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FLX6 jog wheel requires minimum speed?

DDJ-FLX6 - Minimum Jog Wheel Speed Needed!?! (YouTube)

I got a brand new PioneerDJ DDJ-FLX6, but it seems to require a minimum speed of rotation for it to notice the jog wheel turning (see the video link above for an example of this). 

For comparison: On my DDJ-400 and DDJ-1000, moving the jog wheel from the side in VINYL MODE with the TRACK PAUSED will move the track *no matter how slow I rotate it*. But on the FLX6--with the exact same settings--it doesn't notice the rotation unless the wheel is rotated pretty fast.

My question: Is this the expected behavior of the FLX6? I.e.: Was this a conscious design decision made for the FLX6, because--after I posted this video and wrote about it on reddit--many people have mentioned that their FLX6's have the exact same issue (you can see some of these comments on my YouTube video) and here: FLX6 owner question (reddit).

So, if this is just a bad unit, then I will send it in for repairs (because I actually love the FLX6 except for this issue!), but if this is simply how the unit was designed to work then I'd like to avoid wasting everyone's time (including the Pioneer service centre) by doing multiple returns for something that cannot be fixed.

Thanks in advance for the help!

gh0sti3 Respondida

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The majority of users who had a problem with this were using a computer that did not provide adequate power over the USB as this is a bus-powered device. Changing ports, USB cables, or using a powered USB hub was found to resolve this problem for most users.

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Use the top of the jog instead of the side - do you have the same issue?

Pulse 0 votos
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On the right deck I have been able to rotate it from the top without it moving, however its usually OK.

However, my issue is:
If this is the sensitivity of the jog when rotated from the side, then this means most of my tempo "nudges" (when the track is playing in VINYL mode) are not being registered with rekordbox (since we can see that slow nudges aren't noticed).

I always play in VINYL mode, so my tempo nudges require use of the side of the wheel, and they also require a lot of sensitivity to properly beat match.

gh0sti3 0 votos
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Some devices which are USB bus-powered, like the FLX6, are sensitive to not receiving adequate power from the computer, and can exhibit behaviors like not responding to control inputs.

Have you tried using a different USB cable, USB port, or even a different computer?

Pulse 0 votos
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I haven't tried different computers or cables but I do have another laptop and 3 other cables (one of them being my 'official' Pioneer DDJ-400 cable) I can test with.

However: Are you saying that the FLX6 should be as sensitive as my DDJ-400 (which tracks the jog wheel rotations extremely precisely on the same laptop)??

This is really my main question... With all the other folks with same issue (some on Macs, some on PC), I had figured this was a conscious limitation of the hardware that Pioneer made. I'd be overjoyed if this was not the case :)

I will report back with results of my tests on my other laptop and with the other cables.

Do you have an FLX6 lying around that you can test with?

EDIT: Also--if a lack of power might be the issue here, would you recommend trying a powered USB hub?

gh0sti3 0 votos
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So I tested with 2 different laptops... my usual 2016 Asus ZenBook Pro (i7-6700HQ w/ 16 GB RAM), and also with a 2020 HP x360 (Ryzen 5 4500U w/ 8 GB RAM). Both laptops were plugged in. I tried 3 different cables. Same issue with all 3 cables on both laptops.

(NOTE: I tested with both rekordbox 6.6.1 and 6.4.1 on the Asus. I tested only using rekordbox 6.6.1 on the HP)

I then tried connecting to each laptop via a DYNEX *powered* USB Hub. For each test, the laptop and FLX6 were the only things connected to the hub. Again, same issue.

This is an extremely weird issue that appears to be software rather than hardware... I mean, how can the wheel tracking work precisely when rotated from the top, but not work as precisely when rotated from the side? It’s the same internal wheels and cogs turning right? So the internal sensors should be equally as sensitive for both types of wheel rotation, right?

In any case...

  • (1) Can Pioneer confirm that the FLX6 behavior shown in my YouTube video is NOT normal? Because, I'd like to know whether this is simply how the FLX6 was built to work, or whether this is abnormal behavior.
  • (2) I’m still in my return window...
  •       - Should I return this for a replacement?
  •       - Or should I send it in for repairs?


gh0sti3 0 votos
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Did you get a response from this, I have just ordered the FLX6 so when it arrives I will have a look.

Mark Ioannides 0 votos
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Never got a response to my last question. I returned the unit. Same problem on 2 additional laptops (including a surface book) and another powered USB hub... the chances that (in total) 4 laptops + 2 powered hubs were all defective (providing inadequate power) makes me certain the issue was the FLX6 unit.

gh0sti3 0 votos
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