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[SOLVED] HID-Mode Bugs CDJ 850 with SSL


finally got my pair of 850Ks and found some Bugs:

  • Track Display: Tracks showed on Display are not the actual played, mostly shows previous title or parts of it (in 2nd or 3rd line).

  • Loop bug (like on other cdjs in hid mode): if i want to extend a loop, for exaple from 4bars to 8bars the loop starts to play from beginning :-/ same if i want to shorten the loop or change the lenth at all, by pressing another loop button it always plays the loop from beginning. would be perfect if it would work like on denon hc1000s just shorten oder extend the loop while playing.

  • pitch range adjust sometimes doesn't work properly (same on other cdj models in hid): the pitchrange displayed on cdj is another as in ssl.

    thanks in advance for fixing this problems! 

  • it seems to be possible to midi map buttons and use them with the hid mapping simultanously - is this a bug or a feature? this leads to funny behaviour in ssl.

- the vinyl speed adjust button has no hid functionality like it is meant in the quickstart guide. same on the "browse" and "info" button both are mentioned in the quickstart guide for hid functionality but have no use (but they are midi mapable, i put my cue points on these buttons).


thx in advance for your answers!


Greetz from Germany



Daniel Ventura

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@Daniel > I hadn't used my 850 with SSL in a while, so I hooked it up and tested your notes...

  • the track display bug I was able to reproduce; it's inconsistent but it does happen

  • the looping method isn't a bug, it's just the way it works, allowing you to "hot loop" and use it like a drum-machine

  • the pitch range seemed to work fine on all tests, not sure if it was a glitch on your software?

  • no, you don't want to MIDI map control buttons when you're in HID mode - as you noted, the 4 buttons above the display are not used for anything within SSL, so they're perfect for things like hotcues, instant-doubles, toggling the window focus, etc.

  • the vinyl speed-adjust doesn't send HID, it simply adjusts the speed of start/stop for playback (press the play button then press it again with the knob turned all the way right vs. all the way left and you'll see)

Hope that answers your questions!

Pulse 0 votos
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hy Pulse,

thanks for your reply!

  • track display bug: it seems somehow fixed in the 2.4.1 (beta/RC) Version of ssl. can anyone confirm this? it's not mentioned in the changelog.

  • loop bug/method: i think most users would like to shorten or extend the loop while it's playing, i read this in various dj forums. even serato seems to be aware of this issue.

  • 4 Buttons over the display: are there plans to implent hid functions for this buttons? one of these buttons (the third) is lightened up? -why?

  • vinyl speed adjust: i just mapped the rotary knob to the vinyl speed function in ssl setup, works like a charm so i can emulate a breaking platter oder speeding up platter.

  • pitch range bug: i got this only one time with my 850er but friends reported this issue also on cdj900 and 2k but also sporadicly and not reproducable.

  • many users are reporting a stuttering vinyl display (mid platter display) when connected so serato. i personally haven't got this problem but obviously many other users.


thanks for your reply in advance!

Greetz from Germany



Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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@Daniel > I haven't tested the 2.4.1 yet, we only officially support full public releases, but if that's one of the fixes, great!

The central display does update less frequently than the 900/2000, thus the stuttering.  It's perfectly normal and doesn't affect performance.

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Just heard from the engineers that the text display updates are a bit glitchy and they are working with Serato to improve this feature.

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