@neils > Can you please post those two tracks so we can check them?
Dear Pioneer,
I have my pioneer xdj rx now for a week.
I have only 2 songs in my reaggeton section list. where i have problems with.
This is the video
those 2 songs are:
Dirrty from christina aquilera
Dale don dale from DON Omar
Those songs do work on the cdj nexus 2000 but dont work on the xdj rx.
They also work on the computer on the laptop.
But i put them out of my computer downloaded the songs again. and put it back on the usb and they still dont work.
Everything by recordbox 3.2.1 and 1.5 from the xdj rx firmware any ideas why?
Maybe there are more songs with problems but i am still testing every song.
gr niels
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@neils > Can you please post those two tracks so we can check them?
Oké i Will.
But you can just download them from YouTube. I do the same. And it does work on cdj nexus.
By try tonight to give them
Sorry, we can't provide any support for illegally obtained music.
Oke, I think almost every dj download songs. But oke. But still the problem that the songs do work on nexus and not xdj rx
No, the problem is more likely that they were poorly encoded through an illegal YouTube ripping website, not that there is an issue with the RX.
Ok well I think we both now that's not true wile they work on te laptop and in recordbox and on the cdj 2000 nexus. But not on the xdj becouse of the file????
But I will buy thm and show you again
If you purchase them, they'll likely be from a better quality encoder, and error-free.
However I absolutely see and agree of your point about shame youtube ripping Pulse, i think its worth to check it, if it really works on pc and CDJ 2000 nexus. At least would be great to know what does the the error code "E-8305" mean?
@Laszio > Clearly there is an error with the file itself and unfortunately it is our policy not to support users who are illegally pirating music.
Please note that I have not closed this thread, as we do wish to provide support for users who have support issues on this subject.
Dear pulse,
thanks for not closing.
i have checked the songs.
and i have tried them again on both players xdj rx and cdj 2000 nexus.
and the still work on the cdj nexus and not the xdj rx.
I know i should but them etc. but still strange it does work o nthe nexus cdj and not on the xdj rx. same somgs same usb etc.
Sorry, the fact that they play on the CDJ2000 is a bonus. We still can't support the fact that you are using illegally obtained music which has been poorly encoded.
if you can afford to purchase such high end product, I'm sure you can afford to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription to any dj record pool.
the fact you mentioning about downloading music from youtube to pioneer dj is a BIG MISTAKE!!.
I had to do this once when a customer wanted a specific clip which could only be found on YouTube, it was a Will.i.am performance on the The Voice UK. That track was for a dance routine at a special time of the evening, the song was played once and then deleted, which I hope is what you are doing.
My workaround.
1.Burn the track to CD.
2.Rip the track off the CD as a wav file. Do not convert to mp3 as the already questionable quality will be further degraded.
3.Import to Rekordbox and try again.
Any glitches in the original YouTube extract are sorted out and the quality remains the same.
@DJ Phil > That's an unnecessary method to convert and the burn / rip method doesn't make the quality any better - simply re-converting the file would suffice... but we still don't recommend obtaining music from illegal sources.
Hi guys I'm having the exact same problem except the tracks I'm having problems with are from promo record pools so not illegally obtained. Last Saturday the code E-8306: NO FILE appeared twice whilst I was live at a club! I found it so frustrating that i could not load another track to the deck even after using the toggle button to switch between line input. I had to cut the music out for 10-15 seconds whilst the XDJ-RX restarted. I was using my Macbook Pro linked to the XDJ-RX. What I don't understand is Rekordbox analyses these files with no problem, and sometimes the tracks play fine other times i get this error code. If there was something wrong with the files i would expect Rekordbox to tell me. I paid alot of money for this controller and I cannot afford as a professional DJ to have this problem. Can I have a definition of what the error code is? There would no drama if i could just load another track and carry on with my set, I need answers before I have to look at getting a different piece of equipment??!!
@Daniel > What is the filetype / encoding method? Were you connected wired or wirelessly? Where was the file located (internal or external drive)? What is the operating system version and rekordbox version?
320kbps MP3 from DJ City, Connected via ethernet using Rekordbox software on my MacBook Pro. File stored on laptop & like I said Rekordbox analysed it fine.
The only coincident I can think of when this has happened in two separate occasions is that I played a mix at the begging of the night. The mix is 40mins long is also a 320kbps MP3. Does the XDJ-RX have problems when playing tracks longer than a specific time? I'm struggling to work out if this would effect it as problems happen hours into my set not immediately after playing the mix. Rekordbox 3.2.1 OSX 10.9.5
Did the error message appear at the time you loaded the track?
Was the track loaded via rekordbox (drag and drop or keyboard shortcut), or through the RX navigation?
Also, what is the firmware version on the RX?
As I loaded the track
Loaded via rekordbox
Latest firmware update you have released??!!
I mean it is the latest thats not a question
@Daniel > If you are able to send one or two of the problematic files, the engineers would like to investigate. Also, if you could post your rekordbox database (found at: /Users/yourusername/Library/Pioneer/rekordbox)
I have the exact same issue here as Daniel has reported where when a track is loaded that xdj rx doesnt want to play the whole system locks up and another track cannot be loaded to the deck where the problem lies. From what I can see restarting the unit is the only way to get the system up and running again. Pioneer this is a serios issue. I have had this unit for 1 week now and it has happened twice while gigging. I have paid good money for this system and I have read all ur replies about the music file being corrupt and all the rest. Fair enough, don't play the track then if there is a corrupt file or a file that can't be played by the xdj rx. But locking the whole system up, seriously? This is definately a major major flaw with this system and I would like someone from pioneer to actually tell me a way round this when this E-805 (or E-806 in Daniels case) appears. Surely there has to bt something other than restarting the unit. In a live gig this simply is not acceptable. I too then am now looking at shelling out even more money to buy something as a back up if this not sorted, cos I cannot trust this unit doing the same thing again which would be the 3rd time in a wk!
Could you please send me over the file what cause u the problem? I'll try in mine XDJ and check encoding as well.
Will do once I find it again.... Just something of note as well, I have some other mp3s on a usb which bring up the same error message E8305 UNSUPPORTED but these ones don't lock the system up. So I'm not sure if this issue arises after the unit has been used for a few hours or whatever. I will try to find the file from last nite. I can send u one of the ones that are bringing that error message but as I say, they aren't locking the unit up at present but are giving the same error code and message - strange to say the least, and very worrying during a set when they actually do lock the whole thing up!
Ok I have found it and surprise surprise it had done it again - seriously this is rediculous.
Xdj rx connected to laptop via Ethernet and using rekordbox. Tried to load this track to deck 2. I get the E8305 Unsupported message on screen. In rekordbox on laptop when I try to drag and drop another MP3 which I know is working I get a message on screen "track loading error. loading is currently disabled for the specified device".
I can't load vis drag and drop on rekordbox, or by browsing on the rx or even by trying to load another file from a different usb, the only way to get rid of this is to restart the unit, totally totally unacceptable and very worrying for using this in a live environment.
Please advise how I forward the MP3 to u .
And by the way thanks for ur help on this, rant not intended for u as such, more that I'm pi$$ed off that I shelled out a loada of money for something that is gonna cause me serious issues when I'm gigging
drop me a mail: percydnb@gmail.com
Hi mate, I just forwarded the MP3 to your email address there