We're looking into this - the colour wheel isn't being sent the right info. Thanks for your patience!
Manufacturer: China - Unknown
Model Name / Number: 60W Mini Moving Head Gobo Light
Fixture Type: Moving Head
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We're looking into this - the colour wheel isn't being sent the right info. Thanks for your patience!
Your lighting fixture has been added to the AtlaBase database under brand Unknown with the name 60W Mini Moving Head Gobo Light. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update. Please find the latest update of the fixture library here.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Hm... The Moving Heads always show white light. It doesn't work. I have got the same ones with same parameters. Changing settings in the Lightning Mode don't work. When it should show red green or blue it always show white. What can i do?
Thank you!!!
@marktrankler the dmx fixture should be updated now!
Is the update right now available? The Lightning Library in my rekordbox is right now in version 1005. The Moving Heads still shows white light.
Hey Pulse!
Any updates on the issue with the colour wheel? I would really love to start using my moving heads for my future gigs!!
Sorry, no info as of yet; I would expect it may not be until the next rekordbox update.
now the next Rekordbox Update is released. Nothing changed. The Color of the Spot ist always white. No color-change no gobo-change. One thing is okay. The light switch on and off in the right moment. I see it in the Macro Editor and the moving und curves are okay, but if i want to use another color selection it would not change.
there is a little trick. If I chose the 11 channel mode and switch manualy the channel in the moving heads to 9 channel mode, you see other colors, but not the right ones you want to see. Strange thing :-)
Have you actually updated the lighting database itself? Just because rekordbox has updated doesn't mean the fixtures were updated. Click the little curly arrow icon on the right side of the lighting page.
of course i have! in every start i check all updates. Rekordbox and Fixture Library. But it still doesn't work.
Any updates on this problem? I got the same device with the same problem.
There was a change made to the database to address the issue with addressing certain functions; please check to see if you are using v1018.
Hello everyone , I have the same unknown 60w mini moving head Gobo light (and same manual) I have tested (today ) with latest Rekordbox firmware 5.4.2 with fixtures v 1040 (from today) I can confirm that the color STILL is wrong on both 11 ch and 9 ch version. So I did a test with my DMX512 to find out the color code on the Moving head. in fact it is 8 different colors.
For the 11 ch mode the color is on ch 6:
0-9= white, 10-19= red, 20-29=Orange, 30,39=yellow, 40-49=green, 50-59=blue, 60-60=Magneta, 70-79=Cyan....
Further splitt colors on address 80=Cyan/magneta, 90=purple/blue 100=blue/green 110=green/yellow, 120=yellow/orange, 130=orange/red the rest of address (140-255) on the channel is for changing colors in different speed On the 9 mode channel the color is on channel 3 and the color address is the same as above. i did also a test on the lighting in the performance mode IN REKORDBOX with the color code VS the color coming out from the moving head (SW color is first, real color from Moving head last) RED=YELLOW, GREEN=GREEN, BLUE=MAGNETA, YELLOW=CYAN, CYAN=GREEN/YELLOW ,WHITE=WHITE
The initial documentation had no DMX details on both wheels (color and gobo). This is the reason the fixture does not behave as it should.
Could you please write down complete DMX details (0-255) for both color and gobo wheels? Also, if you know all the colors it would help too (unless you have a complete manual to attach).
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd