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Link rekordbox and ableton live

Hi everyone!

I've been looking around and haven't found anything.. is it possible to link rekordbox dj and ableton live? It would be great, as you can do it in traktor for example.



Miquel Respondida

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Sorry, this is not currently possible.

Mark Gallo
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70 comentarios


It would be nice if a virtual midi out could be implemented in Rekordbox Dj something similar to that like in Traktor. The only issue, I have with Rekordbox DJ is unless you have a Rekordbox DJ dedicated controllers the mapping is extremely limited. I subscribed to Rekordbox DJ because. I can't stand Traktor. I discontinued my subscription after realizing the mapping and virtual midi out limitation, I know there are a bunch DJ's out there trying to solve this issue on their own.

Grant Carlisle 5 votos
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Hi Pioneer - is there any progress on this feature? We would be very interested in this feature for live performances with Rekordbox synced with Ableton.

Love To Funk 5 votos
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Hi Pioneer, rekordbox with Ableton Link is at planning?  Thanks

David de DJIbizaProject.com 5 votos
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I will forward this to our product team for consideration.

Mark Gallo 7 votos
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+1, I'd like to perform with my DDJ-RR and ableton. Is it on your roadmap?

Alex Danilov 2 votos
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This has been a long time request among the Rekordbox users. I just hope they'll implement this fast on their next update. I love Maschine but I don't like to use Traktor Pro, so syncing Rekordbox with Maschine via Ableton Link or virtual midi out will be a game changer for most of us.

FilterGate 3 votos
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Dear pioneer, is it really that complicated? i'm planning on returning my ddj rz for the ddj sz just for seratos ableton link compatibility. Do you even care about your customers? Could you atleast let us know what your plan is?

Du De 2 votos
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Sorry guys, the forum team doesn't have any information on this right now.  

Mark Gallo -3 votos
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Is there any update ? Would be really nice to have this in the future !

tricade 3 votos
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"Sorry guys, the forum team doesn't have any information on this right now."

In other words. The product specialists along with the Pioneer cooperate fat kats have come to the conclusion. Why bother with a simple line of software code. When they can simply build an entirely new piece of hardware in order to implement this idea. I know I'm gonna get some shit for this comment. I really get the sense that many of these DJ gear companies with the exception of Allen & Heath are selling out with regards the real DJ culture, for example a lot like Mongoose bicycles were before they sold out to Huffy bicycle's. I guess the only question left is how long before we can expect to see a CDJ3000 sitting on the shelves in Wal-mart?

Grant Carlisle 1 voto
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It's been taking so long for such a simple feature request by many people.

FilterGate 4 votos
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So, now I've started regretting my choice of RR instead of SR2...

Alex Danilov 1 voto
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So am I. I just wish I grabbed the SB2 instead of the RB. Shelling out additional cost for the full version of Serato DJ is definitely worth it if you're going to go for a hybrid setup with MIDI devices or Ableton Live.

FilterGate 1 voto
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Its really disappointing how much the pioneer product management doesn't care about its customers... The product roadmap is somewhere between being arrogant and being extremely stupid in reflecting where the market and customer needs goes...

Wondering how many people were requesting new video filters (yeah guys - everyone buys rekordbox because it supports video!!!) in comparison how many people requested the Link and would have a real benefit of using it...

Pioneer, you are really a terrible company when talking about interacting with your customers! Never ever seen a company treating its customers so bad and being so ignorant (and now I am not talking only about the lack of the Link)

Marek 3 votos
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You're right. I guess they should really focus on their very own software - Rekordbox DJ! It is a very good DJ software to use, but if they don't plan on integrating the Ableton Link in the future, I might consider switching back to Traktor again...although I grew tired of Traktor Pro 2 (still no Traktor Pro 3 in this day and age)... There might come a time that Traktor or Serato will definitely improve and could also have the features of Rekordbox DJ into their own softwares which will make Rekordbox inferior.

It is very obvious Rekordbox DJ is great to use with all their features, Ableton Link is the only missing ingredient to make it the best DJ software out there now. But people have been waiting for so long for such a simple feature that is already open-source and already available and proven...it just needs to be implemented and included in the next update of Rekorkbox.

FilterGate 5 votos
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Dear Pioneer DJ software development team,

When are you going to listen to us Rekordbox power users? You know why we want Ableton Link and MIDI Clock sync in Rekordbox? Because we really are power users who have hybrid DJ setups and want to make the best out of Rekordbox. Please implement it already...we are getting tired of waiting for such a simple request.

Cardinal Zen 4 votos
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I am also looking for the possibility to have MIDI Clock specially to use it with TORAIZ SP-16, if this is available I am sure I will invest some money in TORAIZ to make it a complementary for my current setup DDJ-RZX.


sbherculano 1 voto
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Rekordbox 5.0 beta has almost all the features I've wished for. Thanks for releasing updates at an industry-leading pace!

The only thing holding me back from switching to Rekordbox is the lack of Ableton Link. It's become essential to my DJing workflow. 

I know you don't need to be convinced of the possibilities Link would offer, and I know adding Link presents a special challenge given the existence of Pro DJ Link (Sergio points out middleware that allows the protocols to interact).

I hope full Link integration is on the Rekordbox roadmap! Looking forward to future updates!


satsun 2 votos
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Come on guys ! Don't be too hard with the recordbox developers team.
Midi is only a standard in music since 30 years.... just be patient.

Mussaute Charles 3 votos
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Hi Pioneer,

This is THE only feature missing ....


Job Adlp 3 votos
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I wanted to use the ddj rz with the launchpad pro because I can get more creative with ableton. Knowing that this is not possible makes me want to return the ddj rz, but it's been past the 30 day return policy. I don't even know how to sell on Ebay nor amazon. Anyone looking for a slightly used Ddj rz. lol. smh

To Ny 1 voto
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Great! So instead of implementing a feature that has been introduce in 90% of audio software introduced or updated in year 2017 and highly demanded by RB community, we get yet another 2500$ gimmick... 

Marek 0 votos
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