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Hong Yi Stage Lighting HY-B01

Manufacturer: Guangzhou Hong Yi Lighting Equipment Co. Ltd. (http://www.hongyilights.com/) (aka Gao Fei Store which is their affiliated small order fulfillment store on AliExpress)

MFR Name: 200W LED Beam Spot Wash 3-in-1

MFR M/N: HY-B01 aka GF-B01

web Page: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/2018-Hot-Sale-Stage-Light-200W-LED-Bean-Spot-Wash-3-In-1-Zoom-Led-Moving/3056042_32907868815.html?spm=2114.12010612.8148356.2.3cfb5bcc6aTj25

note: at this time there is no product page at the Hong Yi site, only the aliexpress store, the Chinese are simply not organized as you would prefer, and not likely to become so.

FIXTURE TYPE: Moving Head  


no web link available on the Hong Yi / Gao Fei site for the manual, it’s sent by email and in print form with the product and is identical to the linked manual. The Gao Fei Page also has the DMX channel assignments. 


Bright Dream BD-M200BS https://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32885942285.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.44dd2e0enx4kod

Bright Dream MY-M200BS http://www.gzstagelight.com/led-200w-3-in-1-beam-moving-head-spot-light-focus-and-zoom-function_p13.htm

Youdengku YDK-SL200-A https://www.aliexpress.com/item/-/32881468228.html

IMRELAX M-MH200M https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/IMRELAX-2018-New-200W-LED-Beam-Spot-Wash-3in1-Moving-Head-Light-Plus-ZOOM-Features-18/2952142_32874677726.html

Forelight FO-LM200C http://www.forelite.cn/products/detail/200W_LED_Spot_Beam_Wash_3in1_Moving_Head_Light.html

Richa RL-LS200 http://www.richalight.com/content/?273.html

...and many others...

This request was previously submitted on 9/6/2018 and on 9/12/2018 an email was received indicating the fixture would be included in the next library update. 

The fixture was not found in the 9/13/2018 library update and the request forum post was deleted.

The interface was returned to Guitar Center and repurchased to keep the right of return alive. Appropriate reviews describing the usefulness of the Pioneer RB-DMX1 and it’s dependency on the Atlabase service will be posted on every available site. It would be more agreeable for me to be able to post positive reports, but that's up to you.

William Hogan Completada

La publicación no admite más comentarios.

19 comentarios


Email received in re: previous request since deleted from the forum;

On Sep 12, 2018, at 9:03 AM, Pioneer DJ <noreply@pioneerdj.zendesk.com> wrote:

Pioneer DJ

The post Gao Fei GF-B01 has a new comment.

AtlaBase Ltd


Your lighting fixture (200W LED BSW 3-IN-1) has been added to the AtlaBase database (under Hong Yi). It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update. Please find the latest update of the fixture library here.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd



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William Hogan 0 votos
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This fixture was not been added to the library on 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, or 10/3. Please re-submit the fixture as a new request to AltaBase with the corrected DMX register table below, not the owner's manual. 

NB: An entry for a 200W LED BSW moving head with 18 DMX channels retailed by a Polish lighting company was found in Atlabase that appears to use the same manual. That fixture definition does not function correctly for the HY-B01 It maps almost all RekordBox colors to yellow. This would also be aberrant behavior for the color mapping in the Polish fixture manual.

In the course of adding the fixture to an open database lighting program (the world doesn't wait for AtlaBase) it became apparent that the DMX register table in the manual is both incomplete e.g. colors not stated and incorrect e.g. color index increment, and also many other details that RekordBox Lighting may use in future releases. The responses to all DMX register values (0-255) were tested and characterized.

Please use this corrected DMX register table instead of the one in the HY-B01 manual. 

