole the waveform! So we could know which part of the music is playing, visually. I think this is the most missed and urgent feature the Aero users are looking for now and I am quite sure this is possible to do. Besides that, I am really enjoying my Aero!
Talking about the hot cues now, after Gavin's reply, I am sure now that this will not show up in Aero, confirming that the hardware have limitations. For me it would be a "nice to have feature", but it's not that essential because what I want with Aero is a decent and confiable playback and EQ, with at least, a minimal track visualization.
And people, let's get in real! Don't expect to see the Aero to be compatible with Remotebox as the Aero is compatible with Rekordbox only! It will never work with Remotebox as it's a totally different kind of software, for different purposes! The Aero will never be able to get remote controlled by an app!
The R1 looked to be a very nice hardware, but for me, the Aero and the R1 are for different purposes. I am not planning a substitution, as I don't need the CD players and again, in my opinion, Pioneer failed again miserably of bundling just one USB into the controller, repeating the same big mistake they did with the Aero...
Hmm, I disagree with point made: The XDJ Aero is already capable of recalling the first memory cue to start a song. If the engineers were able to update the firmware to make this possible, then I'm fairly confident that it would also be possible to recall the three hot cues, as well. I wouldn't ever expect to be able to mark new hot cues, in any case I prepare my tracks in advance in rekordbox, but it would be a much appreciated upgrade.
Not to make excuses for Pioneer, but changing the sample button behavior to that of a hot cue would require a lot more memory and cpu as each track is loaded. Consider this with an AIFF and it's likely that the Aero does not have the bandwidth, so they went with it loading a set of 'sample files' indicated by a playlist at the beginning, then they sit there waiting to be used.
I realize now that this is the likely reason even a rudimentary waveform and cue memory recall probably also exceeds the Aero's CPU bandwidth. Having it load up the first cue is somewhat simple, but jumping around memory cues takes a couple hundred milliseconds even on a 2000, because it needs to seek through huge AIFF file.
I'm really hoping these issues are addressed in some way on the R1, that unit is damn close to what I need in addition to my 2000's...
Exactly, pope. That's my point of view for this subject as well.
It's a shame that Pioneer doesn't show up the technical specs from each device (such as processor type and clock and how much RAM/ROM each unit does have). With this kind of information, I guess it would be possible to, at least, have an idea of the potential a unit could do or not do. These controllers are like computers for me. As I do have some knowledge, this kind of information would be useful for me to choose between different controllers.
For each device that Pioneer releases, it does sets loads of expectations over the customers and most of times, a good amount of things that we imagine that could be possible with the hardware, it's not, because we don't have any technical idea of which is the device we are buying...
When I bought the XDJ Aero, I was already convinced with the features it already had. But at the same time, I thought we would receive more updates and improvements over time, more precisely into the rekordbox and rekordbox mobile functionalities. But unfortunately, the last version from these softwares were released around 6 months ago and the software still have a couple of annoying bugs and/or limitations...
As I browse I always get ideas, when on the 2000's I tag away.
Tracks on my galaxy Note 5.3 or Note 10.1 can be tagged in the Rekordbox app. I would love to have this ability when browsing USB files too.
That's the one thing I want more than anything else. Can't do that on my Aero but wish I could.
A proper app for a tablet too when you get the time, the fonts are too large so not enough tracks are displayed at the same time.
We want this! We want the remotebox is compatible with xdj aero! I do not want my device is useless! I bought it now!
Please Pioneer! We can control the Xdj aero in the same way of the new R1! otherwise, most of us have wasted the money!
Again, to repeat myself, why has the Aero suddenly become useless and a waste of money because another product has been released?
you did this
for DDJ-Ergo why cant we have some think simmer for the aero
are you going to sort your self out pioneer ??????????? answers please ??
gavin what do u do at pioneer or are u just a dj ???
@ Gavin I speak for me. but I think I speak for many people who bought XDJ aero. I think it's an ultra valid (why it's called Pioneer). In terms of quality it is true you are the best on the market. However, the term wi-fi all expected more, especially an app VALID. Not created just to see that there is a function wi-fi. Reading on the forum, those who have the aero would like the same things. You feel cheated (I hope this is the right word in english) because these things we see on the new device and our not.
XDJ Aero owners have also been crying out for an Ipad version of Rekordbox since day 1, quite sickening to see the new product have a slick app.
