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RMX-1000 repair

Hi Pioneer Dj team! They brought me an RMX-1000 for repair. I know that you can't answer such questions, but maybe you can at least give me a hint so that I don't waste time ;)

UCOM IC7002 is broken in RMX-1000. This is the UPD78F1162AGC chip from Renesas. I think vendors will find this MCU for me. But, as far as I understand the architecture of the RMX-1000, the IC7002 has a bootloader firmware at the factory. An empty UPD78F1162AGC chip will not be able to flash itself in the RMX-1000 board, despite the fact that when the RMX-1000 FW is updated, the IC7002 also receives updates. In the service manual of RMX-1000, there is a table of faults when it is proposed to replace the UC7002, but it is not indicated, it must be flashed or may be empty.
Can I buy a blank UPD78F1162AGC chip or not waste time on it?

Greeb-mail Respondida

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If you're a service provider, please contact our support team for the information. If you're an end-user, I'm sorry but we cannot provide this detail for you - please take the unit to an authorized service center.

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