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Sorry, the Sweeper Beam Quad is a bar-type fixture, which does not support tilt movement within rekordbox.
Suite à l'utilisation de mes luminaires ADJ Sweeper Beam Quad LED (Bar à Led motorisée), il s'avère que les mouvements " TILT " sont inexistants : est-ce normal ??
Sorry, the Sweeper Beam Quad is a bar-type fixture, which does not support tilt movement within rekordbox.
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Apart from lighting & some basic functions, there is no way doing anything with this lighting function. While we have devices with advanced features very interesting ... REALLY DAMAGE .... [(Mise à part la mise en lumières & certaines fonctions basiques, on ne peut casiment rien faire avec cette fonction lighting. Alors qu'on a des appareils avec des fonctions avancées très intérressantes...VRAIMENT DOMMAGE.... )]
To reiterate the Sweeper Beam Quad is a bar-type fixture which also happens to feature the ability to tilt. Because it's a bar-type fixture in rekordbox, the software doesn't have any capacity to control movement for a bar. There is no sense in having the bar listed as a moving-head because there's potential for other bar-type control to be added in future (for example zone or pixel control), but the bar itself isn't really moving head as it doesn't have many of the other features and controls a moving head does.
I'm sorry you're disappointed with this, but please understand it from a program standpoint and the difficulty in trying to accommodate the wide variety of fixture types / functions / features.
And right after I typed that, I saw that the release notes for the 5.4.1 beta says:
-Ability to edit Moving Head LED bars in Lighting mode.
So there you go ... our lighting team is already working on adding controls for these fixture types! It's not posted publicly yet, but follow the Beta forum and give it a try once it's available.
Thank you for this latest important information to me ... you really have to work on these advanced features and also include the possibility of adding other types of fixtures such as: lasers, all-in-one, derby effects and many others .... so that we can realize a light show worthy of the name! [(Merci pour ces dernières informations importantes à mes faut vraiment travailler sur ces fonctions avancées et inclure également la possibilité d'ajouter d'autres types de luminaires tels que : les lasers, les tout-en-un, les effets derby et bien d'autres....pour qu'on puisse réaliser un light show digne de ce nom !!!])
I hope so too - there's just so much variation in the different lights and how they're controlled that implementing it all into the lighting software is a challenge. I hope our product team is able to meet the expectations of the users!
Suite à vos précédents commentaires, ne serait-il pas préférable & judicieux de classer ce genre de barre motorisée avec tête mobile, ayant des mouvements " Tilt " dans la catégorie LED BAR BEAM MOVING HEAD ou BAR BEAM MOVING, pour que le logiciel Rekordbox puisse contrôler parfaitement ce genre de mouvement à l'avenir ...
Following your previous comments, would not it be better and wise to classify this kind of motorized bar with moving head, having movements "Tilt" in the BAR BEAM MOVING HEAD or BAR BEAM MOVING, so that the software Rekordbox can perfectly control this kind of movement in the future ...
Yes and no -- yes because it would make it easier to identify, but no because it would then be a slippery slope of creating many more categories for all the products that include one additional function/feature from outside their scope.
"Moving head with laser" -- as an example.
I do not understand that Rekordbox can handle the movements of the moving heads (Pan / Tilt), but not those of the moving bars (Tilt) ... Programming error ....
This would mean that the channel corresponding to the movements "Tilt" is close (value 00). It's a basic function, no !!! [(Je ne comprend pas que Rekordbox puisse gérer les mouvements des têtes mobiles (Pan/Tilt), mais pas celles des barres mobiles (Tilt)… Erreur de programmation ….
Cela voudrait dire que le canal correspondant aux mouvements " Tilt " est fermer (valeur 00)]. C'est une fonctions basique, non !!!??
Dear Sir,
We might be fixed this issue on our latest beta version.
Could you please try this?