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Varytec Hero spot 60 Fixture is a Joke

Sorry Guys, but the progamming for the Varytec Hero Spot 60 is ridiculously bad. Only 2 Colors, 2 gobos and 3 movements..... no matter what setting you use, club 1 or 2, hot subtle.... always the same 2 colors and gobos....

That is not good enough, even the internal Programs of the moving Head make a way better Lightshow. You really need to do some work on this. 

Tom Silver No planeada

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Hello Tom,

The issues on Varytec Hero Spot 60 moving heads (14 channel) were already fixed in rekordbox 6.6.5.
If you have not updated, please update to the latest library and rekordbox to see if any difference is made. 
Sorry for taking very long to fix the issues you kindly reported. 


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Hello Tom,

Sorry for the very late reply.

Actually, rekordbox lighting engineers are working on the issues you kindly reported. However, it may take time to fix such issues. 

Sorry for all the inconvenience and thank you for your kind patience until any news is ready. 

Keiko 0 votos
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Hello Tom, 

The Color issues were already fixed in rekordbox library Version 1344.

The lighting engineers tested on rekordbox lighting and Red, Yellow, Light Blue, Green, Purple and others are lit as specified in the manual. 

However, the Gobo issues should be fixed in the rekordbox application itself so that it will take time until it will be fixed in a rekordbox update. 

Keiko 0 votos
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Color Issues are not fixed, still only pink and orange.... at the end of tracks sometimes white... nothing else

Tom Silver 0 votos
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Here is an interesting fact...
I tried to programm the internal shows of the moving head in dmx direct control which did noch work... BUT when I programm channel 14 on-value 0 off-value 10 an activate, wait 10 seconds and than activate Interlude the moving head accept color changes. But only in interlude, as soon as I switch off interlude and it runs with the track the color is locked to pink again except club 2 which is white. Only restart of rekordbox makes that trick work again.

Tom Silver 0 votos
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I deleted everything, then updated the fixture library. now in 14 channel mode the colors work although they are always blue if you dont manually change the color or the mode. Gobos, Gobo Roation & Prisma do not work. I hope you can fix this in a future update.

Tom Silver 0 votos
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