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MIDI Maping Reloop NEON for Rekordbox dj nearly all MIDI learnt except "SHIFT + "

hi... i had done nearly more than half of the midi map learning for the Reloop Neon except the "shift + XX" key.... secondary function like switch slicer to keyboard mode or etc are working ok since the reloop NEON have double tap switch for that, just the "Shift + " key that doesn't work in midi learning.. 

Nick Respondida

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That would be up to the hardware; if the NEON doesn't create a secondary layer (a second signal sent for a button while shift is held), then that's not something rekordbox could remedy. Please see if the hardware manufacturer provides another option for a second layer of control.

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I understand how a modifier key works -- and that would require the software to recognize a specific MIDI signal as being a "shift" key rather than an input. However, there are many other MIDI changes and updates that I see as being more important at this time, even for Pioneer DJ's own hardware, so I don't believe improved functionality for 3rd party hardware is a priority.

Thanks for the input.

Pulse 0 votos
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Sou Usuário do Rekordbox, tendo pacotes de expansão de efeitos e video em meu Rekodbox, e uso a DDJ1000 em eventos maiores.

Acontece que recentemente comprei uma CMD Studio 4a da Behringer para eventos menores, e gostaria de mapear a tecla "del" como sendo o "shift" do Rekordbox, como consigo no Traktor e Virtual DJ, mais não gostaria de precisar usar outro programa apenas por não estar com um controlador Pionner.

Não acredito que seja uma mudança tão dificil pra equipe de desenvolvedores, e ajudaria muitos usuários de outros softwares a migrar para o Rekordbox devido a essa funcionalidade, sem abandonar seus controladores de costume.

Caberia a equipe pensar nessa hipótese de mapear o "Shift" pois me faria gostar ainda mais da marca, pois infelizmente nesse quesito, acaba perdendo mercado.



Elvis Meiado 0 votos
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Chances are that "DEL" key isn't a modifier making the other controls "shift" into another set of commands, and rekordbox doesn't have the capacity to assign a shift function so when two MIDI signals are received simultaneously that one should modify the other. Sorry.

Pulse 0 votos
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