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DJM-400 Headphone Audio Issue

Hi there,

I've been having an issue with the headphone audio of my DJM-400. Audio outputs to speakers comes through absolutely fine but in the headphones, the bass is super distorted and low quality.

My set-up is technics 1210 mk2, pioneer plx-500, djm-400.

I've connected both mixers to the line/phono input the switches below are set to phono and the switches at the top of the top face are set to the line/phono setting.

I'm not sure if I've connected things up wrong but it's been really frustrating and it's tricky to mix like this!

Any help would be amazing.

luke riddell Respondida

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Hey Luke,

The audio routing to the headphones and the master output are run through different D/A converters, so it's possible that the master DAC has failed (or is failing). I'd recommend you contact a Pioneer DJ authorized service centre in your region to have your mixer inspected to see if there is an issue internally.

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