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Rekordbox Lighting Dimmer

Is it possible to Copy and Paste your personal edited Dimmer settings in the macro editor? For example if I want the lights to turn on at a clap in the song halfway bright and dim down and then hit again at halfway bright. Instead of manually clicking in the dot because it also doesn’t seem to snap to the grid unless you zoom all the way in.
Jacob Lindemann No planeada

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Hi Jacob,

Apologies that we were not able to reply back earlier. 

Please refer to attached comments from rekordbox engineering team.


Pioneer DJ Support. 


Copy and paste in the MACRO EDITOR and the SCENE EDITOR can be performed only within the same track or the same scene. 
MASTER DIMMER can be operated manually so that you need to edit the MACRO EDITOR for each lighting fixture and each track. 
We receive this customer's request to control the MASTER DIMMER in each track. 

Snap to the grid can be switched on and off using the icon below. 
At the grids shown in the vertical lines in the EDITOR can be snapped. 
When max zoomed out, every 1/2 beat the grid can be snapped and when max zoomed in, every 1/8 beat. 

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