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Here's a work-around guide for automatic switching of the lighting in EXTERNAL MIXER mode:
There are two devices on purpose - it's normal.
Hi there,
When i use the XZ in midi mode as a controller, the audio inside Recordbox automatically switches to EXTERNAL mode, unable to switch it to internal. This is a problem for the LIGHTING function.
There is no way to make the LIGHTING function automatically when in external mode.
So when switching channels you wilml have to manually switch the lichting show for that deck...
when i take a look inside recordbox settings - audio - Control device infomation ;or inside the midi-studio on my mac; there are 2 files that are created. An XDJ-XZ(1) and a XDJ-XZ(2) ...
Here's a work-around guide for automatic switching of the lighting in EXTERNAL MIXER mode:
There are two devices on purpose - it's normal.
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a workaround? for this kind of equipment? are u guys for real? I saw on the forum that you guys mentioned to be working on this problem for a long time now. Also, the XDJ-XZ isnt in the midi-list of the link sended.
Funny thing is that the function does work on my little DDJ-400...
So is the XZ cannot be a downgrade?
Why cant this unit be used in internal mode?
The XDJ-XZ is not a downgrade; its audio interface mixes the audio in the hardware whereas the XDJ-RX2 is mixing the audio in software, and this is why the XZ can't be used in internal mode.
Hi Pulse, thanks for your answer.
Don't you feel that the "workaround" should be integrated in the software?
I mean, even if this unit mixes internal or external, these things should work out of the box no?
I mean, the Pioneer RB-DMX1 wasnt cheap either, and works perfectly with a low-budget controller. So imo this should definately work wit the XZ no?
Yes; this was put on the request list and the reason this is a "work-around" is it's not yet implemented, and at least this will get the job done in the meantime.
Again, the XZ is a higher-end unit and thus operates in external mixer mode.
Hi Pulse,
on the DMX1 Specs it says its compatible with any unit. You only need an USB-cable, fixtures and DMX-cables. It doesn't say that its not compatible with the XZ. It should say so imo. I hope this doesnt get thrown into the long term actions. I hope the fish won't get drowned here. This also implies that when you use video-mode, you will have to manually crossfade the video's. This should also be implemented so it auto crossfades aswell as the lighting function. (imo there should be a choice to lock it onto the crossfader OR the channelfaders!) I use a lighting studio alongside a beamer and play MP4's. So I am in deep throuble atm. My RX2 broke down, so I thought the upgrade would be better fitted. It doesn't sadly. I thrust in you guys to get this fixed soon. Crossing my fingers ;-) (PS, this internal mixing also impies that you cannot make a vinylstop-only, you will have to choose OR vinylstart + vinylstop; OR novinylstart+ novinylstop. I am used to use novinylstart + vinylstop to mix better. The midi-controller functions of the RZ need to be taken a look at, thats for sure :-)
It certainly is compatible, but what's not is the automatic switching between the lighting programs of those channels because the software doesn't necessarily know which deck is the priority when in external mixer mode.
It seems neither RX2 and RZ are in the hardware unlock devices. I havent tested it yet.
So my thoughts are that I bought a video-licence with the RX2 wich worked (poorly with some workarounds) on the RZ. So now you have solved this issue by excluding video-control? And if i pay (again) for a monthly contract, do I still get these workarounds as a solution? This is all so weird. I switched from traktor to pioneer, and it feels like i get downgreaded every year.
Firtst there was an RX2 wich had awesome videocontrol, midi functions werent programmed right but I edited them (weird for such a expensive device i thougth)
Next there was the RB DMX1 wich made my RX2 control the lights with the video.
Then I upgraded to the RZ and Video control was a mess, even the RB DMX needed a constant manual attentuion when going live. Really a step backwards.
Next Pioneer just takes all these funtions back and you need to pay a monthly fee?
What are you guys doing? Am I getting this wrong? I hope I am, because this just isnt correct if things are as they seem.
Only thing I ask is a working automated DMX and VIDEO on the XDJ RX2 and on the XDJ RZ. And if you werent planning on making it that way, then why implement and sell it it the first place, and next take it all back?
Again, am I wrong? Please say I am so I can excuse myself :-)
@Mario > Hopefully I can alleviate some of the confusion for you...
The XDJ-RX2 and DDJ-RZ are both rekordbox 6 hardware unlock devices, with access to the same functions you had within rekordbox 5 from the included license keys. You purchased the video plus-pack as an add-on for rekordbox 5, if you want access to video functions in rekordbox 6, they are part of the subscription plan. Just to be clear - nothing was taken away; you still have access to the functions you already purchased in rekordbox 5, they just don't carry over to rekordbox 6.
The reason the RZ needed a different approach for the lighting is it works in external mixer mode, for which there is no automatic switching (yet), thus the work-around. We hope to have that included in a future update but don't have a timeline yet.
@pulse, So the upgrade to recordbox 6 is payment. I have Lighting mode and video mode in RB5, and cannot use it in 6. As i see, the "workaround" for the automatic lighting and video mode was stated 2 YEARS ago! as i read on the forums. So, this update you guys are working on is not going to be there. Just say it as it is. You say that the rdj-XZ works in external mode and with this info I just have to say OK? thats weird. It DOESNT WORK. It sends midi, so cant the software do this? also, when using midi to control the laptop in performance mode; you cannot get a vinyl stop combined with a normal start on your deck. with my little ddj400 i can control this seperately in the settings.
Just say it, the rdj-XZ wasnt made to act with a laptop.
