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CDJ-2000 Native Serato - Does Auto Cue Exist...?

Is there such thing as autocue when using the 2000s in native HID mode?  Using HID seems a bit weird if the experience actually takes away from what the CDJ-2000 can offer.


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no, auto cue is a cdj feature, serato HID cannot auto cue nor do I think it will ever be added, you can however set serato cues in the beginning of each track and then set serato to start from first cue point on track load

BriChi 0 votos
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Ok, that's pretty deinitive then, thanks BriChi.  Since I've not figured out how to add cue points via the CDJ (well, hot cues yes, using the Cue then Memory buttons no), I take it you can;t do that either?

It's mildly annoying how all these different modes (standard CD, RekordBox, Serato, Native HID) have all sorts of feature tradeoffs.

Mark90 0 votos
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yeah, I agree, thats why I just use RB linked, Use the cdj's as is, No serato of traktor for me

BriChi 0 votos
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Eh?  So you set a cue point, load a track and it can play from the 1st cue point - that's fine.  But if you press the Cue button on the CDJ, it doesn't go to the cue point?  This can't be right.  I thought HID was all about interacting with the CDJ and not the laptop?

Mark90 0 votos
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And yea, I'm all for RekordBox and Link, but with Serato I just got a taste for real Master Tempo, it;s hard to go back.  :-|

Mark90 0 votos
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now im confused mark,LOL,  When you have serato cue points (1-5) set and load a serato track the cue points will auto load to the cdj's (the first 3 to A,B,C), If you have "play from first cue point" on in serato, serato will jump right to your first set cue (A) and play. I am assuming you can also just load the track and press the cue button quick being that the track is already at the first cue you set for the first beat of the song

BriChi 0 votos
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Hmmm the cue thing seems to be a 'feature' - if you load a track whilst the deck is playing, even though it plays from the 1st cue point, pressing the cue button will default to the start of the track and not the saved cue point.

Mark90 0 votos
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I agree on MT, I just leave it off now, Never had it with the 1200's so I am not really missing it too much

BriChi 0 votos
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As long as the track is stopped, pressing the cue button initially after loading a track will cue from the 1st cue point.

Mark90 0 votos
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ugh that sucks, Yeah not 100% on it, Really never used it in HID.... I always used serato since it's release until I got hooked on RB

BriChi 0 votos
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