Got the same problem.
Actually im not using an ipad at the moment, so i have to browse the tracks manually.
I activated "GENRE" as a category in Recordbox, but on the XDJ i can only can search tracks by TITLE, ARTIST, BPM....
IS this a problem for anyone else? None of the changes i make it rekordbox show up on the xdj r1 ...
I have set categories.. sort options.. etc.. none of these changes transfer over from the rekordbox software to xdj r1..
I can go back later and load the collection in rekordbox and sure enough they are there.. so its saving them.. the xdj just doesnt see them or the setting changes
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Got the same problem.
Actually im not using an ipad at the moment, so i have to browse the tracks manually.
I activated "GENRE" as a category in Recordbox, but on the XDJ i can only can search tracks by TITLE, ARTIST, BPM....
Same issue here........Fully rekordbox compatible they say...........yeah....right!
got the same problem... i thought we would have full customisation abilities within the rekordbox software to the R1 via ipad.... i have none... just 'basic' track browsing...
I'd like to see this problem solved!!!
Same here ! Crazy ! :(
I think the full compatibility was ment for the remotebox connection, which only is been made for Apple products though, so not that fully compatible!? Rekordbox app doesn't work with the R1 device, only remotebox.
But I have the same question, without remotebox you should search in the activated category's. Why does it only display: ARTIST, TRACK, ALBUM, PLAYLIST & FOLDER.
In that same area of problems...
All the playlist are in the same folder on the xdj-r1 regardless of what subfolder you have set with rekordbox. This become a big problem when you have many playlists.
Or am I missing something here ?
@Frank L: there is a specific topic here : http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/24897241-Remotebox-Folders-inside-playlists-not-displayed-?page=1#post_23834407
Hi everybody!
Just updated my firmware to 1.0.5. The problem described above has not been fixed with the new firmware.
Is it possible to get an official comment from Pioneer or does @Gavin got any information regarding whether it will be possible in the future to activate and deactivate rekordbox categories like key/genre etc. in the future?
Pioneer DJ Global states in a comment in a youtube video on the XDJ-R1 that this is possible, however it isn't. Even though it is possible on the xdj-aero and all other Pioneer CDJ:s.
Thankful for any information since this is one of the most important questions for me (and probably a lot of other dj:s who uses rekordbox) when deciding whether i have to return my XDJ-R1 or not, since it is stated that it is Fully rekordbox compatible.
Kind Regards:
please sort this Pioneer, it should work, it doesn't, and it really affect the usability of the system.
Can we get some comment on this please Pioneer,
I have updated to firmware v1.05 and also have the latest update of Remotebox from the apple store. (August 8th update) but this issue doesn't seem to have been solved by any of that.
Still no word from Pioneer on this. please can you make some comment to me and all the other user who have raised this concern.
Hello Pioneer, why this silence ? Is this too hard to answer ? Please, we do not ask for the moon, just an answer !
They said you could make cue points on the go with the aero last year. That was also false advertising...
@Gentlemen > After some testing and discussion with the engineers, I would like to point out that not all functions that are available on the more expensive equipment such as the CDJ2000nexus are available on the XDJ-R1.
I will test each of your comments individually over the next few days and report back to let you know what is and is not possible. There will be a new firmware that fixes various bugs and freezes coming soon.
Hello Gavin, very happy to see an answer, thank you.
I would like to point out that not all functions that are available on the more expensive equipment
such as the CDJ2000nexus are available on the XDJ-R1.
Sure ! Of Course, that's not what we ask. the problem is that there is a youtube video from a Pioneer representative saying that this is possible, so we buy the product.
And furthermore, I'm not comparing it to a CDJ2000, I just compare to the XDJ-Aero, which is a rekordbox compatible device, and has this feature, and that has no hot cues like the XDJ-R1, has no booth monitor like XDJ-R1, has no XLR outputs like the XDJ-R1, has no color effects like the XDJ-R1, has no BPM tap like the XDJ-R1, has no CDJ Mode like the XDJ-R1, has no real time monitoring through wifi device like XDJ-R1.