CH  Function   DMX Value Details
1   Pan           0-255  Pan movement
2   Pan fine      0-255  Pan fine
3   Tilt          0-255  Tilt movement
4   Tilt fine     0-255  Tilt fine
5   Pan/Tilt      0-255  Pan/Tilt speed control
from fast to slow
6   Dimmer        0-255  Dimmer from dark to bright
7   Strobe      000-003  Light on
                004-099  Strobe from slow to fast
                100-149  Pulse strobe from slow to fast
                150-199  Thunder strobe from slow to fast
                200-249  Random strobe from slow to fast
                250-255  Light on
8   Color Wheel 000-009  Color 0 White (open)
                010-019  Color 1 Red
                020-029  Color 2 Green
                030-039  Color 3 Blue
                040-049  Color 4 Magenta
                050-059  Color 5 Yellow
                060-069  Color 6 Light Green
                070-079  Color 7 Cyan
                080-089  Color 8 Pink
                090-099  Color 9 Orange
                100-109  Split White-Red
                110-119  Split Red-Green
                120-129  Split Green-Blue
                130-139  Split Blue-Magenta
                140-149  Split Magenta-Yellow
                150-159  Split Yellow-Light Green
                160-169  Split Light Green-Cyan
                170-179  Split Cyan-Pink
                180-189  Split Pink-Orange
                190-199  Split Orange-White
                200-225  Rotate White,Red,Green,… slow to fast
                226-227  Change to White highest speed
                228-229  Change to White slowest speed
                230-255  Rotate Orange,Pink,Cyan,… slow to fast
9 Static        000-004  Open
  Gobo Wheel    005-054  10 Static gobo
                         (Each 5 DMX value is a gobo)
                055-154  10 static gobo shake effect
                         (Each 10 DMX value is a gobo)
                155-202  Gobo wheel clockwise rotation
                         from slow to fast
                203-206  Travel to Open Fastest Speed 
                207-255  Gobo wheel anti-clockwise rotation
                         from slow to fast
10 Rotation     000-009  Open
   Gobo Wheel   010-079  7 Rotation gobo
                         (Each 10DMX value is a gobo)
                080-159  7 Gobos & open shake effect
                         (Each 10 DMX value is a gobo)
                160-205  Gobo wheel clockwise rotation
                         from slow to fast
                207-208  Stop
                209-255  Gobo wheel anti-clockwise rotation from slow to fast
11 Rotation     000-127  Change position from 0° to 360°
   Gobo Rotates 128-191  Clockwise continuous rotation
                         from slow to fast
                192-255  Anti-Clockwise continuous rotation
                         from slow to fast
12 Prism        000-127  No Prism
                128-255  Prism
13 4 Facet      000-127  Change position from 0° to 75°
   Prism        128-190  Clockwise continuous rotation
   Rotation              from slow to fast
                191-192  Stop
                193-255  Anti-clockwise continuous rotation
                         from slow to fast
14 Frost          0-127  no frost effect
                128-255  frost effect
15 Focus          0-255  Focus from static gobo to prism
16 Zoom           0-255  Zoom from 7° to 21°
17 Macro effect   0-50   No function
                51-100   System Detection / Self Test
                101-150  Auto 1
                151-200  Auto 2
                201-255  Sound activated
18 Reset          0-250  No function
                251-255  Reset within 5 seconds


William Hogan 1 voto
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1) WHAT FIXTURE DID YOU UPDATE? The HY-B01 aka GF-B01 is NOT in the database. What is in the database is a Chinese 18 channel 200W LED 3-in-1 from a Polish retailer "Flash Butrym LED Moving Head 200W 3in1 BSW". It may be the same firmware, but you would have to confirm that with the vendor. It is NOT the 18 channel "Aolait 200W Moving Head Spot". I do not know what the "Unknown 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1" is supposed to be, likely no-one does, its Unknown.

2) My apologies, that register was incorrectly edited. My spreadsheet has all the rotation speeds

10 Rotation 000-009 Open
Gobo Wheel 010-079 7 Rotation gobo
(Each 10DMX value is a gobo)
080-159 7 Gobos & open shake effect
(Each 10 DMX value is a gobo)
160-205 Gobo wheel clockwise rotation
from slow to fast
206-210 Travel to Open Fastest Speed
211-255 Gobo wheel anti-clockwise rotation from slow to fast
my spreadsheet for that register

