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Issue recording on my XDJ-RX

I purchased a new XDJ-RX a few months ago and haven't been able to record any mixes on the USB 2 record option. I've tried several different USB drives but nothing seems to work. Do you have any idea how to resolve this? Is it a software issue or a faulty unit?

Alex Elliott Respondida

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To all - our tech team has noted that this issue was already addressed with 4.2.0, but recommend you update to the latest version of rekordbox (4.2.5), newest firmware (2.2.0), and the newest drivers for Windows 10 (ver 1.210) or Windows 8.1 and 7 (1.200) - https://www.pioneerdj.com/en/support/software/xdj-rx/

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I don't think it is a software issue but you can check your firmware version is 1.60
Also I think you have check if your usb drives were formated in FAT32 and are working well in play mode. When you push on Master Record bouton (On the left of USB 2) have you the red light flashing and finally have you check if there is a folder called PIONEER REC on the USB Key ?
Let us know

Modern Soul 0 votos
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Hi thanks for the response, I've checked my USB drives and they are all in FAT32 and work perfectly fine, there is also a PIONEER REC on the USB. I've tried about 5 different USB stick on the unit and none of them work. The firmware version is also 1.60. When i press the record button nothing happens at all, do you think this is a faulty unit?

Alex Elliott 0 votos
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Perphaps, I think you should contact technical support.

Modern Soul 0 votos
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Did you solve this issue? Was it a faulty unit? I have the same Problem, when i hit that masterrecord button nothings happns. Anyone an idea or solution?


Thomas Grundmann 0 votos
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I've passed this along to our engineering team for commentary.

Pulse 0 votos
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I already installed the latest Firmware 2.2 on my XDJ-RX, but I am not able to record my mix on USB 2.(not in Recordbox) The LED on the record button stays off, Pioneer Recording folder is available on my USB Stick. The RB Playlists are available on my right USB2 port. Any ideas? The technical support did not answer yet.

Thomas Grundmann 0 votos
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