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DDJ-RX TSI for Traktor Pro 2

I bought a DDJ-RX and wondering if Pioneer would release TSI for Traktor Pro 2? Thank you.

Efe Avlar

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@Efe > As the product was designed as a stand-alone all-in-one unit, and the intention was not for use as a controller, Pioneer will not be creating a TSI mapping for the XDJ-RX. You are certainly welcome to map it yourself or to use one created by a 3rd party or another end-use.

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same problem here contacted rekortbox waiting for reply still alot of work needs to be done to make it run much smoother then what it is now

Wildstarxx 1 voto
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Hi i have a DDJ RX and  started to use rekordbox dj with it. I was curious to compare the quality of sound from rekordbox with the quality of Traktor so i connected the unit using the TSI file of the DDJ SX2. In the instructions i've read the procedure for getting the unit in MIDI mode (unit off pushing start/stop and shift together then switch on the unit and press PAD FX1 of the right deck) and it seems that it works well for the essential for mixing . My problem is that now my DDJ RX doesn't work with rekordbox . How can i do a reset of the unit for getting the unit like the first day?

Thank you

Bruno Martino 1 voto
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I'm not talking about XDJ-RX. The hardware I own is DDJ-RX.
Thank you.

Efe Avlar 0 votos
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Ahh, sorry, so much discussion re: the XDJ-RX recently, my brain's in that mode! lol

In similar vein, the DDJ-RX is a rekordbox-only unit and Pioneer certainly won't be pushing for this unit to be used with other software, so I doubt they'll ever produce an official mapping. Sorry!

Pulse 0 votos
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And....... as long as Rekordbox didn´t had the features like -autoplay- -last played on-.... are we forced to use TRAKTOR ;)

Terry Doubleyou 0 votos
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@Bruno > Already answered your question in another post; please don't cross-post the same question in multiple threads.

Pulse 0 votos
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Bit late to the party but in case anyone needs it I made a new DDJ-RX map that includes new features like the sequencer.


I posted it also in the mappings section of this forum but that place is a ghost town.

Padi_04 0 votos
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@Padi_04 > Great job with the documentation for that map! The MIDI forum may be a "ghost town" but looking at the stats, people are visiting it.

Pulse 0 votos
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Hallo leute, irgend wie will mein DDJ rx nicht mehr funktionieren es leuchten die die Booth monitor level an und aus aber von funkzion keine spur was tun


Dj Toto` 0 votos
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bin am verzweifeln habe erst das 2 mal angeschlossen mein pc sagt das die Software nicht mehr richtig ist habe versucht in alle art neue ubdate oder Driver drauf doch immer das gleiche wie oben geschrieben es blinkt nur die streben Booth Monitor an und aus doch funktioniert nichts mehr am Controller DDJ RX


Dj Toto` 0 votos
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