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Integrate alternative cloud storage solutions

Onedrive, Googledrive etc. The majority of people already have some form of cloud storage solution. Tying Rekordbox to Dropbox (which is minimum £8 a month) is limited and frustrating unless it was done in order to drive Dropbox take up?

Please integrate others (Onedrive for me).

Thanks, Chris.


Chris Tyas Respondida

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Sorry, we don't have plans to integrate other services at this time, as Dropbox has proven to have the most robust API and security available.

If you don't need to store more than 2GB (or more if you get referral bonuses), you can use their free offerings. Not everyone needs their entire collection available in the cloud.

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That's really frustrating and pretty disingenuous. You should state that the cost of the cloud sync feature (up to 2gb) is £14.99 a month (£9.99 a month with offer) and above 2gb is £22.99 a month. That's the true cost if you don't already have Dropbox Plus (and who does?)
Who is using smaller than 2gb USBs?? I now not only have to pay another £7.99 a month but I have to shift my entire connection (1.2tb) from Onedrive to Dropbox to get the full benefit of the sync feature? That's unbelievably disappointing.

Chris Tyas 0 votos
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We don't sell the Dropbox plan, so it would be disingenuous for us to say the cost is X (oh, but it's not, you're paying us Y, and them Z).

As noted, we chose Dropbox for its superior security, API, and integration.

Pulse 0 votos
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I'm not sure you understand what disingenuous means. It means not candid or sincere.

Unless you can detail otherwise I believe it is impossible to utilise the cloud sync feature of Rekordbox 6 without Dropbox account. Which costs £7.99 a month for over 2GB.

Therefore the full and true cost of a 2GB+ cloud enabled Rekordbox is £22.99 a month (discounting any offers).

Detailing the full cost of a 2GB+ cloud enabled Rekordbox would be candid and sincere and honest.

The cost to the end user is absolutely, completely, demonstrably X.

Chris Tyas 0 votos
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I completely agree,

You just added an added-value service for your customers : cloud storage solutions. Thank you for that.

However, best nowadays tool is OneDrive (as well as the safest, actually & by far)
+ there are plenty others indeed

Business wise it is in your interest to link other cloud storage solutions.
You will clearly scale up with your new service, both having new customers but also current ones purchasing your brillant new service.

I won't use Dropbox & will continue the way I used rekordbox in the past, for free & without cloud.

We are many using OneDrive & others, I guess. 

Unless you signed exclusivity with Dropbox, please invest in dev.. ?

Nicolas Ronsmans 0 votos
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I would like to see the ability to use my own synology device...

Knappy 0 votos
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Sorry, there are no plans for self-hosted solutions for the cloud sync functionality.

Pulse 0 votos
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I will not use until onedrive can be used :-(

Flemming Rasmussen 0 votos
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