@Daniel > I hadn't used my 850 with SSL in a while, so I hooked it up and tested your notes...
the track display bug I was able to reproduce; it's inconsistent but it does happen
the looping method isn't a bug, it's just the way it works, allowing you to "hot loop" and use it like a drum-machine
the pitch range seemed to work fine on all tests, not sure if it was a glitch on your software?
no, you don't want to MIDI map control buttons when you're in HID mode - as you noted, the 4 buttons above the display are not used for anything within SSL, so they're perfect for things like hotcues, instant-doubles, toggling the window focus, etc.
the vinyl speed-adjust doesn't send HID, it simply adjusts the speed of start/stop for playback (press the play button then press it again with the knob turned all the way right vs. all the way left and you'll see)
Hope that answers your questions!