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Chauvet DJ Gigbar Move + ILS

I just updated the fixture libary in Rekordbox. The light fixure has succesfully added. But it's not Customized like the other gigbars. Is it possible to customize it so I can dedicate what moving head 1 or 2 is?

Diede Wiegerinck No planeada

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Hello Daniel,

The combo fixture version of "Chauvet DJ Gigbar Move + ILS" is already available. 
 Please use the library version 1357 or later to see if any difference is made.

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Hello Diede,

Thank you for posting the lighting fixture. However, we do not understand which Gigbar version you are talking about to be honest. It will take time to customize such complicated Gigbars with multiple heads and will be almost impossible to customize all the features as you expected. 

Unfortunately, it will not work as expected even though the fixture was added to the library. Deeply sorry for not meeting your expectation.

Pioneer DJ Support

Keiko 1 voto
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Thanks for your answer, I know it's hard and almost impossible to customize all the features. The Gigbar version we're talking about is the GigBAR move + ILS. It's pretty similair to the GigBAR Move which is already customized. So maybe you can copy something from the GigBAR Move. It will be amazing if the GigBAR move +ILS will be customizeble like the GigBAR Move (See Picture). I hope you understand. 


Diede Wiegerinck 0 votos
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any news on this issue? im waiting for the customized mapping for the gb move+ ils too :-) big thx your support!

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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Hello all, 

Good news for you! rekordbox lighting engineers decided to customize "Chauvet DJ Gigbar Move + ILS" as a combo fixture. 

However, please understand the channels with (*2), whose features are not currently supported in the rekordbox lighting, will not be supported even if the fixture is customized.  

Thank you for your patience until the customized mapping is ready. 

Keiko 0 votos
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big thx to the team for adding this! :-)

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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rekordbox lighting engineers customized and released "Chauvet DJ Gigbar Move + ILS" as a combo fixture in ver 1352.

However, please understand the channels with (*2), whose features are currently unsupported in the rekordbox lighting, will not be supported even if the fixture is customized.  

Keiko 0 votos
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thx for the update @keiko! it seems that the moving head function is still not working. the moving heads are moving somehow (weird) but no light out of them, rest seems to work also not as expected in a first test.

edit: laser is not working (also not on direct dmx) and derby movement also not.

there is something screwed up in the mapping it tried to add the moving head lights manually via direct dmx, but this also wont work.

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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Thanks for adding! I'm gonna test it this weekend. So i will see if it works for me. 

Diede Wiegerinck 1 voto
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@Diede how was your Test? For me this mapping (and also the previous one) isn't usable.

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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Hello Daniel and Diede,

rekordbox lighting engineers would like to know the detailed information. In which mode and what kind of programs you configured in the lighting fixture. If possible, please provide us with the screen captures of the problematic parts of the fixture program. 

Does the moving head light only in white color or doesn't it light at all?

Keiko 0 votos
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@Daniel,@Keiko I found the problem. There is a difference between the US version and EU version of the gigbar move + ILS. The Laser inputs are different. The US version is a 50 Chs fixture and the EU version is 52 Chs fixture. The problem can be solved by changing the laser fixture with the laser fixture of the Gigbar move (Customized) [Same laser as on the gigbar move + ILS]. If you do that everything works fine by me!

I tried to explain it in this picutre. Hope that you understand. 

Diede Wiegerinck 0 votos
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Dear Diede,

Could you please provide us a link to this EU version manual with the 52 channels so that we can add it?

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votos
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tested it and it works nearly fine big thx to diede for the hack. what doesn't seem to work is the derby movement/rotation. They're not marked with *2 so i assume this should work? a fix for the derby movement would be really nice!

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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tested it on a few gigs now found following issues:

- Derby Movement not working

- Gobos aren't really changing

- Pls add fine pan&tilt. the movent is somehow stuttery (same as on the gigbar move mk1).


Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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hy keiko, 


thx for adding it, will test it and report!

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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Hi, great to see the update to the gigbar move has it working so much better. One thing I would love to see if possible - would love to have a proper 'white ambient' mode. Unfortunately, when you set it to interlude and white, all the fixtures are open white except for the derby lights, which go full RGB, ruining the effect. If it's possible for the derby's to just be off for say all-white interlude 1, that would be awesome

James Beecroft 0 votos
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Tested it exzessively last weekend still major features missing.

- no automatic gobo change

- no derby movement

- when choosing color white the laser stays on and delivers red and green (laser off would make sense)


but thx for adding the circled dots as standard gobo, thats better than the spot.

Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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Hello all,

Thank you for your feedback to the combo fixture version.

To James Beecroft:
In CH15-17(CH21-23), all RGB are mixed to create white color, but in CH18/24, Control White has not been supported. (*2) is at the end of CH18, which means unsupported feature.  

To Daniel Ventura:

- We are not sure what "automatic gobo change" indicates. We have never heard of such a feature.

- What do you expect specifically in the derby movement? Do you want to say rotation does not work in derby?  

- When choosing color white, the laser stays on and delivers red and green. (laser off make sense)
We believe Laser with (*2) has not been supported in rekordbox lighting.
Which part of the fixture is lit in red or green even though you chose color white? 

Pioneer DJ Support

Keiko 0 votos
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Hy Keiko,

thx for your feedback!

Regarding "Gobo Change" i assume since the gobo change seems to be supported there should be a change during the track, at the moment the gobos are static. would be great if they change automatically.


Regarding "Derby Movement": yes, the roration of the derby does not work.

Regarding "Laser": this has to get explained by Diede, he reported me this issue :-) @Diede: here you go.


Daniel Ventura 0 votos
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Hello Keiko,

The problem with the Laser is that the colors aren't correct. When i preset all lights to be white, only the red and green laser goes on. The blue one misses here. When i choose magenta the laser is only red coloured. So probaly this isn't correctly in the script. Could you fix this? 

Diede Wiegerinck 0 votos
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Hello all,

Before answering your feedback, please understand Laser fixtures have not been officially supported by rekordbox. Thus, we cannot customize all the features as you expected.  

Nevertheless, rekordbox lighting engineers tested with the simulator and identified the issues below. 

R/G/B work as expected, but other colors seem to be different from what are specified in the manual except for Yellow.
The values of R/G/B should be correct. 
Please check the behaviors when using Red/Green/Blue instead of White or Mazenta.
If some colors are wrong, the manual may not describe the actual colors lit by the fixture. 
We would like to ask you to check if they work in the same ways described in the manual by using the Direct Control feature and setting values in the Channel 32 as shown below.

Keiko 0 votos
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