I have both a Beamz SB1500LED Smoke & Bubble machine and a Beamz Multi Acis IV but i can not find them, Can you please ad them to the Lighting Fixture
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Please keep in mind to create one post per fixture. Could you send us the complete manuals for those fixtures? Please take a look at this post.
We need links to the product manuals in order to complete your request.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

* Tronios BV - www.tronios.com - Beamz - Multi Acis IV / 153.671 - 4 van 13 kanalen.
* Tronios BV - www.tronios.com - Balken - SB1500LED / 160.524 - Smoke & Bubble Machine RGB LED's - 8 Kanalen

Steinigke Showtechnic - www.steinigke.com - Eurolite - LED ML-56 COB UV 80W Zwart / 51930320 - 1-3 kanalen

* Ayra professionele verlichtingsproducten - Ayra - UV LED Blaster / LED Blacklight Projector - 1-2 kanalen.
* Ayra professionele verlichtingsproducten - Ayra - WSM-Black 01 - Rookmachine - 1 kanaal
Dit is alle informatie die wij hebben van de lichten en de rookmachines
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Danny De Kinders en Peeters Inge

Please send us link to the product's page o manual and also keep in mind to create one post per fixture.
We need links to the product manuals in order to complete your request.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Met vriendelijke groeten,
De Kinders Danny & Peeters Inge

Your lighting fixtures have been added to the AtlaBase library. They will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update. Please find the latest update of the fixture library here.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

it seems that the Beamz SB1500 Bubble Haze has another dmx mapping than mentioned in the manual, i contacted them and they corrected it:
We have recently recvised the manual with correct DMX setting which you can find below and I have also add this revised manual.
- Pump(Smoke) 0-4 no operation 5-255 level
- Fan 0-9 no operation 10-255 level
- Bubble wheel rot. 0-9 no operation 10-255 speed
- Main dimmer 0-7 no operation 8-255 level
- Red led 0-7 no operation 8-255 level When Main on 255
- Green led 0-7 no operation 8-255 level When Main on 255
- Blue led 0-7 no operation 8-255 level When Main on 255
- Strobe 0-1 no operation 2-255 speed (Upto 4 Hz)
- Auto program 0 is off 1 - 255 speed of steps
thx for fixing!

Could you please send us a link to the updated manual?
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

sure they sent me the new manual, here is the screenshot of the relevant section (this also applies to the sb2000)

Could you please send us a link to the complete manual (not a screenshot)?
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

got it?

Thank you.
Your fixture request has been updated in the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd