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If you are experiencing this issue, please contact an authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and/or repaired. Thank you.
On both channels I have experienced (at random) a popping noise when pressing cue, this is true for all audio outputs, main, headphones and booth. The volume of the channel is completely down so it is not the track's audio being heard. I've read other people having this same issue even with the first model of the controller and have not yet seen a resolution. Is this possibly faulty hardware/electronics or a software bug that can be fixed? not very professional to experience this for live events. I would expect more out of a $1,700 system.
If you are experiencing this issue, please contact an authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and/or repaired. Thank you.
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Same issue on my system. XDJ-RX2 with firmware version 1.31.
I've asked our product team to investigate. Thanks for your patience.
Any update on this ??? I am having the same issue. Please help Pioneer.
Booth, master xlr or rca... all the outputs except the headphones I think I hear it when 30mins to an hour of playback.
They are still investigating as it is difficult to replicate and diagnose. Thanks for your patience.
I am writing this as a massive Pioneer DJ fan. I think you guys closed all the other topics regarding this problem. I seriously can't believe that Pioneer is trying to carry this. If it is a manufacturing fault and there is not a remote fix, you should let us know and start to fix/replace these units. I live in Turkey and I know that even if Pioneer starts to fix or replace the units i won't be able to (since there is no service in my country) So I am saying this for all the others. I just wanna know what is going on with the thing. I owned the RX and i was in love with it (I do LOVE my RX2 too). When I saw the launch of the RX2 I was really excited and didn't hesitated for a minute to buy it. I probably own the first unit in Turkey. When I experience this I miss my old RX. Please just post a honest response. Thank you for all the amazing products you guys are creating.
@Kerem > Please see my last post.
I'm experiencing the same issue. @Pulse is there any update on this? I'm on the latest firmware.
@Marcus > See my earlier post; They are still investigating as it is difficult to replicate and diagnose.
Two days ago a bougt a XDJ-RX2, I have the same issues with the cue-button. Sometimes I also experience popping and crackling while playing a song and not touching any knob or fader. It occurs at random places in songs I play (high quality tracks that I bought from beatport). I don't have this issue with the same songs on my DDJ-SB3 or my Numark NS7iii
I have the same issue too... very annoying !
I’m really starting to think that Pioneer DJ is going to sweep this one under the rug. We did a sound test with my friend who owns an original RX unit and it sounds WAY BETTER then the RX2 either you guys cheaped out on the internals or we as people on this page here are very unlucky to have bought faulty units. This should’t have taken this long. A lot of people won’t even bother trying to fix it since you will release a new unit soon. We just want to know what is wrong.
I’m the guy who wrote the original post. I still see posts on this forum trickle in every month or so. To everyone still coming in...sell your controller!! They’ll never fix this. I sold mine and went back to traktor with a a laptop and have never been happier. I’ll never buy pioneer again. If it were their cdj line up and higher end mixers they would have been shitting bricks and fixed this in a month. They simply do not care about the small stuff (but still expensive for us!)
I want my money back, but I would prefer a refund from the manufacturer rather than fool anyone else to buy my broken hardware. A DJ controller that creates random noise when pressing the CUE button is nothing but faulty. The issue has been reproduced by Pioneer engineers and the company should own up to this problem, but they are not.
Out of curiosity, has this been fixed for the new XDJ-XZ, or can we expect the same error in the new production line?
@Ebbe > That is not something I could speak to personally as I haven't tested the XDJ-XZ, but as they're completely different hardware designs, I would not expect it to exhibit similar issues.
I posted about this issue a year ago (see my post above). I noticed the issue on my XDJ-RX2 while in the 30 days within I could still send the unit back for a refund. I am glad I did this.
Now, 1 year later I borrowed a XDJ-RX2 from a friend who has a rental company for DJ equipment. He gave me one of his six XDJ-RX2 units and what do you think? I noticed the probleem right away on this rental unit. So I'm glad I send my XDJ-RX2 back a year ago.
Any updates on this? Bought my unit back in Q2 2019 and it has been suffering from the same issue as OP described since the first moment I started using it. I sincerely hope Pioneer continues support on this device since the last firmware update is already a year old. Even though the device launched in 2017 I expected more support for a semi-professional piece of equipment.
It has been nearly 3 years since the launch of this thread, I`m just wondering, whether Pioneer`s engineer team are still working to resolve this malfunction of the device or they just finished assessing it?
I am experiencing the popping noise as well when I`m using loop (every single time when I exit the loop the cracking sound occurs), I`m using the currently latest firmware v1.42. I`ve read on another thread that Pioneer`s engineer team could replicate this malfunction of the device, however, they were unable to identify which part of the circuit has been affected.
Also, I am wondering if there is a way to rollback the device`s firmware somehow and would it brick the machine? I read somewhere from another user that his device was working fine during it was on firmware version 1.23.