The RX2 does a slightly better job, and the little DDJ400 is the clear winner here.
You guys focussed on the standalone part with usb, wich it does great.
But you forgot the functionalities when it comes to using a laptop.
I find it way more organized when i see it on a laptopscreen. So I like to occasionaly be in midi-mode. The rdj-XZ is really bad at this.
@Pulse - any update on this AUTO Lighting Mode fix please? Has anyone given you an ETA of an update release to fix the issue of Auto mode not working in External mode?
Plus the XZ is not on the list of the 'work around' you kindly provided so if the fix isn't going to be released for a while can we at least get the XZ added to the work around list please?
Already there - it was added back in 6.3.0 (Nov. 17th).
Hi Pulse, what was added? The AUTO MIX for lighting or the codes for the workaround on the XZ?
From the release notes:
But this doesn't work in Performance Mode right? I don't understand what the PRO DJ LIGHTING LINK is for other than a way to control the lights on a second laptop/macbook so that you can DJ in performance mode with a separate laptop/macbook? For example, I have remapped my 16 pads on both decks to control all the lighting modes and so I need to use Rekordbox in Performance mode for this to work... Am I missing something? How am I meant to use PRO DJ LINK LIGHTING mode while using Rekordbox for the music source in performance mode? Lastly, I emailed back but not sure if emails will get back to you, can we have an actual phone call about this because I have literally spent months trying to message you guys back and forth and either we're not understanding each other or it simply won't do what I need it to do in which case I really need to think about downgrading back to an RX2 because it worked fine with that... if you provide me an email I will send you my mobile number. Can we please discuss this...?
Nope, sorry - when using it in performance mode, that fix has not yet been issued.
Ok, how about this...
a really simple solution would be to add a button next to the AUTO / MANUAL modes that says CONSTANT or MASTER whereby it doesn't need to be dependant on which channel volume fader is up, it just keeps whatever lighting options you've got selected running continuously based on the MASTER OUTPUT, (Or regardless of any volume in fact)...
As a loyal Pioneer customer I have invested in an RB DMX1, tons of lights and other Pioneer equipment, and an XDJ XZ all to earn a living (when we get back to normal and I can do weddings and corporate functions again)...
I've remapped all 16 effects pads (when BEAT JUMP is selected) to control all the lighting options so I'm quite happy hitting the BLACKOUT button or changing the lighting effects when I need to... but currently I'm having to manually switch between Ch1 and Ch2 every time I mix a new song which is incredibly frustrating as I'm sure you will appreciate.
I'm assuming this is because unlike the RX2, the XZ doesn't have digitally linked volume faders so the system has no way of knowing which fader is up? Is that right? Because when I have MIDI mode in LIGHTING set to LEARN it doesn't pick anything up when I move the volume faders up on CH1 or CH2...?
In which case, my suggestion above to either operate based on the MASTER volume or just CONTINUOUSLY regardless of volume/music input would be perfect and solve the issue....
I get that you get a lot of technical challenges and I know you understand where I am coming from, please can you try and sort this out Pulse with your technical team, it should be a very easy fix...
And if I have to wait a couple of Months so be it but it seems this issue has been around since XZ was launched so it's not new to your team...
Do you think this is achievable?
I agree and that has previously been passed to our planning team but unfortunately they have not yet added it. Again, I thank you for your patience.
Is there a way of escalating this within the planning team? Can you give them a polite nudge and find out what the ETA might look like on a fix?
Also, just so I know, what is the point of the PRO DJ LIGHT LINK screen if it can;t be used when in Performance mode? Am I missing something? Or is the idea that you have two laptops and run two lots of rekordbox simultaneously with PRO LIGHTING on one and the Performance mode on the other? What is the point of it other than bigger buttons to click on onscreen?
Already done.
And the Pro DJ Link Lighting mode is for those who want to run in stand-alone mode and still use lighting.
OK, thank you...
Ok, so how do I make that work? I tried to connect my macbook pro with ethernet cable to the XZ and it didn't recognise it in the Pro DJ Lighting Link screen? How does it work in standalone mode on the XZ? Or does it not work on the XZ? Is it just for the 3000's ?
Hi Graham,
I tried this conversation back in the days, I have uses their workaround. The midi-tool just runs in the background and I never have to take a look at it again. It basically is an "in-between" solution to get the stuff working. I dont agree with pioneer that we just have to swallow this bullocks, but it works. I even got Video running on the vertical faders. And to be honest, you can only get the DMX-1 running when using a laptop, so you have to be in performance mode anyways. Yes, I also own the RX2 and this ran out of the box. But with the XZ its just a tiny workaround
ah so now I understand, you wanna be in a standalone mode, so use your RZ with a usb-stick filled with music, yet be able to run a lighting show on the side... so laptop only does the lighting...?
Hi Mario! Thanks for the message... How did you get the Work Around working, it doesn't show the details for the XZ on the post above?
What is the NUMBER and CHANNEL I need to use? If it's easier for you to email me feel free - - thanks bud
But when you DO use your XZ with a laptop in performance mode, there is no use for another laptop. You jsut use the midi-tool and your lmac will do both. Music and lighting (and in my case even video).
install the midistroke
No Mario, I DO want to be in Performance mode.... but I was just curious how it would work in standalone mode but I don't think this is going to work for me because I have remapped my effects pads (in JUMP LOOP) so this is easier than clicking the screen with a mouse
Thanks but it doesn't show the NUMBER or CHANNEL for the XDJ XZ ???? The last controller on the list if the RX2 ?