bought my XDJ R1 three months ago. I am a DJ doing gigs 3 times a week, and weddings with 400 people every time. I am using the latest 1.12 firmware and rekordbox 3.3.0... I have had the DJ's worst nightmares with this set... the first was loosing control of the whole mixer while trying to upload a song through the Ipad... so I decided, no more Ipad and no more wifi link... I will just use the mixer as is with the USB Sandisk... With a few more gigs down the road, I was faced with an even worst scenario, the sudden Freeze with the High Pitch Sound driving everyone crazy! This has occurred twice, once half way through the song, and the other time, while I was just about to hit play and raise the volume (by the way, I have played these two specific track many time before on the same set a few days before this incident)
So Pioneer, what do you suggest? Should I take back the XDJ R1 to the store and ask for my money back? Your customer service in Tel Aviv advised me to by a backup mixer just in case, and I did!!! But that is not the solution...!!! would you advice please? should I just return the set and by two separate XDJ's 300 instead if you see that there is no practical solution???