CH Function DMX Value Details
10 Rotation Gobo Wheel
000 - 079 Rotation Gobo
000 - 009 R0 open
010 - 019 R1 Metal - sticks in random arrangement
020 - 029 R2 Metal - rectangle of stacked stripes
030 - 039 R3 Metal - packed rounded Y shapes
040 - 049 R4 Metal - 36 6:1 Ellipses arranged as 3 rows of 3 X formations
050 - 059 R5 Glass - white swirls on sky blue
060 - 069 R6 Glass - white leafy cherry branches on grass green
070 - 079 R7 Glass - white petal blossoms on magenta
080 - 159 Shake Rotation Gobo
080 - 089 Shake R0 open
090 - 099 Shake R1 Metal - sticks in random arrangement
100 - 109 Shake R2 Metal - rectangle of stacked stripes
110 - 119 Shake R3 Metal - packed rounded Y shapes
120 - 129 Shake R4 Metal - 36 6:1 Ellipses arranged as 3 rows of 3 X formations
130 - 139 Shake R5 Glass - white swirls on sky blue
140 - 149 Shake R6 Glass - white leafy cherry branches on grass green
150 - 159 Shake R7 Glass - white petal blossoms on magenta
160 - 205 Rotate Gobo Wheel {R0,R1,R2…,R9,R10} Speed Increases with DMX Value

160 136.68 seconds/revolution, 12.425 seconds/gobo
161 - 165 68s, 46s, 34s, 27.5s, 22.8
166 - 170 19.6s, 17.1s, 15.7s, 14.4s, 13.2s
171 - 175 12.13s, 11.14s, 10.23s, 9.39s, 8.62s
176 - 180 7.92s, 7.27s, 6.68s, 6.13s, 5.63s
181 - 185 5.17s, 4.75s, 4.36s, 4.00s, 3.67s
186 - 190 3.37s, 3.10s, 2.84s, 2.61s, 2.40s
191 - 195 2.20s, 2.02s, 1.86s, 1.70s, 1.57s
196 - 200 1.44s, 1.32s, 1.21s, 1.11s, 1.02s
201 - 205 0.94s, 0.86s, 0.79s, 0.73s, 0.67s
206 - 210 Travel to R0 Open Fastest Speed
211 136.68 seconds/revolution, 12.425 seconds/gobo
212 - 216 68s, 46s, 34s, 27.5s, 22.8
217 - 221 19.6s, 17.1s, 15.7s, 14.4s, 13.2s
222 - 226 12.13s, 11.14s, 10.23s, 9.39s, 8.62s
227 - 231 7.92s, 7.27s, 6.68s, 6.13s, 5.63s
232 - 236 5.17s, 4.75s, 4.36s, 4.00s, 3.67s
237 - 241 3.37s, 3.10s, 2.84s, 2.61s, 2.40s
242 - 246 2.20s, 2.02s, 1.86s, 1.70s, 1.57s
247 - 251 1.44s, 1.32s, 1.21s, 1.11s, 1.02s
252 - 255 0.94s, 0.86s, 0.79s, 0.73s


William Hogan 0 votos
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As we clearly mentioned before, fixture's DMX has been updated and will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votos
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Details for Register 9 Static Gobo wheel

