This was typical behaviour with another model, but I thought they had addressed that since receiving other similar inquiries. Let me put it forward to the engineers again.
Hey guys,
I've got a problem with the looping on the XDJ-RX. When i loop using the auto beat loop function i have no trouble at all but once i want extend the 8 bar loop to a 16/32/64 bar loop using the cue loop functions above the joghweel it extends te loop but automaticly jumps to the start of the loop. This is quite strange cause it should not do that. If i'm correctly it should just extend the current loop without jumping tot the start.
Hoping someone could help me!
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This was typical behaviour with another model, but I thought they had addressed that since receiving other similar inquiries. Let me put it forward to the engineers again.
@Daan > The behaviour of the loop depends on the quantize setting:
When QUANTIZE is ON: While Quantized /LOOP PLAY continues, the Loop size is changed.
When QUANTIZE is OFF: When the size of Trigger LOOP/ LOOP is changed, it goes back to the Loop In position to use it like a HOT LOOP for the performance purpose.
You're looking to have the performance of the first mode, with quantize enabled.