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New RMX Unit coming soon?

Hi everyone,

I was planing to buy an effects unit but since the RMX1000 has already been 4 years on the market, I thought about waiting a bit, maybe they will release a new one soon. SO I am asking if anyone knows if there is a new standalone effects unit coming soon? heard/read any rumours?

thanks in advance,

Fady Mirshak Respondida

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As moderators, we don't typically have any advanced knowledge of future products.  Even if we did, we would not be allowed to tell you.  

Mark Gallo
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Hi Mirshak,

I'm in the market for RMX as well, I was talking to a Pionner deal ( 3 months ago) , he was out of the RMX-1000 and said they are discontinued. And was told by Pionneer they are planning to release a new one this week for http://thedjexpo.com/ 

I really don't know how true this info is :-/ 

I guess we'll going to wait and see. 

Mr Dj Roman 0 votos
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Hi MrDjRoman,

thank you for your reply! I checked the website of the expo and of pioneer but didn't find any new products. Did you find anything and pioneer released during the expo?

Regards :)

Fady Mirshak 0 votos
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Hi Fady,

I'm very disappointed Pioneer didn't release a new RMX-1000. The only release regarding was plugs-in for Rekordbox that's was it. So now I'm hopping for a release next month maybe. They really need to update the RMX. Let me know if you hear any new news. 👍🏻

Mr Dj Roman 0 votos
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I called about one today, was told ONE was in stock and that will be the last one they get. When will a new one come out, IDK. But I for one will not be buying one now. I'll play the waiting game...

However, WHITE has been discontinued for sure. 


Clarity 0 votos
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Yes, but is the RMX 1000 still in production

Clarity 0 votos
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