CH Function DMX Value Details 
9 Static Gobo Wheel
000-054 Static Gobo
000 - 004 S0 Open
005 - 009 S1 Torus 3 Segments
010 - 014 S2 Bubble Array
015 - 019 S3 Pinwheel 8 Blades
020 - 024 S4 Pinwheel-Ish 6 Blades
025 - 029 S5 Concentric Dots 5 Small Surrounded By 10 Larger
030 - 034 S6 Concentric Swept Arcs With Central Dot
035 - 039 S7 Concentric Dots 1 Large Surrounded By 8 Smaller
040 - 044 S8 Star, 5 Points
045 - 049 S9 Circular Aperture, Small
050 - 054 S10 Circular Aperture, Large 95% Of Open Aperture Focused Edge Hard Edge
055 - 154 Shake Gobo
055 - 064 Shake S1 Torus 3 Segments
065 - 074 Shake S2 Bubble Array
075 - 084 Shake S3 Pinwheel 8 Blades
085 - 094 Shake S4 Pinwheel-Ish 6 Blades
095 - 104 Shake S5 Concentric Dots 5 Small Surrounded By 10 Larger
105 - 114 Shake S6 Concentric Swept Arcs With Central Dot
115 - 124 Shake S7 Concentric Dots 1 Large Surrounded By 8 Smaller
125 - 134 Shake S8 Star, 5 Points
135 - 144 Shake S9 Circular Aperture, Small
145 - 154 Shake S10 Circular Aperture, Large 95% Of Open Aperture Focused Edge Hard Edge
155 - 204 Rotate Static Gobo Wheel {S0,S1,S2…,S9,S10} Speed Increases with DMX Value
155 136.68 seconds/revolution, 12.425 seconds/gobo
156 68.29 s/rev, 6.208 s/gobo
157 45.59 s/rev, 4.145 s/gobo
158 34.23 s/rev, 3.112 s/gobo
159 27.49 s/rev, 2.499 s/gobo
160 22.78 s/rev, 2.071 s/gobo
161 19.56 s/rev, 1.778 s/gobo
162 17.07 s/rev, 1.552 s/gobo
163 15.15 s/rev, 1.377 s/gobo
164 13.62 s/rev, 1.238 s/gobo
165 12.42 s/rev, 1.129 s/gobo
166 11.36 s/rev, 1.033 s/gobo
167 10.52 s/rev, 0.956 s/gobo
168 9.68 s/rev, 0.880 s/gobo
169 9.13 s/rev, 0.830 s/gobo
170 8.56 s/rev, 0.778 s/gobo
171 8.04 s/rev, 0.731 s/gobo
172 7.59 s/rev, 0.690 s/gobo
173 7.21 s/rev, 0.655 s/gobo
174 6.81 s/rev, 0.619 s/gobo
175 6.15 s/rev, 0.559 s/gobo
176 5.66 s/rev, 0.515 s/gobo
177 5.21 s/rev, 0.474 s/gobo
178 4.87 s/rev, 0.443 s/gobo
179 4.50 s/rev, 0.409 s/gobo
180 4.25 s/rev, 0.386 s/gobo
181 3.60 s/rev, 0.327 s/gobo
182 3.82 s/rev, 0.347 s/gobo
183 3.57 s/rev, 0.325 s/gobo
184 3.30 s/rev, 0.300 s/gobo
185 3.10 s/rev, 0.282 s/gobo
186 2.98 s/rev, 0.271 s/gobo
187 2.79 s/rev, 0.254 s/gobo
188 2.60 s/rev, 0.236 s/gobo
189 2.47 s/rev, 0.225 s/gobo
190 2.35 s/rev, 0.214 s/gobo
191 2.25 s/rev, 0.205 s/gobo
192 2.10 s/rev, 0.191 s/gobo
193 2.04 s/rev, 0.185 s/gobo
194 1.95 s/rev, 0.177 s/gobo
195 1.87 s/rev, 0.170 s/gobo
196 1.80 s/rev, 0.164 s/gobo
197 1.73 s/rev, 0.157 s/gobo
198 1.68 s/rev, 0.153 s/gobo
199 1.62 s/rev, 0.147 s/gobo
200 1.55 s/rev, 0.141 s/gobo
201 1.46 s/rev, 0.133 s/gobo
202 1.43 s/rev, 0.130 s/gobo
203 - 206 Travel to S0 Open
207 - 255 Rotate Static Gobo Wheel {S0,S10,S9…,S1,S0} Speed Increases with DMX Value
207 136.68 seconds/revolution, 12.425 seconds/gobo
208 68.29 s/rev, 6.208 s/gobo
209 45.59 s/rev, 4.145 s/gobo
210 34.23 s/rev, 3.112 s/gobo
211 27.49 s/rev, 2.499 s/gobo
212 22.78 s/rev, 2.071 s/gobo
213 19.56 s/rev, 1.778 s/gobo
214 17.07 s/rev, 1.552 s/gobo
215 15.15 s/rev, 1.377 s/gobo
216 13.62 s/rev, 1.238 s/gobo
217 12.42 s/rev, 1.129 s/gobo
218 11.36 s/rev, 1.033 s/gobo
219 10.52 s/rev, 0.956 s/gobo
220 9.68 s/rev, 0.880 s/gobo
221 9.13 s/rev, 0.830 s/gobo
222 8.56 s/rev, 0.778 s/gobo
223 8.04 s/rev, 0.731 s/gobo
224 7.59 s/rev, 0.690 s/gobo
225 7.21 s/rev, 0.655 s/gobo
226 6.81 s/rev, 0.619 s/gobo
227 6.15 s/rev, 0.559 s/gobo
228 5.66 s/rev, 0.515 s/gobo
229 5.21 s/rev, 0.474 s/gobo
230 4.87 s/rev, 0.443 s/gobo
231 4.50 s/rev, 0.409 s/gobo
232 4.25 s/rev, 0.386 s/gobo
233 3.60 s/rev, 0.327 s/gobo
234 3.82 s/rev, 0.347 s/gobo
235 3.57 s/rev, 0.325 s/gobo
236 3.30 s/rev, 0.300 s/gobo
237 3.10 s/rev, 0.282 s/gobo
238 2.98 s/rev, 0.271 s/gobo
239 2.79 s/rev, 0.254 s/gobo
240 2.60 s/rev, 0.236 s/gobo
241 2.47 s/rev, 0.225 s/gobo
242 2.35 s/rev, 0.214 s/gobo
243 2.25 s/rev, 0.205 s/gobo
244 2.10 s/rev, 0.191 s/gobo
245 2.04 s/rev, 0.185 s/gobo
246 1.95 s/rev, 0.177 s/gobo
247 1.87 s/rev, 0.170 s/gobo
248 1.80 s/rev, 0.164 s/gobo
249 1.73 s/rev, 0.157 s/gobo
250 1.68 s/rev, 0.153 s/gobo
251 1.62 s/rev, 0.147 s/gobo
252 1.55 s/rev, 0.141 s/gobo
253 1.46 s/rev, 0.133 s/gobo
254 1.43 s/rev, 0.130 s/gobo
255 1.41 s/rev, 0.128 s/gobo



