The input is done via the rotary encoder.
Not entirely clear at this time; tablets and smartphones will be compatible however I believe it will only be the rekordbox app via wired connection. More info to come this week.
new release, looks pretty good minus the fact that there are small platters but I have a few questions being the video doesn't show much
How do you type in the name of a track if you need to search a USB drive?
can the iPad app search the tracks on the USB drive similar to how Rremotebox works on the R1?
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The input is done via the rotary encoder.
Not entirely clear at this time; tablets and smartphones will be compatible however I believe it will only be the rekordbox app via wired connection. More info to come this week.
thank you Pulse!
so then the last question, Wheres the RZ with adult size platters? :)
This looks...VERY PROMISING.
4 hot cues? Fine, I'll take it;)
yeah, this thing is soooooooooooo close to what i want, only thing missing is bigger platters and an east/fast way to keyboard search a track like the added way on the XDJ-1000
btw, you might want the website folks correct the product dimensions in the specifications tab...it shows the width as 12" which is clearly in error or this device is meant for the barbie dream house
This was going to be my upgrade from the R1 until I saw the same 10,000 track limit, does not make any sense for a next gen unit. The XDJ-1000 does not have that limitation.
10k database sounds like a memory limitation, unlikely to be supported in a firmware upgrade unless they give you filename access it in a raw directory browse mode. It'd probably take forever to browse, too...
I did notice something useful missing: needle search. I guess cues and hot cues will have to do for setting levels or picking out a track.
These limitations are fine for me...I do festi work and stick with a scant few genres and styles. The most I had loaded up on a 64gig thumb was about 900 tracks and that's because I was paranoid...probably played 200 over the course of the event in several gigs.
This thing might make me change my avatar for the first time in years;)
It will be bug free??? Remember the lunch of xdj r1 who was/is full of bugs... What will be the selling price in euros???
10K track limit? ugh, oh well, can't even consider it then
Must be bug free. It's out in the UK getting hammered alway by people. One guy is like beating the s**t out of it. But then again when it's for sale in the US who knows. But am in love with it. Am going to get one when it come out. Hope all goes well. Don't want to be a Guinea pig. Lol. Pioneer is like a bad ex girlfriend or wife. No matter how bad they are. We keep coming back to them.
is the 10,000 track limit USB only and is it unlimited tracks via the LINK function playing from a PC?
I just got through this rather lengthy booth walk-through video, towards the end there's a few words about the Rekordbox link function, which appears similar to the feature on the Nexus products. Note that in the specs, the native 2kNXS maxes out at 10k tracks without using RB as the library host.
vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rlgfsorhRo
What I glean from this is the feature is intended to extend the RX's library capability by having Rekordbox host tracks to it, just like a 2000. The good news (to me at least) is that it saddles the PC with the data hosting and display tasks and keeps all the real-time playing tasks within the device which is potentially the most reliable way to go (assuming the bugs are in check and no dreaded ERR-38xx banners).
the 2000 nexus is not limited to 10k tracks, not sure if thats what you meant before but is it was, I know its not, I have 30k on a flash drive and the nexus works awesome
in the 2000 manual it states files beyond 10K in a single folder cannot be displayed but the amount of files if organized correctly is "Unlimited"
Max. number of files - Unlimited (folders beyond the 10 000th folder within a single folder cannot be displayed)
whoops, that was the folder one above, this is the file one
Max. number of files - Unlimited (files beyond the 10 000th file within a single folder cannot be displayed)
So you have to break it up into folders, which is a totally rational way to use it. Anyone with an RX in the UK care to chime in if you can search a drive with more than 10k so long as they're broken up into folders of less than that?
I doubt you can pope being it specifically states 10k limit and the 2000 states unlimited. the only limit the 2000 has is more then 10k in 1 folder, the RX however is 10k total no matter how its broken up unless you link your laptop to the RX, then you have your whole library to drop into the decks
Actually, if this unit is anything like the XDJ-R1, you should have absolutely no issues with more than 10,000 tracks. As it's been suggested, the trick is to break them up into multiple folders. I have almost 50,000 tracks all broken up into 28 different folders corresponding with the alphabet and sorted by artist name into each folder between A and Z (with one more folder for numeric artist names which is where all my tunes by, say, 10,000 Maniacs reside - and then a final folder with my key "club play" tracks which are the analyzed and quantized ones).
Granted, the main library of about 45,000 tracks is not analyzed but it's a fact that you can actually use these controllers with a library of more than 10,000 songs with absolutely no problems!!! Just thought I'd enlighten you guys as I've seen this come up over and over (and over) again...
And just to be clear, page 5 of the manual for the XDJ-R1 (which is what I currently have) basically says you can only have up to 8 folder layers (meaning the main folder plus all subsequent sub-folders within each other from that first main folder should not exceed 8 levels), you cannot have more than 999 "main" folders within the actual USB drive and that you cannot have more than 10,000 analyzed files (or 999 if they're not analyzed) within each folder.
It's a shame that the language on the manual doesn't make it as clear as that but given these parameters, you could theoretically have up to 79,920,000 analyzed songs or 7,984,008 unanalyzed songs on your hard drive and still be able to use the machine!
The one thing to note is that any files longer that 99 minutes will not play past that time so if you have any pre-mixes that are 100 minutes or longer, they'll stop abruptly before getting to the end! Not sure if all these limitations are going to carry over to the RX in the same exact manner but again, I just thought everyone should know.
Looking forward to picking up the XDJ-RX when available :)