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Engineers have replied!
You can change the mapping of the pads to whatever you want if you are in User mode. For example, you can assign samplers on the right-side pads and hot cues on the left-side pads.
Hi pioneer,
Will you be updating the mapping to allow for individual mode on each turntable/channel like your ddjsx/sz models that have function buttons over the pads .
When changing from hot cue mode to sampler for example it changes on both channels, I would prefer if it was possible to have the option on either channel. Is this going to be possible or not?
Engineers have replied!
You can change the mapping of the pads to whatever you want if you are in User mode. For example, you can assign samplers on the right-side pads and hot cues on the left-side pads.
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There has to be a shift button combination to do this like on every other controller.
I don't want the same functions on both sides and need to be able to use the sampler on one of the two sides no matter if I'm using Cues, Loops or Slicer on the other deck.
I'm not sure but will certainly suggest it. Thanks for your input.
But can you guys not just bring out a mapping or update that allows for indidual channel modes. That is a complete waste of time if u have to map it. As it limits what one side can do to the mapped functions. Like if you press sampler fx at same time as hot cue on channel one. That could bring up hot cue in just that channel? And sampler fx channel 2 at same time as roll could bring up roll on channel 2, I would prefer the spare page of mapping could be used for unique functions that differentiates mixer from competions not to have to use it forth basics!!!
Can you please confirm if this is going to be limitation of this mixer or if engineering will fix it
Kind regards
It's a bit of a limitation in the hardware and software, and unfortunately it doesn't sound like something that can be changed due to the design of both.
Sorry, this answer seems to be nothing but ignorant bs, since it's not a problem to do this with controllers like DDJ-SP1.
Thanks for the answer pioneer pulse, but this is definitely not a limitation as you suggest in serato software as even the most basic controllers from reloop and including your ddjsp1 has this functionality. I understand that in design stage you on used 4 buttons which covered both channels. But I mean this mixer is almost 2,000 euro. And I will need to purchase another 200 euro kit if I want this function in which most users are familiar with on your budget controller models. I think this personally needs to be addressed in a simple combination of pressing parameters and cue or something to that effect that can allow for this. Other wise IT IS A PIONNER DJM S9 LIMITATION VS THE MOST BASIC CONTROLLER Under $299
Look forward to your response
Kind regards
Sorry guys, the information that has been passed to me says that this is a limitation of the due to the available controls.
Calling it ignorant BS will certainly not yield any favours.
Sorry pulse, however as a customer POV and from a support issue "yielding favors" are probably not part of pioneeds mission statement to satisfy customers needs and queries. But I understand with the information you have be been given you are saying that this will not be addressed via firmware update. Or mapping update to include "shift" function to address this. Is this something that will be addressed in the future or will it be ignored is the answer i would like to know. Thanks I'm advance
Customer or not, calling the work the engineers are doing "ignorant bs" is ignorant in itself. (I know it wasn't you.) They work quite hard to produce a quality product and in some situations, it's not 100% what the customers want, but the customer must also realize that they can't always have it their way, even through firmware and software changes, and some concessions have to be made. In this case, the engineers have already suggested an alternative, and it too seems to be not good enough as an answer. I'm sorry, but this is all the information I have.
I understand and appreciate the rapid response, if you could push it forward to see if it will be brought up in future review meetings to see if it is feasible in the future that would be much appreciated
Enjoyable rest of your day
Kind regards
This is certainly not a deal breaker, too hard for you guys to push a button to change functionality? New mixer, new workflow. Like it was mentioned you can set up your own custom mappings if you so wish. Stop being so lazy, I have been happy with the mixer for sure. If its addressed in the future, so be it. Other than that ignore these lazy mofo's in this thread.
Never said it was a deal breaker by any means, just stating the facts for other users if they are not aware, and just also enquiring as to will it be addressed in future as it is on more basic models.
Dude I'm working for various DJ hardware and software brands for years now and the replies I get from Pioneer are simply sounding like I called it.
On the SP1 you got the mapping right, so why should it be such a big problem for the S9?
Why did every other brand out there manage to have individual modes on each deck?
The slicer is completely useless in the way you mapped the S9 at the moment.
And no, it's not a Serato problem, it's a faulthy mapping by Pioneer.
Just found this thread and I'm wondering...
With the announcement of the Rane 72, will there be a bigger effort to find a solution to this individual mode issue?? I've had the SP1 for a few years but was going to upgrade to the S9 mixer and now I'm not sure what to do because of this limitation of the mixer compared to the SP1 and now the rane 72.... not to mention most basic controllers. Is this a hardware issue due to the sound card?
I hope someone from Pioneer is still paying attention and pushing to find a way to improve the functionality that us as DJs / consumers are looking for.
Sorry guys, no changes or updates beyond what was previously stated.