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UV Blackout

is it possible to add a fixture blackout to enable uv lights only, or lights within a certain group, at present I cannot find such a feature.

many thanks

Rob Goozee Completada

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Please do not post non-lighting fixture requests within that forum; all support posts for rekordbox should be in the rekordbox forum. In future, your post will simply be deleted.

There is no way to currently manually operate lighting fixtures, however a suggested work-around is to create a blank "song" where you customize the lighting for it to be whatever you want. For example, an audio-less song of 3 minutes could be only the UV lights for the first minute, then minute 1-2 is all pars on BLUE, then minute 2-3 is only moving heads pointed at the dancefloor. It's just a matter of editing the lighting for that one audio file to whatever you want.

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