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To read from, yeah, it's decent and for the most part the connection is reliable. It's unlikely you will exceed the bandwidth even if you linked 4 players.
Currently researching Remordbox USB speeds...
Am i right in thinking the rekordbox app on iphone would be as fast as the top end USB brands?
Whats peoples experience with the app? Is it relyable?
To read from, yeah, it's decent and for the most part the connection is reliable. It's unlikely you will exceed the bandwidth even if you linked 4 players.
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its worked great in my experience too, getting tracks to the phone is time consuming but using it as an external device works great
Do you know the approximate read speed when iPhone Rekordbox is loading to CDJ please?
I am wondering whether iPhones read speed is similar to the top model USBs, such as Extreme Pro or Corsair GTX?
its around 1.21 gigawatts!!!!
but seriously, I'm sure its plenty fast being when I backup the phone and it transfer 100MB apps and tracks it goes really fast from phone to MacBook. its the Write speed on drives and memory thats usually slow based on cheap models vs expensive
Ok great, so would you say the iPhone app voids the need to spend £80 on a top end USB then??
Also, how come it is not available on ipad? Surely that would be even better???
yes and no, when playing tracks it will work just the same as a high end drive BUT transferring tracks from RB to iPhone will be 100 times slower (maybe not literally but you get my point) then a USB drive plus if you have AIFF and WAV files they can't be transferred to iPhone and I'm sure FLAC also if you use cannot, I havent tested FLAC but I assuming it can't
you can use it on the iPad also, its just blown up because its a phone app but it works the same on both
I still don't get why they don't integrate Remotebox into the newer equipment, its a great iPad app they made but its for like 2 older controllers that no one probably uses anymore. its only got 22 reviews so I guess the demand wasn't there
But i am not seeing the Rekordbox app on my iPad!?
Im pn a lightning ipad same connection as iphone 5, but the app doesnt show up!
Im happy with the slow write speed, as long as it works 110% reliable on cdj.
Converting to mp3 is fine too
Aah it didnt show up on store, but a quick google and i found it!
remotebox looks cool!
Praying this solves some issues and saves me having to buy more usbs haha!
Fingers xd!
Is it LAN only or can phone be connected vis lightning USB cable?
I was told it connects by wire... but manual only states LAN???
USB lighting cable from phone to player. In rekordbox hit "connect to player" and on player you hit the USB button.
The players link together over cat5 so the phone can be played from both decks
Ahh great... This is outstanding!
Do you know if using rekordbox on ipad gives any more stability compared to USB?
Basically my USBs keep randomly crashing in to auto loop mode. And i cant figure out why. After swapping laptop, USB, and re downloading tracks... the problem still occurs.
For some reason the USBs work fine on the XDJ RX. And tracks play fine if burned to CD ... but for some reason i experience problems on nxs2 using USB sticks?!
I am hoping this completely new source has safer software or some more reliability.
thats odd, I have 4 USB sticks I have used since purchasing the Nexus and NXS2 decks and never had that issue
not sure how the stability is on the iPhone/ipad app, I don't use it, I have only played with it a few times when I download a song quick at a party/club and want to play it through the decks
Yeah its very odd and a nightmare to deal with.
Pioneer are analizing a ZIP of my USB data, but its taking far too long to reply.
No other dj has issues in the club, and they use identical USBs.
I have literally tried everything to solve it.
I'm curious as to what they say also.
what happens if you try playing the tracks on the players linked to your laptop and dragging and dropping from RB to decks and playing?
@CMB > Regarding your tickets about the crashing, I suspect the problem is low quality USB drives. What's the make/model you're using?
As for using the iPhone, no, it's not a substitute for a good quality flash drive, but it does afford you the ability to import music from your phone's music library to the app, analyse waveforms, add memory points / hot cues, and then load tracks to players all without a computer.
I don't know, because i don't want to bring my laptop to the club to connect.
I want to use USB or Rekordbox app (providing app is as good as expected)
I have been using 4 different types of Sandisk.
I know they are not recommended, but other DJs use the exact same USBs with no issues at all on the same CDJs. So surely that's not the issue?
I am praying that the iPad Rekordbox app works tonight!!!!!
Gotcha, I thought you had your own at home you play on
I am now experiencing connection issues with exporting Rekordbox playlists from laptop to iPad....
I have connected laptop and iPads wifi to the same router. And connected by lightning cable... but no device is being recognised when I click to connect them.
I have restarted which didn't work. And there are no videos to guide me.
Can anyone advise why they might not be linking please?
@CMB > It's either the firewall in your computer or network management of your router. Please try disabling the firewall or configuring the necessary permissions for rekordbox to communicate to the network.
2 questions.
How do I stop the pop up advert that keeps coming up on the app? It wont go off so i have to restart the app. Which would be a nightmare in club.
Its trying to sell me a 2 track upgrade so i can hear how mixes would sound. Iys only 79p so il buy it if that means no more adverts will interupt?
Secondly, isit possibleto remove the artwork boxes from playlists?
The artwork takes up space so theres less room to view the full title text. Surely i turn artwork off?
I now have a serious issue with Rekordbox iPad app...
Any time i play with hot cue buttons, the XDJ RX crashes and has a long buzzing sound and wont turn off.
I have to unplug imthe power, as the button wont respond!
I noticed in the ipad rekordbox prep section that the app crashed when there was a lot of hot cue use. So am i right in thinking this issue is because the app cant be read from fast enough???
iPad app is just not up to scratch. It is great for preparing cues and settings. But live performance it is too unstable and crashes!
I think it would be an amazing app in the future if iPad make their units more powerful to handle heavy processor use maybe??
I don't have that pop-up as I've purchased it, but doesn't that only appear when you turn the phone sideways? If not, I'm sure there's an X to close it.
There is no option to disable the artwork, only the overview waveform.
The primary function of the app is to link to players, allowing you to prepare the memory and cue points on your device in advance of a performance. The "DJ" function is more like the Export mode of rekordbox, designed for previewing mixes, not intended for performance.