Have you updated the firmware on the units and are you running 4.0.4?
DDJ-RX gained a first day that probe was fine until the second but the third day I encounter the problem that have been misconfigured jogs goes wrong the scratch is like that were to reverse or as if the jog the movement of my hand and touched then recorded hope I can help .
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Have you updated the firmware on the units and are you running 4.0.4?
@Daniel > Can you please record a video so we can better understand the problem?
yes but where sending the video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KByrFZkxu0U&feature=youtu.be Here is the video of the problem my friends hope I can help
@Daniel > That problem seems to be more with latency and processing in your computer. What is the spec of your computer and what have you got the audio buffer size set to within rekordbox?
probe on two computers but one with windows and the other a mac and still the same problem
That doesn't answer my question...
try the other two computers which had not changed rekordbox settings and still had the same problem
My computer is an HP intel core i7 2.60GHz processor 8GB RAM
@Daniel > Two things; first, change the sample rate to 41000Hz, and next, adjust the buffer size to its lowest setting. You may hear audio drop-outs, but all we're interested in is the response between the controller and the software.
now I will do a test with the controller and rekordbox
@Daniel > You can also try changing the setting for the waveform drawing rate to MEDIUM under Preferences > View > Waveform.
still the same
Did you try changing the waveform settings as well?
not let me down but the sampling frequency
Okay, but did you also change the waveform setting?
if you look at the change also
Have you restarted the computer since applying those changes?
I've created a ticket for our engineers to assist, you should see an email.
I have to leave my email
No, one will be sent to the address you used to create your account on these forums.
at that time I got the ticket
I just saw that I have another problem with the crossfader
That's fine, you can add that as a comment on the ticket.
at that time I got the ticket