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RX3 - sporadic click, cracks-sounds

Hi, i have experienced sporadic click-sounds during my gig. ocured seldom.
sounds a little bit like when a DAW is running in a cpu overload mode.

During the gig i had the tracks on the same usb stick  which i used in parallel for recording . The USB stick is a quite fast Samsung MUF-128BE3/EU BAR Plus 128 GB Typ-A USB 3.1 Flash Drive Champagne Silber. 

has anybody else the same problem?

Affe06 Respondida

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Does this only happen when recording or have you experienced the same issue when only playing 2 tracks at a time?

Pulse 0 votos
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No- it also occurs when not recording. I´m not sure but it might only happen if one deck is in loop mode.

Quantization is on, and it is not a click sound that repeats every time the loop reaches its starting or end point. Seems more like a jitter problem....

Affe06 0 votos
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so, i did more tests.
and yes the click sounds occure when playing a loop.

especially short loops e.g. 1bar loop create click sounds form time to time.

i have to test if this occurs with more tracks or only one track. could indeed be a little jitter in the loop timing



Affe06 0 votos
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Does the clicking only occur at the end/start of the loop?

Pulse 0 votos
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here is an example for sporadic clicks that occure during a loop active.


as you can hear there are from time to time loud clicks.
e.g. between secound 5 and 7.
In this example there was a four beat loop active
the clicks also occure when not in loop mode but seldom.
for example when loading a track or when using beat jumps

Affe06 0 votos
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within recordbox-SW not load clicks occure when setting the four beat loop at the same position

Affe06 0 votos
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Right - what I'm asking is does the click occur when the loop seams the end of the loop to the start of the loop?

Pulse 0 votos
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no -it doesn´t only occure at the start or end of a loop

as you can hear in the posted example, the click doesn´t occur at the same place with in that recorded four beat loop.

within a DAW i would guess that the problem is caused by the buffer size

Affe06 0 votos
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there is deffinitly something wrong - i also got sporadic clicks when doing other actions like playing with sound color effects, loading a track, setting a loop, doin a beat jump etc.
seldom - but definitly not ok at all for a 2000€ priced gear....

no body else with this kind of problem?

is this a known bug that will be solved via an upcoming update?

Else i will have to send it back to my dealer.  :( sad but true...

Affe06 0 votos
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what do you think?

do i have to send it back or will there be a bugfix in the near future?

- in principle i would love to keep it

Affe06 0 votos
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can you upload the track and I will try it on mine and do a 4 beat loop for a few minutes?



BriChi 0 votos
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also what type of file and i will test some of mine, MP3, WAV, Flac and so on?

BriChi 0 votos
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Hi BriChi,

well the problem is not limited to a single track.

and it is not only happening when a loop is active. just right now i mixed some tracks together and click sounds also sometimes occured  right at the moment when loading a new track to the not playing deck,

it also sometimes occured  when hitting the button to set a 8 beat or four beat loop (exactly in the moment when i was hitting the button to set the loop, not at the moment when the loop hits the end or starting point for its first reloop)

All tracks are from beatport. some are mp3 files some are aif files.



Affe06 0 votos
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in the already uploaded example nr 2 you can find another click sound between 3:07 and 3:09.

As you can hear i made some tests with the sweep sound effect - also that seems to rise the probability for sporadic clicks.




Affe06 0 votos
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@Pulse: What do you think?
Is it a problem with my specific device or a general problem?

If you need i have made more recordings where you can hear click-Sounds.

i even reformated my usb stick to test if this makes a difference - it does not.

i also used the same tracks and usb-sticks with a DDJ 1000MK2 Setup - and there i don´t have these problems at all.

Affe06 0 votos
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Same problems with flac files. They are clean also and provide from junodownload. Same click on different tracks and not everytime !

arnaud coriton 0 votos
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ciao a me succede sempre quando registro , e apro qlcosa sul pc è un disastro.

poi se lo lascio in utilizzato per 10 minuti si blocca e non va piu' con rekorbox nessun comando quindi va spento e riacceso, sicuramente al momento non andro mai a suonare dal vivo con questo RX3 non è possibile troppo rischioso e al suo costo non lo accetto

Kentz 0 votos
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As there was no answer from pioneer whether this problem will be solved via a firmware update I have returned the rx3 to my dealer :(

@Arnaud Coriton - what will you do? - also send it back?

Affe06 0 votos
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I updated the firmware, still the same problem. I will also return my RX3 because no response from Pioneer for this problem.
Did you order the same?

arnaud coriton 0 votos
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