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Hey, our engineers have reviewed the video and comments and unfortunately feel it is likely a hardware issue; please contact a Pioneer DJ authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and repaired.
Headline says it pretty much. After playing with effects on/off buttons stucks to on and keeps flashing away no matter i do. Not always, but usually (8/10 times) after 5min of starting to play. Level knob works aswell effect select and everything else, but i can't get on/off button go to off anyway else than turning xz off and on again.
Hey, our engineers have reviewed the video and comments and unfortunately feel it is likely a hardware issue; please contact a Pioneer DJ authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and repaired.
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Any thoughts or things to try? Pulse, anyone? Is there somesort of "hard reset" to try? Maybe possible known issue fixed in next firmware update or even in the "to do list"? Anything? Yesterday again everything worked like a charm, today I had to turn xz off and on again 2 times in 30min and lost "vibes" totally for today... Really frustrating...
I also noticed today that when the issue is "on", only lover row from x-pad works, nothing happens from 1/2-1/16. I could just continue playing with only level and time knobs as they're still working and put some ducktape or something on the on/off button to get rid of annoying flashing. But I really hope it's not the solution for over 2k€ equipment... I really love this unit and would like to have as reliable (even close) hardware what my previous sx2 was...
Hmmm... this is a bit unusual, and I think you're the first and only to report such a thing.
What mode were you using it in at the time? Stand-alone or software control?
Are any other controls not working?
Standalone mode. On/off button and upper row of x-pad are only i've noticed that doesn't work. Also had weird behaviour when bought the unit, when pressed pause, it made sort of faster than 1/16 loop, also seen as waveform movement. Only thing to get rid of it was restarting the unit... That though haven't happened anymore, only few times in first couple weeks...
Tested how to get it stuck. So, when level is left in the middle (or any other position) and on/off button off, using effects from xpad, on/off button doesn't go back to off and stucks to on and disables upper xpad row... Xpad works like it should before "on only" kicks in...
Just found this...
Got called from service. Xpad needs to be replaced, "diy" repair could be possible but recommended new xpad. About week to get my baby back. Lets hope new xpad doesn't have any manufacturing faults.
1 week turned out to be about 2 to 4 weeks without equipment... fuuuuu*k... Not cool at all...
Sorry about that - it's not a surprise it was longer than 1 week given the current availability of parts being slim due to the massive production scale. Do you have it back already or is it 2-4 weeks from when it was sent in?
From sent in, 2-3 weeks left... Part haven't even left Japan yet...
Since 26 feb service still haven't even got the parts to get my xz fixed! Starting to get really pissed off as firmware and serato updates are finally available (wich was one main reason for buying this unit!) and nobody knows anything when to get my toy back... Even service guy are sick or something (just tried to call them)... Just my luck, spent last savings to this and thought new toy to be just killer good and stable , selled old board away, then everything crashes like this... Eger to wait what happens next... 🤬
I'm sorry, but unfortunately replacement parts are available but not readily available due to the massive demand for production - as such they're not in stock with our parts suppliers, meaning the (very few) repairs have to order the parts from Japan and then wait. I know you're eager to get back to playing, and we thank you for your patience.
Service got the replacement part that was faulty/broken, need to order new one, waiting starts over... Some compensation would be in place soon from someone... Going to get backup controller as soon as saved enough, though it's not so easy at the moment... Allready regret to selling sx2 away... 😥
Sorry, the warranty terms clearly state that there is no compensation provided.
Yes i know, bad angry comment... Sorry for "bitching" here, just need to let it out somewhere... 😂 Local authorized dealer also contacted... Thank you for your patience, really appreciate it! Just got still faulty unit back to test serato features while new xpad arrives... Service also messed up xpad tape (small rips), jogs makes weird sound now, possibly cracked screen frame cover and some other things also while "repaired"... Atleast got firmware updated with repair... 😅 Though got unit what feels like used 5 years old second hand and still need to take it back when hopefully working part arrives so i'm not so happy right now...
Gotta just like xz on serato, heavily laggy waveforms on xz screen, smooth on laptop. But it's working really nice! Hopefully i can play with fully working unit as soon as possible...
Another odd stuff came back what mentioned earlier... What could cause this? Just playing in standalone mode without anything on to mention about... Can't just figure out what happens... 🤔 Loading new track don't help, it just does the same, just restarting the unit helps for a while...
Just noticed from video that shows sound from channel 1 even it's been stopped while ago...
That's "stutter cue" for when vinyl mode is disabled. Perfectly normal.
Ok, usually always using/left it vinyl mode on... 🤔 Maybe it resetted after firmware update... Need to check it out later today... Dealer though is considering to change whole new unit cause serviced messed up unit quite bad...😒
Solved, thanks!
Hi Pioneer..
I have the exact same problem with my XDJ XZ>
I am not able to replicate on command, but it just randomly happends sometimes. It started happening after the latest firmware update.
I don't know how this could be a hardware issue since it started happening after the update, and if I reboot the unit it workds fine again for a while
And yet I am talking about the XZ effect on/off button getting stuck
@Ralf > Sorry to hear about that - per above, please contact a Pioneer DJ authorized service centre in your region to have your hardware inspected and/or repaired. Thank you.