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Sorry guys, it has, indeed, been put to pasture, and is not available in a hidden menu anywhere. :(
Yesterday I received my DJM 900 Nexus2 ... great mixer... great quality!
Only one issue, is it there faderstart function? If yes, how can I configure it?
Sorry guys, it has, indeed, been put to pasture, and is not available in a hidden menu anywhere. :(
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look in the owners manual, maybe they put the on/off option in the menu instead of it being buttons
Nothing in the owner manual. I suspect that this function is not supported anymore. This is a big limitation.
No more fader starts for that mixer.
Very disappointing that there is no faderstart anymore on DJM-900 nexus 2 mixer. :-((
i used it on all other pioneer mixers,
Disappointed +1... I spent 2,190 euros and no faderstart? It was better my old djm 900 nexus. For me it's more important that function than so much FX and 2 headphone
maybe they took a survey on it and like 1 out of 10000 people use it so they took it out to free up room for other features
No BriChi I don't think so. How many years this function is present on pio mixers, and they discover now that it is not used by djs? Naaa... and then free up for what? 2 headphone? Do you think they are more important than faderstart?
im not sure, just trying to think why they would do such a thing. maybe to free up memory being they wouldn't have to program the mixer for that function?
or simply because not too many people use it so why bother keep adding it
same feeling i have about the rotary kits, they stopped making them for new mixers because the demand wasn't there so they save a few bucks
I don't know why, we will know only if we see this function on next mixers. For now I only think that is a big mistake that nexus 2 doesn't have this function and I preferred my old nexus. I'm disappointed. I expected more not less, considering also the higher cost... Naturally this is my opinion!
I've asked the product team to shed some light on this.
I need fader start to send the video signal at same time, please make a firmware update with that. more no less.
#Faderstart and open DVS! pleasse no less option on the flagship mixer. 2300eur :(
@Cazmon > Sorry, but we have confirmed there are no plans to add fader start functionality to the DJM-900NXS2.
The rekordbox dj DVS Plus Pack is coming soon.
Wow no faderstart no bueno! Hopefully they reconisder if there is a possibility of adding through a firmware update.