William Hogan 0 votos
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...the possibility of a fifth consecutive inadvertent clerical error seems remote so, despite the enthusiasm you bring to your penchant for mendacity...

  Once again the  "NEXT FIXTURE LIBRARY UPDATE"  was announced and one more time does not include  the update you proclaimed in bold type "As we clearly mentioned before, fixture's DMX has been updated and will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update".


Perhaps we have different understandings of the words "next" and "include"...

Please state the fixture name as it appears or will appear in an entry in the  AtlaBase database and a calendar date when an update was or will be announced that includes the fixture name. 

None of the following are fixtures in RekordBox Lighting
  Hong Yi Stage Lighting 200W LED Beam Spot Wash 3-in-1
  Hong Yi Stage Lighting HY-B01
  Gao Fei 200W LED Beam Spot Wash 3-in-1
  Gao Fei GF-B01
  ...or any variations of the above

These are the only Hong Yi fixtures found in the announced updates;

  Oct. 10, 2018
     Hong Yi Stage Lighting HY-10G

  Sept. 20, 2018
    Hong Yi Stage Lighting HY-90G
    Hong Yi Stage Lighting GF-0812

  Sept. 13, 2018
    Hong Yi Stage Lighting GF-G60-A 11 ch

  Sept. 6, 2018
    Hong Yi Stage Lighting GF-G90-A

  July 4, 2018
    Hong Yi Stage Lighting 7x12W LED Par Light RGBW (HY-0712)

No Gao Fei fixtures appear in the list of announced updates.

(For completeness, my original post dated September 6 was at https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360023949951-Hong-Y%C4%AB-Stage-Lighting-HY-B01-  After being acknowledged and inclusion in the next update was promised by email, the post was deleted and the fixture wasn't included in any update.) 

William Hogan 0 votos
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@William > Please note that Altabase provides an update to the rekordbox lighting team, and then our team adds the fixtures to our database. If they say it will be in their next update, that doesn't necessarily mean it will be available in rekordbox right away. Our lighting database is typically updated weekly but there are some overlaps with the Altabase update push and our database update release, so while they may say "next update," that doesn't always mean the next rekordbox lighting database update.

I understand you're frustrated with the fact this unit is not yet listed, however continuing to post your frustration will not speed up the process.

I cannot guarantee any dates for you at this time.

Pulse 0 votos
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@William > It would seem that the fixture was already included - it's listed as:

Hong Yi Stage Lighting - 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1 (HY-B01)

Please use that profile for your light.

Pulse 0 votos
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Thank You for finding it! I had given up searching the database itself for variations.

(Another) flaw was discovered in the DMX register list provided earlier. The 4 facet prism rotation stop values were incorrect, and there is no stop, but because the 0° reference position is lost after rotation,  the value 000 is a functional replacement. 192-193 actually repeats 128-129 clockwise. (The difference between 0.3°/sec and stopped went un-noticed) 

The changes are in boldface

13 4 Facet      000-127  Change position from 0° to 75°,
Prism 0° position is lost after rotation
Rotation 000 can be used as stop rotating
           128-191  Clockwise continuous rotation
                 from slow (866s) to fast (0.660s)
                192-193  Repeat 128-129 (866s 433s CW)
                194-255  Anti-clockwise continuous rotation
                         from slow (288s) to fast (0.660s)

The behavior at 192-193 appears to be a bug where the firmware is using the correct time divisor but the wrong direction of rotation. These two periods of rotation are so long, 14.4 minutes and 7.2 minutes, the direction isn't likely to be noticed.

