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The firmware is working properly, it sounds like it may be a misunderstanding of the operation of the effects, and knowing which are pre/post fader.
When effect channel selector switch is set to "crossfader A" the effect applies to channel B. If effect channel selector switch is set to crossfader B" the effect applies to channel A.
If effect channel selector switch is set to channel 1 or channel 2, no effect comes out to the output.
If the master is selected, it works.
I have version 1.23.
BR Stefan
The firmware is working properly, it sounds like it may be a misunderstanding of the operation of the effects, and knowing which are pre/post fader.
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Channel 1 and 2 - It is for USB.
I have the same with Crossfader A and B.
Pulse, is it OK?
Read on page 28 in the manual, channel 1 and 2 has nothing to do with USB.
I'm currently in 1.2
I played a song on Ch1 (deck1) and one on Ch2 (deck2)
So i applied effects on Cross Fader A and B.
All effects are applied to the good channel A, B, 1 or 2
A new bug on the new firmware?
Strange, that why i didn't upgrade to 1.23 now.
That why i noticed is:
if the button effect still active (blue flash) and i move to 2 >1 or 1>2 or A>B or B>A the channel where the effect was applied before move without press the button effect (stop) still working on the other channel...
To stop maybe this bug is to press effect button.
Or to avoid this think, is to press effect button to stop the effect on the selected channel change the channel and repress the effect button to apply the effect on the good channel.
But the problem is starting only if i start on the effect roll and move to other effect and move A,B, 1, 2, without stop the selected effect with the button
But if i start with other effect i didn't reproduce the problem.
Sorry for my English, if it's not understandable. (Living in France ^^)
I can confirm to a certain condition that i tried to describe upper that maybe people found another bug?
Maybe a video should better to write on the subject?
I did 2 videos...
1 with flanger effect move 2>1 without press button it's ok
1 with roll effect move 2>1 without press button it's bad see the video.
So on the " faulty video " i cut the deck 1 and let the Deck 2 but on deck 2 it's the track of deck 2 without the effect.
And when i cut deck 2 and let deck 1 it's the song of the deck 2 with the roll effect.
Once again sorry if my English and explanation are not fully understandable, but maybe when tk pioneer play video it'll be better?
Pulse i'm on 1.2 firmware and if you play the " faulty video " it's not normal to have what i described upper and after play video what can you say?
You do know you can move a roll from channel to channel once sampled, right? That's probably what's going on here and why you think it's not working.
Well for you on video there's nothing wrong?
Sorry i'm not professional dj and didn't see this option on the manual.
I tested all effects and that only with roll effect that make like a bug?
I explain and with the roll video that it happen when i switch B>A or 2>1 or other way and when the effect button still flashing in blue.
Well if there's nothing wrong it's strange, but if you can give to me a link or page N° on a manual to check that this happen normally only with Roll effect...
Is there other user can do the same like me, and what they think about of the inverted channel?
I'ts like for some effects which are not available in cue headphone cause it's pre/post fader, i didn't notice those such think written on manual too...
Have a nice day, 7am15 close to Paris :-)
Hi and thanks for your answers!
Gerald, thanks for the video!
I am sorry but I am sure it is not working on my unit. . I have tested it more in detail today.
Tested through all effects, it is the same behaviour on all effects:
Ch 1 and Ch 2 do not work at all - no effect on master output (connected to active speakers) or in headphones when cue master.
As I wrote earlier:
When effect channel selector switch is set to "crossfader A" the effect applies to channel B. If effect channel selector switch is set to crossfader B" the effect applies to channel A.
Pioneer DJ: What do you suggest me to do?
Thanks in advance, best regards Stefan
Hi again,
I discovered that the problem only occurs when my computer is connected, and I select tracks from Rekordbox. I use the latest version 5.2 of rekordbox, but I have had the problem with earlier versions too.
I will investigate rekordbox to find out the problem.
Thanks again for all support!
The fx channel selector with RB Dj in Midi mode is mapped this way by default, to accomodates 4 deck missing ( I guess?). but it cannot be changed in the midi mapping unfortunatly.
Again, this is a misunderstanding in the operation of the unit.
When in rekordbox control mode (MIDI), the hardware effects section are not a stand-alone hardware effects, they control the FX section in rekordbox. Turning the channel assignemnt knob will both show the source channel on the BEAT FX section of the RX2 display, as well as the channel within rekordbox:
Here's how the hardware corresponds to the channel selection:
CF A = CH 1
CF B = CH 2
1 = CH 3
2 = CH 4
I have the same issue on my fx selector switch that the effect is applied on the opposite deck i.e when it's in crossfader A mode, the effect is applied on deck B. I have the latest version on both my hardware and software. Can anyone help?
Have you verified that your crossfader assignments are the right way?
I have the same issue.....
Can I change my channel settings?
CF A = CH 2
CF B = CH 1
Can I change within a record box?
They should be set this way so they're not backwards:
I think i asked the wrong question because of my poor english,
When playing in the recordbox, rx2 ch select
CF A=CH 2, CF B=CH 1
Is this nomal?
When playing with usb, the ch select setting is normal.
CF A=CH 1, CF B=CH 2
Can I change the ch selection in the recordbox?
I am sorry that the question is google translation. ㅠㅠ
I will study English when i go to school......
Its not your English byeongjun kim. You are describing my same issue perfectly correctly. CF A should be channel 1 but in reality it is channel 2. Pulse can you please help us troubleshoot this ?
Ah -- it wasn't clear that it was a question about the effects. ;) Sorry!
The assignments are correct per the rekordbox hardware mapping (see this document for full details):
As you can see, they override the crossfader options to provide functionality for channels 3 and 4. as well.
This just doesn’t make any sense intuitively or at all to be honest since channel 2 is on right and corresponds to B on the fader on the deck. Is there any way to change this ?
I understand, but in order for the effects to be assignable, that's the decision that was made. Unfortunately it's not re-assignable, but you could always slap a label on that knob so you know where the assignments are when using it as a controller.