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Midi mapping for Serato on the DDJ-1000?

Has anyone made a midi mapping for Serato from the DDJ-1000?
Or is it completely impossible? The user manual states that other software should also work.

Christian Briesemeister Respondida

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@Wade > For starters, AMD processors are not supported by rekordbox, so if you've (by chance) had things working, it was pure luck!

You could map all the MIDI functions of the DDJ-1000 to Serato, but the jog wheels won't be supported by their software. Sorry!

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Sure would like to get one since Rekordbox ruins my ddj 1000 and I think it's due to my AMD processor. I've run other mixers on Rekordbox just fine with this thing but the ddj 1000 need fixed

Wade Deggeller 0 votos
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