NB: When using 000 as a stop The firmware doesn't make an instant stop from a fast speed it decelerates to a stop.

William Hogan 0 votos
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>@William > It would seem that the fixture was already included - it's listed as:

>Hong Yi Stage Lighting - 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1 (HY-B01)

>Please use that profile for your light.

It’s become noticeable that you’re looking at a different database than RekordBox users have access to. To put it more simply, this information is factually inaccurate. To put it bluntly, it’s another lie.

On the plus side, you’ve restored my faith in your unparalleled talent for mendacity. I can appreciate that working at a company that’s been taken over by vulture capitalists stinks, but there’s no excuse for sinking to their level. 

William Hogan 0 votos
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@William > Your propensity for accusatory statements is quizzical.

I'll kindly accept your apology for your previous statement -- there's no excuse for sinking to that level.

Pulse 0 votos
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I don't mind apologizing when I'm wrong, especially becuase it means the light is in the library...

I'm very sorry to have incorrectly accused you of being deceptive. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt apologies for accusing you of not actually having the fixture "Hong Yi Stage Lighting - 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1 (HY-B01)",  by which of course you actually meant  "Unknown 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1", in the library. I should, of course, have applied Hanlon's Razor. (https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor) 

...I simply failed to search the library to find the light in the screenshot  

> Unknown 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1

...from the one in the comment from October 12th...

> @William > It would seem that the fixture was already included - it's listed as:
> Hong Yi Stage Lighting - 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1 (HY-B01)
> Please use that profile for your light.

...perhaps you can forgive me for being peeved without making a sufficiently thorough investigation by applying Hanlon's Razor to my comment as well.

And since Hanlon's Razor is the theme of the day... while testing the profile "Unknown 200W LED BSW 3-IN-1" it was clear that there was a Yellow <==> Magenta swap. The handwritten notes for the color wheel didn't match the typed version. The register definition below has the corrections in bold face.

8   Color Wheel 000-009  Color 0 White (open)
                010-019  Color 1 Red
                020-029  Color 2 Green
                030-039  Color 3 Blue
                040-049  Color 4 Yellow
                050-059  Color 5 Magenta
                060-069  Color 6 Light Green
                070-079  Color 7 Cyan
                080-089  Color 8 Pink
                090-099  Color 9 Orange
                100-109  Split White-Red
                110-119  Split Red-Green
                120-129  Split Green-Blue
                130-139  Split Blue-Yellow
                140-149  Split Yellow-Magenta
                150-159  Split Magenta-Light Green
                160-169  Split Light Green-Cyan
                170-179  Split Cyan-Pink
                180-189  Split Pink-Orange
                190-199  Split Orange-White
                200-225  Rotate White,Red,Green,… slow to fast
                226-227  Change to White highest speed
                228-229  Change to White slowest speed
                230-255  Rotate Orange,Pink,Cyan,… slow to fast
William Hogan 0 votos
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I appreciate your frustration with the fact there are still some issues with your fixture, and please be aware that none of us (myself, the lighting team in Japan, nor the Altabase team who programs these fixtures) has one of these "William and The Amazing Multi-Name Lighting Fixture" units with which to test and confirm that everything is as it should be. Poorly documented fixture addressing with changes don't make this process any easier, so we can hardly be to blame for every last detail not working exactly as intended.

Your information has been passed along once again, but I'm going to refrain from providing you with any details which you would most certainly try and throw in my face like a handful of insult-confetti.

Pulse 0 votos
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   Thank you for passing along the the register definition correction, and thank you for "William and The Amazing Multi-Name Lighting Fixture" - very creative. I do owe you an apology for being obtuse in regard to the register definition correction. I didn't mean to imply I was frustrated by Pioneer or Atlabase. The register was implemented exactly as I had documented it, the color swap error was entirely mine.


William Hogan 0 votos
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Why be obtuse when we can all be acute and to the point? ;)

Pulse 0 votos
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