That's the whole point ! Impossible to understand on a customer point of view that a product higher in range does not have lower range product features.
Please be aware that sometimes videos are created by the marketing teams prior to final product specification or without properly communicating with the engineering teams and as a result misinformation can occasionally be presented. A good example of this was the HID support for the CDJ-2000 with Serato Scratch Live; it was available several months after release, not on-release as one video had announced. If you have a specific case which shows something that does not exist in the product but is presented in a video, I would be happy to notify that Pioneer region to inform them of their error.
As for "higher range / lower features," I will again point to the CDJ-2000 and its lack of "Slip Mode" which was available on the lower model CDJ-900.
Some decisions must be made to keep product pricing within a range that the customer will find acceptable and some times those feature decisions are deemed questionable by the consumer. I'm sorry if you feel there are certain functions or features that should have been included but weren't, but they will certainly be noted for consideration when planning future products.
@Pulse > False advertising is wrong no matter how you slice and dice it, judging by your response you have not used this unit with RB, as for the comparison between high/low end units especially the slip mode feature, it is a hardware issue not software, all we are asking here is a software feature to be enable which is already available on the Aero, also I'm going to mention something that the designers of this unit totally omitted, the decks on the R1 are carbon copies of the CDJ-350's, so why are the L.E.D's on the R1 platters not moving when a track is playing but do so on the 350's?, this is such a basic feature on most CDJ's low or high end that it just makes it a headscratcher especially from a Pioneer product, I understand there is a price point to maintain but these features that are lacking do not affect cost that much since they are software based not hardware, Pioneer always maintains that they are the industry standard but these practices are not representative of that, I know you work for Pioneer Pulse and I understand that you will be always loyal to your employer but you are also a DJ like the rest of us and if you are looking at this through that lens you will feel the same way we do.
First of all, thank you Pulse for your answer.
A good example of this was the HID support for the CDJ-2000 with Serato Scratch Live;
it was available several months after release, not on-release as one video had announced.
Ok, meaning we will get this feature in several months ?...
If you have a specific case which shows something that does not exist in the product
but is presented in a video, I would be happy to notify that Pioneer region to inform them of their error.
Ok so you can do it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPjQTSUiNRU
and remove this comment completely false:
"pioneerdjglobal il y a 1 mois
Ce commentaire a reçu trop de votes négatifs.
Plug in your device, and then click on the Devices Tab, select your device from the list and a new pane appears n the right. In here, select the Categories Tab and then move Genre over to the 'Active' side. Eject the device and it will update the settings."
Some decisions must be made to keep product pricing within a range that the customer will find acceptable and some times those feature
decisions are deemed questionable by the consumer.
I would have been happy to pay this product 200$ more because it's worth it, beautiful hardware, but the fact it lacks basic functions it's not understandable, so never make again this kind of product at lower price but lacking basic functions, I can pay more to have this, it was obvious for me to get this, especially having the XDJ Aero before.
I understand your answer and I'm very happy you took time to answer, but I'm very sad of the result. Please be aware that in 2013 when you are making digital products, all is about dealing with massive information, sort it, search for it. This is the advantage to have songs on a USB key, so it's a pity that on one hand you can sort it on a software and on the other hand impossible to do the same on the device.
I will never do the story again, what is done, is done, I bought it, I love the product, but will never understand this lack of functionality as it's so obvious when you talk about rekordbox compatibility.
Anyway, it's like this :(
@Gavin> As you closed the topic, I reply here. Thank you for the E-8203 fix, Rekordbox update fixed this error for me !! Very happy ! Now it plays !
Hi Axel
Are you using firmware 1.0.7? and are you able to see your database on the R1 and ipad? for some reasn it's as if it's not there at all for me and seems to be other people too?
@Kelvin > I have addressed your question in another thread.