I'm not too fussed with all these xy pad effects features remote box has, yes hotcues would be nice, but for crying out loud please give us an Ipad Rekordbox app to browse our playlist/ libraries, even better if you can give us a waveform like the CDJ 2000's and the ability to needle search.
The Aero is a great product and always had greater potential, it's a shame we haven't seen much on the upgrade scene.
I for one am getting hacked off and seriously considering going down the Denon & Engine route.
Personally, the software recordbox for pc or mac I find it not useful. Because if I want to use a PC use traktor. The major limitation of recordbox is that I can only see a live song.
The big problem is the app for ipad. Functions insufficient. be totally inadequate
Al I am asking for is realtime wave file view in Rekordbox. That wouldn't be to hard to create I guess.
I think simple waveforms when the tracks are playing added to the iPad/ Android tablet application is not 2 much to ask for since these applications already have the waveform stored in them already. I really cannot understand why Pioneer would not add this feature as I am sure it would make a lot of people very happy. The hot cues are not essential for me as the music I play I do not use them as much but I can see why some people would like them adding. I am very temped to sell my XDJ Aero and look into other things, I have been happy with it since I bought it but guess I just assumed it would updated with firmware and new features ( the new sample bank features was nice however) but I think iPioneer are not supporting this to push it and think it can offer a lot more with new features added but it seems they have spent a lot of time working on new hardware like the XDJ-R1.
We all want more things, more functionality. The same or very similar to the new remotebox.. would be perfect! nobody would complain more
I have an idea for XDJ aero. I think it's really feasible. When I put music via the USB I sometimes need to create playlists on the moment with the Automix function. It would be possible? In my nights I need to leave my music go on for an hour and the music you decide on the moment. is possible?
@Andrew > That was software created by a 3rd party for the Ergo and WeGo, not Pioneer.
@mc_lark > I'm sure there will be an iPad app but its necessary to resolve any kinks and bugs in the software at the moment.
@Davide > There is the option to have or not to have the laptop in the DJ booth - thats the idea. You can prepare your sets on your laptop and then export them to the XDJ-Aero for the gig.
@Pat > Its been requested.
@GAVIN I will not use my laptop live. In any case, I can not even play playlists on the USB already set. Let me explain:
In a folder on the USB flash drive I have 20 songs, inside this folder I create a playlist file (. M3u). I enter the memory stick on my XDJ aero, I select the automix and I take a song. The XDJ aero continues to play the same song forever! first from the left deck then to the right on!
I also agree that hot cue is a must. Especialy when a device is build around rekordbox. Beside that, hot cue's are very essential for mixing. And I also think that it can be programmed. Talking about updates, it's a long time ago XDJ Aero got one. Even I got the feeling that now the R1 is there, the Aero will die slowly. Should that be the price early adopters must pay? Hope not Pioneer.
After the promises made by Pioneer people about updates I decided to buy the XDJ Aero and hope for future upgrades. I knew it had no waveforms but was almost sure they would come by reading a post made on this forum by someone from pioneer when asked about waveforms his reply made my mind up for me.
Here is the quote
Pioneer DJ
Keep in mind, this product is in its infancy - it has just started making its way to the streets and there is a lot that can be done with firmware updates. Pioneer is really interested in making this product the best of its kind so naturally they will be looking for this kind of feedback.
August 27, 2012 17:22
I bought mine just and played first gigs with XDJ-Aero, I love the machine, but there is a big but!
I need to have a "cdj" type cue. Cueing with this vinyl mode is horribly vague.
I never liked it in the bigger players but now I hate it even more because there isn´t ff/rewind buttons and I cant use the top side of the platters at all for anything meaningfull, in bigger players at least I had both options even in Vinyl mode.
It is my real concern: I can live with it for a while, but if it's not going to be implemented, I must return the device and wait for something better to come out.
Actually, cdj type cue was why I originally bought my first cdj-100:s way back in 1999, instead of Technics SL-1200:s.. If the above quote " Pioneer is really interested in making this product the best of its kind so naturally they will be looking for this kind of feedback." -is true, then I am sure there must be way to disable vinyl mode and give us option of cdr, it can't be too hard to implement it somewhere in the options menu or better, into button, as it has been in every other player in Pioneers history....
Thank you in advance!