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USB Export Error on RB 4.0.6

I bought a couple of new Lexar 3.0 64gb USB sticks to replace an old couple of PATRIOT XT 2.0 32gb

I started exporting all the playlists that were contained in the old PATRIOT sticks but both of LEXAR sticks stop syncing at 55% showing an EXPORT ERROR warning. I tried with another SANDISK USB drive but i get the same error. 


MAC OSX EL CAPITAN 10.11.3 on a Macbook Pro Core Due Duo

Giona Guidi Respondida

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The engineers have actually found that some errors are coming from the system level and thus not being recorded into the error logs; they're working to improve this for future updates of rekordbox.

Pulse 1 voto
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i had the same problem. Also got error of some tracks did not export. i deleted this tracks and then the problem was solved. Also 4.0.8 works fine now

Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 1 voto
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@Giona > How did you format the new drives?

You may find a rekordbox folder in your user's Documents folder, within you will find an export error log showing why the export stopped. Can you post that?

Pulse 0 votos
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I also tried a different solution:

I used carbon copy cloner to clone the original PATRIOT USB (perfectly working) to the new LEXAR. The process was completed successfully, but when i use the cloned (Lexar) usb drive with RB Sync Manager several playlists are grey while others are white. When performing an additional sync i get the usual SYNC ERROR message

Giona Guidi 0 votos
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@Giona > That screenshot, was that from within your Documents folder?

I wouldn't recommend using a cloner to try and duplicate the drive, if it has errors, you're simply duplicating the errors as well.

As you're on a Mac, would you mind trying to format the drive(s) in HFS+ and export again?

Pulse 0 votos
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@Pulse The screenshot was from within Documents Folder, exactly. No error log concerning the issue i'm dealing with. I formatted HFS+ but the problem was the same, so i decided to sync one playlist one by one and finally i found that the issue was related to one specific playlist only. By the way, even if i found a workaround may i suggest to report the engineers there's no log file for this kind of issue and no way to identify it unless you go for exclusion? Let me point out one more detail... if i sync the old USB flash drives containing the indictee playlist i get no erro at all. 

Giona Guidi 0 votos
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I have almost the same problem. First using 4.0.5 i had no problem now with 4.0.6 i have this problem; clean USB stick formatted in Mac os journaled with MBR (also tried guid) turn the sync manager on and after a while the USB disconnected and show an error. Cant export . Also tried an other USB stick and also this issue 

Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 0 votos
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I backuped the 4.0.5 with my time machine so i now using THE old one again

Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 0 votos
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well add me to the export error list

I formatted my PNY USB3 256gb drive MacOSX Journaled

plugged into Rekordbox and set up sync manager to sync all my lists

before it even gets to 2% i get the following error

ill try and install 4.0.5 and export all

BriChi 0 votos
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I notice if i export starting at the top folder which contains 20 or so playlists, i get that export error and it fails but if i choose each playlist and export one by one it is fine. 

BriChi 0 votos
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last bit of info, it works fine in 4.0.5, full export, no issues

BriChi 0 votos
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ill try when i get home, it definitely happened in 4.0.6 so I used 4.0.5 to get by for exporting for now but ill try a full export with 4.0.7 tonight

BriChi 0 votos
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Look for the export log in your Documents\rekordbox folder.

Pulse 0 votos
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still get the error within 5 minutes in 4.0.7 and nothing is in that folder Pulse

BriChi 0 votos
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I reported the same bug to Pioneer a while back and can at least offer a workaround - INSTALL RB3.x! Yup, for whatever reason RB3 is immune to this problem, which I have managed to narrow down to situations where extremely large updates are required (I suspect a garbage collection/memory leak bug has crept into RB4 sync but can't say for sure.

Despite having shared all of this into with Pioneer, they insisted it was my system that was the problem, frankly I gave up arguing as my workaround was good enough - that is until the CDJ 2000NXS2! Even so I might prefer being stuck with 3 hot-cues to being stuck in a panic trying to get my playlists synched before a major gig (which was what happened yesterday) - RB3 to the rescue again!

Paul Muller 0 votos
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@BriChi > Are you getting this error in 4.0.8?


@Paul > Have you tried version 4.0.8?

Mark Gallo 0 votos
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4.0.8 still has the error even on my work iMac with a totally different hard drive formatted OSX

BriChi 0 votos
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Do you have a export log?


Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 0 votos
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only way to get around it is use 4.0.5 OR export each playlists one by one

BriChi 0 votos
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are you sure? search at spotlight for export log

Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 0 votos
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When the error shows up you can also export again. Release your usb and wait 5 sec. insert usb again an press sync manager and sync again. what does it do?

Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 0 votos
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the only thing you have to click is OK, then i try and run the export again even after releasing the drive, gets maybe to 2% and same error, I have tried it all, nothing gets passed the error when you use sync manager

BriChi 0 votos
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How do out format the usb stick? Formatted in mac journaled MBR? 

Tiago Vilhena de Oliveira 0 votos
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@PioMark - yup, in fact I'm an update junky hoping that this problem will finally go away.

Hard to tell if it's a regression or a consequence of the new new architecture of 4.x but it's shitting me to tears, because unlike all of my Pro DJ buddies who just copy .WAVs and .MP#s to their USBs, i like their idea of a library manager (the fact that they all tell me they tried and gave up on RB years ago should fill Pioneer with fear).

Happy to help, but need more than "it's your problem" clearly not if RB3.x works and RB4.x doesn't.

Paul Muller 0 votos
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For the record, I love that you care enough to respond #vsa&h


Paul Muller 0 votos
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