I was like you. So I gave it a shot so far my unit be good. I had some little hiccups here and there. But I managed to get a fix. It had to do with my music files. But over all still work good. Had the unit from August until now. I ran the unit for like 4or 5 hours straight. With traktor and usb. is it worth for u to get. Depends if u use cd or if u like hot cues. I had the areo and regret getting rid of it. That's why I got the r1. Am happy with my r1. Might get later on the xdj 1000 so it could be side by side.
Seguir[SOLVED] Is XDJ-R1 Stable and Reliable after last updtae (V 1.10)?
I currently have the XDJ-Aero and working fine. I usually use VDJ Software. I was looking to purchase the XDJ-R1 for the additional features it supports but I'm concerned as it had a lot of issues since it was out and many people have been complaining around several problems (Freezing, instability...)eg.
I want to know if these issues have all been resolved and it is fine now to get and use professionally?. The real question here is: "is it worth switching the AERO with the R1?"
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